The School of Business and Management ITB (SBM ITB) represented by Prof. Sudarso Kaderi and Yamaguchi University, Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management (YUMOT) represented by Prof. Ken Kaminishi, Ph.D, have conducted an MoA signing. This event was held at SBM ITB Meeting Room, Thursday, December 20, 2012.
The MoA includes collaboration in business boot-camp programs, joint projects in education and joint research project between the SBM ITB and YUMOT. Business Boot-camp will be commenced in August 2013 with participants from both universities. While the joint project on education will begin to be implemented by March 2013, in the form of exchange of teachers between SBM ITB and Yamaguchi University.
The initiation of this partnership is expected to open up wider collaboration opportunities between SBM ITB and YUMOT, and provide significant benefit for both students and also improve the quality of teaching of the two schools. *** DD

Bertempat di Meeting Room SBM ITB, Kamis 20 Desember 2012 telah dilaksanakan penandatangan MoA antara Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen ITB (SBM ITB) diwakili oleh Prof. Sudarso Kaderi dan Yamaguchi University, Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management (YUMOT) diwakili oleh Prof. Ken Kaminishi, Ph.D.

Moa ini meliputi kerjasama untuk program business boot-camp, joint project in education dan joint project on research antara SBM ITB dan YUMOT. Business Boot-camp ini akan mulai dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2013 dengan peserta dari kedua universitas. Sedangkan joint project on education akan mulai dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2013, berupa pertukaran pengajar antara SBM ITB dan dan Yamaguchi University.

Inisiasi kerjasama ini diharapkan dapat membuka peluang kerjasama yang lebih luas lagi antara SBM ITB dan YUMOT, dan dapat memberi manfaat bagi mahasiswa juga meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran kedua sekolah ini. ***DD