“A successful business school shouldn’t serve as an ivory tower where people can only see its luxurious shape from a distance, but business school should be able to tackle problems that occurred in the society. It is my role as an academician and intellectual to contribute more to the society,” said Yudo after being awarded as The Best Community Service and Institutional Development from SBM ITB.

Telling about his community service and institutional development approach, Yudo divided his activities into three parts such as executive education, community development, and institutional development.

“My memorable moment was when I designed and delivered executive education program for local leaders in making good policy. Participants came from various local governments across the country such as Tanimbar, Siak, Bengkalis, and Buleleng. They showed good enthusiasm during the learning process and I expect that they can implement what they have learned at SBM ITB in their local area,” Yudo added.

In community development, he won a grant from The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC). Here, Yudo teamed up with the Australian scholars to visit some rural areas in Purwakarta and Morotai, Maluku. He met with and local people and community leaders to discuss strategies to develop their local communities based on renewable energy initiatives.

The last part of his community service activities was the institutional development. “Business school cannot be separated from the society. SBM ITB as one of the best needs to have strong ties and network to prominent institutions to make good collaboration initiatives,” told the Fulbright scholar.

Some of these initiatives, according to him, included making strong network with prominent international institutions such as with the Embassy of Australia, Colombia, China, and Belgium in Jakarta. “If we want to have regional and global view, SBM ITB needs to set strong ties with such reputable international institutions,” told Yudo who actively initiated many collaborations on workshops and seminars with the embassies.

About Dr Yudo Anggoro. He is a faculty member from People and Knowledge Management interest group at SBM ITB. He is now also Deputy Director of MBA Jakarta program. He got his Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from ITB, Master of Science in Management from SBM ITB, and a PhD in Public Policy from the University of North Carolina.  Aside from his academic role at SBM ITB, Yudo also serves PT Transportasi Jakarta (TransJakarta) as the Audit and GCG Committee where he advises the Commissioners in implementing Good Corporate Governance at this public transportation company.