KEIO WorkshopKEIO University in collaboration with SBM ITB held workshop on 11-12 February 2016 at MBA ITB Bandung. The workshop is continuation of the previous workshop which held last year. This program is the part of EDGE program ‘Enhancing the Development Global of Entrepreneurs’ funded by Japanese Government.KEIO WorkshopKEIO University in collaboration with SBM ITB held workshop on 11-12 February 2016 at MBA ITB Bandung. The workshop is continuation of the previous workshop which held last year. This program is the part of EDGE program ‘Enhancing the Development Global of Entrepreneurs’ funded by Japanese Government.

The speakers who contributed to this workshop are :

  • IOKI, Makoto – Associate professor, SDM KEIO University
  • TOMITA, Yoshikazu – Lecturer, SDM KEIO University
  • WATANABE, Kyoko – Project Researcher, SDM KEIO University
  • TAKETANI, Fumii – Teaching Assistant, SDM KEIO University
  • ASADA, Kotaro – Teaching Assistant, SDM KEIO University

One of the interesting topic is about system thinking, the systems approach are really friendly for business and management students to understand, one of them is Customer Value Chain Analysis (CVCA) that is really important to determine the stakeholders and their values. Another one is prototyping process, learning how to understand a verification and validation in order to make the value proposition to do the right thing in the right way!

The workshop is quite interesting. It was attended more than 40 students and lecturers. They gave all their best performance during the workshop. Moreover, KEIO EDGE Program provides an opportunity for only one candidate from Indonesia to travel and perform the project-based in Japan during September – December 2016. Keio University has recruited six candidates among those students from their performances during the workshop. Then, the candidates have to be interviewed by KEIO lecturers and they will chose only one students among the six candidates. Congratulation to Jocelyn Andria Tjahjana, Azalia Shafira, Mikhael Tjhi, Bismo Jelantik, Slamet Riyadi and Awan Rimbawan as the 6 paticipants selected to be the candidates to join the KEIO EDGE workshop in Japan for 3 months in fall season. Now we are waiting for the announcement of the winner.

By : Agnes Grace & Erlangga Mahardika


Erlangga Mahardhika’s Short Story During His Workshop In Keio University Japan For 3 Months (September – December)

Enhancing Development of Global Entrepreneur (EDGE) program funded by MEXT leads me to understand and to realize how value creation is so important to modern business practices through Innovative Design Thinking process with interdisciplinary approach. I learned a deeper understanding about design thinking, system thinking and business synthesis. People from around 12 countries not only from Asia but also from United States and Europe were joining this workshop with diverse background such as design, engineering, medical and social science. We are team-up to solve a problem definition with many interesting case studies.

The intensive 1 week workshop and 3 months Project Based Learning (PBL) are the learning process that I’ve learned during my studies in Keio university in Hiyoshi campus. Prototyping process is my most favorite one because I experienced the sophisticated prototyping laboratorium equipped with many types of 3D printers, laser cutting devices and even multimedia equipments for audio and video production. This is a place to make your dream come true!

My field trip to Okushiri island in Hokkaido perfecture where I helped KEIO team member for the geothermal energy source utilization research project and my opportunity to visit JAXA the Japanese space agency are some of the amazing experiences for me. Not only for the learning part but I also experienced the fun part. Trying the Japanese cuisine such as ramen, soba, udon and sushi which is really exciting for me and wearing traditional Yukata clothing for the first time in my life are really an unforgettable memories for me . Inspite of it all, the most priceless thing is extending network by making new friends and now they are my big family!

By : Erlangga Mahardika

Erlangga's Overall Experiences
Erlangga’s Overall Experiences

Erlangga's Field Project
Erlangga’s Field Project

The speakers who contributed to this workshop are :

  • IOKI, Makoto – Associate professor, SDM KEIO University
  • TOMITA, Yoshikazu – Lecturer, SDM KEIO University
  • WATANABE, Kyoko – Project Researcher, SDM KEIO University
  • TAKETANI, Fumii – Teaching Assistant, SDM KEIO University
  • ASADA, Kotaro – Teaching Assistant, SDM KEIO University

One of the interesting topic is about system thinking, the systems approach are really friendly for business and management students to understand, one of them is Customer Value Chain Analysis (CVCA) that is really important to determine the stakeholders and their values. Another one is prototyping process, learning how to understand a verification and validation in order to make the value proposition to do the right thing in the right way!

The workshop is quite interesting. It was attended more than 40 students and lecturers. They gave all their best performance during the workshop. Moreover, KEIO EDGE Program provides an opportunity for only one candidate from Indonesia to travel and perform the project-based in Japan during September – December 2016.Keio University has recruited six candidates among those students from their performances during the workshop. Then, the candidates have to be interviewed by KEIO lecturers and they will chose only one students among the six candidates.Congratulation to Jocelyn Andria Tjahjana, Azalia Shafira, Mikhael Tjhi, Bismo Jelantik, Slamet Riyadi and Awan Rimbawan as the 6 paticipants selected to be the candidates to join the KEIO EDGE workshop in Japan for 3 months in fall season. Now we are waiting for the announcement of the winner.

By : Agnes Grace & Erlangga Mahardika


Erlangga Mahardhika’s Short Story During His Workshop In Keio University Japan For 3 Months (September – December)

Enhancing Development of Global Entrepreneur (EDGE) program funded by MEXT leads me to understand and to realize how value creation is so important to modern business practices through Innovative Design Thinking process with interdisciplinary approach. I learned a deeper understanding about design thinking, system thinking and business synthesis. People from around 12 countries not only from Asia but also from United States and Europe were joining this workshop with diverse background such as design, engineering, medical and social science. We are team-up to solve a problem definition with many interesting case studies.

The intensive 1 week workshop and 3 months Project Based Learning (PBL) are the learning process that I’ve learned during my studies in Keio university in Hiyoshi campus. Prototyping process is my most favorite one because I experienced the sophisticated prototyping laboratorium equipped with many types of 3D printers, laser cutting devices and even multimedia equipments for audio and video production. This is a place to make your dream come true!

My field trip to Okushiri island in Hokkaido perfecture where I helped KEIO team member for the geothermal energy source utilization research project and my opportunity to visit JAXA the Japanese space agency are some of the amazing experiences for me. Not only for the learning part but I also experienced the fun part. Trying the Japanese cuisine such as ramen, soba, udon and sushi which is really exciting for me and wearing traditional Yukata clothing for the first time in my life are really an unforgettable memories for me . Inspite of it all, the most priceless thing is extending network by making new friends and now they are my big family!

By : Erlangga Mahardika

Erlangga's Overall Experiences
Erlangga’s Overall Experiences

Erlangga's Field Project
Erlangga’s Field Project