image3Thursday,18th June 2015 ITB and Yayasan United in Diversity (UID) has been signed MoU to collaborate together to develop new leaders in Indonesia. The MoU signed at Rektorat Building Rapim ACCAR and signed by Prof. Kadarsyah Suryadi, DEA from ITB and Dr. Jatna Supriatna from Yayasan UID.image3Thursday,18th June 2015 ITB and Yayasan United in Diversity (UID) has been signed MoU to collaborate together to develop new leaders in Indonesia. The MoU signed at Rektorat Building Rapim ACCAR and signed by Prof. Kadarsyah Suryadi, DEA from ITB and Dr. Jatna Supriatna from Yayasan UID.
Together with ITB, UID agreed to cooperate at least in a period of 5 years to realize some of the main program, include: (1) the development of instructional leadership devoted specifically to the leaders who sat in state enterprises and local governments in particular areas of West Java; (2) Development of leadership learning three sectors: business, government, and society is an extension IDEAS activities at the local level; and (3)Development Learning Center Leadership (Leadership Learning Center) at ITB environment which can be a “Center of Excellence” instructional leadership in Indonesia. Learning programs that do will integrate three types of knowledge: technical knowledge (know-what), practical knowledge (know-how) and the self-transformation of knowledge (know-who),which can ultimately increase the understanding of himself and the future. This integration is the key to re-create an effective learning process in preparing the leaders at all levels in order to make relevant interventions, systemic and innovative in achieving the goals of Sustainable Development in Indonesia, said Mr. Aristides.

ITB and UID cooperation guided by the spirit and ideals of the same, that Indonesia needs new leaders, leaders who can inspire his followers, who are able to empower the potential of society, academics, businessman and civil state apparatus, to work together realizing sustainable development and improve the better quality of life.

In the MoU signing, Prof. Dr.Ir. Jann Hidajat stressed that in the context of Indonesia, we are faced with two challenges:

  1. As a commitment to become a democratic country, Indonesia run election process / elections, to elect a leader from the district / city level to the President.The question arises: How much funding has the government election and the communit yspent? Is the electoral process has been effective to choose the best leaders? To answer thequestion, we see the challenge Indonesia to-two below.
  2. Indonesia has entered the era of regional autonomy, which led District / City have greater autonomy to develop the regions. Regional development report shows that to date, there aremany Regency / City which have not managed to develop their regions. Can we observed thatthe area managed mainly because regional leaders have the knowledge / skills and goodleadership character. I would like to conclude here, that the leadership competencies of theregional leaders, is a key factor of regional development. If successful regional development,economic growth and migration spread will decrease, so the problem of social, cultural andnational environment will be better. This explanation once to answer the above question, thata very large election fund can not choose the best leaders, so that Indonesia has not been ableto fix the economic, social, cultural and environmental, mainly because Indonesia lacks’stock’ competent leader, or Indonesia is experiencing a crisis leadership.

The challenges ahead are enormous, but through cooperation and shared commitment, UIDand ITB until 2020, believes to prepare and give birth to 300 new leaders for the Indonesian nation that will make positive changes and create new hope to build a new Indonesia sustainably and improve quality of life all Indonesian people
Together with ITB, UID agreed to cooperate at least in a period of 5 years to realize some of the main program, include: (1) the development of instructional leadership devoted specifically to the leaders who sat in state enterprises and local governments in particular areas of West Java; (2) Development of leadership learning three sectors: business, government, and society is an extension IDEAS activities at the local level; and (3)Development Learning Center Leadership (Leadership Learning Center) at ITB environment which can be a “Center of Excellence” instructional leadership in Indonesia. Learning programs that do will integrate three types of knowledge: technical knowledge (know-what), practical knowledge (know-how) and the self-transformation of knowledge (know-who),which can ultimately increase the understanding of himself and the future. This integration is the key to re-create an effective learning process in preparing the leaders at all levels in order to make relevant interventions, systemic and innovative in achieving the goals of Sustainable Development in Indonesia, said Mr. Aristides.

ITB and UID cooperation guided by the spirit and ideals of the same, that Indonesia needs new leaders, leaders who can inspire his followers, who are able to empower the potential of society, academics, businessman and civil state apparatus, to work together realizing sustainable development and improve the better quality of life.

In the MoU signing, Prof. Dr.Ir. Jann Hidajat stressed that in the context of Indonesia, we are faced with two challenges:

  1. As a commitment to become a democratic country, Indonesia run election process / elections, to elect a leader from the district / city level to the President.The question arises: How much funding has the government election and the community spent? Is the electoral process has been effective to choose the best leaders? To answer thequestion, we see the challenge Indonesia to-two below.
  2. Indonesia has entered the era of regional autonomy, which led District / City have greater autonomy to develop the regions. Regional development report shows that to date, there aremany Regency / City which have not managed to develop their regions. Can we observed thatthe area managed mainly because regional leaders have the knowledge / skills and goodleadership character. I would like to conclude here, that the leadership competencies of theregional leaders, is a key factor of regional development. If successful regional development,economic growth and migration spread will decrease, so the problem of social, cultural andnational environment will be better. This explanation once to answer the above question, thata very large election fund can not choose the best leaders, so that Indonesia has not been ableto fix the economic, social, cultural and environmental, mainly because Indonesia lacks’stock’ competent leader, or Indonesia is experiencing a crisis leadership.

The challenges ahead are enormous, but through cooperation and shared commitment, UIDand ITB until 2020, believes to prepare and give birth to 300 new leaders for the Indonesian nation that will make positive changes and create new hope to build a new Indonesia sustainably and improve quality of life all Indonesian people