That was the theme that had been carried on HR Luncheon Talk last Wednesday (14/3/2012). Took place at MBA ITB Jakarta campus, the talkshow brought USAID (United States Agency for International Development) as keynote speakers. USAID researchers, Daniel Bellefleur and Patrick Tangkau, presented their research about the conditions and labor laws in Indonesia to be compared with Cambodia and Vietnam.

Demikian tema diskusi yang diusung dalam HR Luncheon Talk (14/3/2012). Bertempat di kampus MBA ITB Jakarta, acara ini menghadirkan tim peneliti dari USAID (United State Agency for International Development), sebagai pembicara. Tim yang digawangi oleh Daniel Bellefleur dan Patrick Tangkau, kemudian, mempresentasikan hasil penelitian mereka mengenai kondisi dan hukum perburuhan yang ada di Indonesia, Kamboja, dan Vietnam.

To invite participants who mostly were Human Resources of various institutions and NGOs, the talkshow were moderatored by lawyer, Lusie I. Susantono. Began with the labor law comparison between Indonesia and Cambodia as well as Vietnam, this case-study based on garment & textile industries involved stakeholder analysis referred to their in-depth interview with Government, Employer, Employee, and Labor Union.

Questions and suggestions filled the atmosphere. At the end of their presentation, USAID team sent out their recommendations in which could be applied in labor-intensive institutions. Of course, the implementation of those recommendations would depend on the existed policy of the institution itself.

Interesting! One of the recommendations that divided the audiences was “To decrease the length of sick leave to a maximum of six months; 100 percent wages paid for the first month, 60 percent for second and third month, 50 percent for fourth and sixth month”. How about your institution? Any chance to implement that recommendation?

See you in our upcoming HR Luncheon Talk. If you wish to get invited to our similar event, please email us at

Mengundang praktisi Human Resource dari industri terkemuka dan beberapa NGO nasional maupun internasional, acara yang dimoderatori praktisi hukum Lusie I. Susantono ini berlangsung hangat. Diawali dengan perbandingan hukum perburuhan di Indonesia dengan hukum di Kamboja dan Vietnam, pemaparan studi yang bersandar pada industri garmen & tekstil ini mencakup stakeholder analysis yang merupakan hasil interview peneliti dengan Government, Employer, Employee, dan Labor Union.

Berbagai pertanyaan dan tanggapan dari para undangan yang beragam pun dilontarkan. Di akhir presentasi, tim USAID pun memberikan beberapa rekomendasi yang bisa diterapkan dalam perusahaan dengan jumlah tenaga kerja yang cukup tinggi. Tentu saja, penerapan rekomendasi tersebut akan kembali pada kebijakan perusahaan tesebut.

Menarik! Salah satu rekomendasi dari USAID yang mengundang pro & kontra adalah “To decrease the length of sick leave to a maximum of six months; 100 percent wages paid for the first month, 60 percent for second and third month, 50 percent for fourth and sixth month”. Nah, bagaimana dengan institusi Anda? Mungkinkah untuk menerapkan rekomendasi ini?

Sampai jumpa di HR Luncheon Talk berikutnya. Dan, apabila institusi Anda tertarik untuk mengikuti acara Talkshow serupa, silakan email ke