Acara pitching startup tahunan terbesar di Bandung yang diinisiasi oleh The Greater Hub ITB, Bandung Startup Pitching Day, kembali hadir pada Kamis (16/6/2022) untuk kelima kalinya. Setelah dua tahun diselenggarakan secara daring, Bandung Startup Pitching Day kali ini dilaksanakan dengan metode hybrid, yaitu secara daring melalui video conference dan luring di kampus ITB.

Acara yang merupakan hasil kolaborasi enam entitas terkemuka dari ekosistem startup di Bandung yaitu The Greater Hub ITB, LPIK ITB, Startup Bandung, Geek Hunter, Xendit, dan Block 71 Bandung ini menghubungkan startupstartup terpilih dengan venture capital dan angel investor dari dalam dan luar negeri. Startup yang berpartisipasi dalam acara ini adalah IJO, Huniflex, Tongbos, Cody Kit, JUBELO, Investly, Menno, Kulaku-Coconut Energy Indonesia, Cooklative, Reekan, Harmoniz, LesQ, iWindMSS (Smart Wind Turbine),, Karla Bionics, Konsela, Belajardeen, Finca, Alture Beauty and Wellness, dan Widya Skilloka. Startupstartup tersebut telah melalui seleksi ketat dan terpilih menjadi 20 terbaik dari total 69 startup yang mendaftar.

Adapun venture capital yang hadir dalam acara ini yaitu 1982 VC, Alpha JWC Ventures, Alpha Momentum Indonesia, Antler, Arise VC, Bayu Syerli, Dream Incubator, East Venture, Endeavor, Ficus VC, Finch Capital, Future Play, Go-Ventures, Ideosource Entertainment, Javas Venture, MDI Ventures, Meet Ventures, Moonshot Ventures, Northstar, Open Space Venture, Salim Group, STRIVE, Supernovae, Sweef Capital, Telkomsel Corporate Accelerator (Tinc), TMI, Venturra Discovery, dan Vertex Ventures.

Selain kesempatan untuk menggaet investor, startup yang berpartisipasi juga memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan uang tunai, souvenir, Xendit credit senilai Rp 300-500 juta, AWS credit sejumlah USD 10.000, dan free inkubasi selama 3 bulan oleh Block71 Bandung dari penghargaan yang diperlombakan. Empat startup yang berhasil memenangkan penghargaan tersebut adalah Karla Bionics (Most Innovative), Investly (Best Speech), IJO (Most Impactful), dan Cody Kit (Most Marketable).

Direktur The Greater Hub ITB, Dr. Dina Dellyana, mengatakan bahwa kegiatan tahunan ini memiliki tujuan utama untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan ekosistem startup di Indonesia. Kegiatan ini juga dirancang sebagai wadah pembelajaran untuk anak muda, penggiat dunia startup, dan wirausaha baru. 

Dina berharap, melalui acara Bandung Startup Pitching Day ini, startupstartup mendapatkan akses untuk menarik perhatian investor dan mendapatkan pendanaan untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya.

The biggest annual startup pitching event in Bandung initiated by The Greater Hub ITB, Bandung Startup Pitching Day, is back for its fifth event Thursday (16/6/2022). After two years of being held online, this year’s Bandung Startup Pitching Day is held hybrid, online through video conferencing and offline at the ITB campus.

The event is a collaboration of six leading entities from the startup ecosystem in Bandung, namely The Greater Hub ITB, LPIK ITB, Startup Bandung, Geek Hunter, Xendit, and Block 71 Bandung, connects best startups with national and international venture capital & angel investors. The startups participating in this event are IJO, Huniflex, Tongbos, Cody Kit, JUBELO, Investly, Menno, Kulaku-Coconut Energy Indonesia, Cooklative, Reekan, Harmoniz, LesQ, iWindMSS (Smart Wind Turbine),, Karla Bionics, Konsela, Learndeen, Finca, Alture Beauty and Wellness, and Widya Skilloka. These startups have undergone a rigorous selection process and came out as the best 20 out of 69 registered startups.

1982 VC, Alpha JWC Ventures, Alpha Momentum Indonesia, Antler, Arise VC, Bayu Syerli, Dream Incubator, East Venture, Endeavor, Ficus VC, Finch Capital, Future Play, Go-Ventures, Ideosource Entertainment, Javas Venture, MDI Ventures, Meet Ventures, Moonshot Ventures, Northstar, Open Space Venture, Salim Group, STRIVE, Supernovae, Sweet Capital, Telkomsel Corporate Accelerator (Tinc), TMI, Venturra Discovery, and Vertex Ventures are the venture capital attended this event.

In addition to the opportunity to attract investors, participating startups also have the chance to get cash, souvenirs, Xendit credit worth Rp 300-500 million, AWS credit in the amount of USD 10,000, and free incubation for three months by Block71 Bandung from the awards that were contested. Four startups won the awards, namely: Karla Bionics (Most Innovative), Investly (Best Speech), IJO (Most Impactful), and Cody Kit (Most Marketable).

The Director of The Greater Hub ITB, Dr. Dina Dellyana, said that this annual event aims to grow and improve the startup ecosystem in Indonesia. Dina hopes that through this Bandung Startup Pitching Day event, startups will gain access to attract investors’ attention and obtain resources to grow their business. This activity is also designed as a learning platform for young people, startup world activists, and new entrepreneurs.

Kontributor: Janitra Nur Aryani, Manajemen 2023