The phenomena we are facing in the real world are unpredictable. They involve so many elements i.e., stakeholders, many and unstructured relationships, and hard-to-find proper solutions. However, we can make the phenomena structured by combining data analysis and modeling and simulation. With this kind of approach, we obtain a deeper understanding of the phenomena which helps us in decision making.

Big Data Analysis and Social Simulation Laboratory was established to support both applied and basic business and social research that involves numerically intensive computations and visualizations of extremely large data sets. The lab provides high-end computing and visualization capabilities to support research on cost-effective and efficient techniques for managing the development of complex business and social systems. It also facilitates participation of stakeholders (academician, business, and government) to interact in order to help them develop policy.


  1. Facilitating students research
  2. Developing models on business and social issues
  3. Inviting stakeholders to interact (workshops and trainings)


The laboratory has established a partnership with TIBCO Software Inc. The goal of the collaboration is to expand data analytics capabilities and knowledge in Indonesia. The activities include workshops, internships, and other practice-based trainings to equip students with technological skills essential for their careers after graduation.


Head of Laboratory:
Dr. Eng. Manahan Siallagan S.Si, MT, M.Sc

Contact Us

SBM ITB Big Data Analysis and Social Simulation Laboratory Lab
SBM ITB Building, 3rd floor

Jl. Ganesha No.10, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Phone: (+622) 2531923