The practical approach of this program designed by our lecturers who are experts from the worlds of business and research gives you the opportunity to interact with real entrepreneurs and gain industry experience.

Once you get in, you will be in the ecosystem of active learners where students proactively create their own opportunities in order to enhance their learning and implement it to their business which they manage along the study. To build your business competitive advantage, we highly encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration with other majors in ITB, from STEM to art and design, as we believe it will trigger astonishing innovations for your business. Also, you can get your business supported by SBM ITB business incubator and business laboratories. There, you can leverage your network and get best practical advice from industry experts and stakeholders.

So, ready to make the most of your study and transform yourself to be an innovative entrepreneur?

Sonny Rustiadi, Ph. D
Chair of Undergraduate Program in Entrepreneurship



Learning Goals & Objectives

Here are aspects that we aim to get you excel on throughout your journey in Bachelor of Entrepreneurship program:

Business Knowledge

Understand the business concept including business preparation such as research the market; collect and analyze the supporting data

Familiar and accustomed with opportunity identification

Know how to develop the idea into the feasible business opportunity and explain it into the detailed business planning and model

Entrepreneurial Attitude

Manage the risks related to start up and use their scarce resource and data as their basis for decision

Having persistence attitude in facing the dynamic business environment

Business Practice

Executing their business idea

Applying business knowledge in their startup business

Applying skills in term of managing resources in their business

Value Creation

Understand the concept of creativity and innovation

Analyzing the problem and offering alternatives solution in the business context

Understand the concepts of new product development

Understand the concepts of business development process

Sustainable & Ethical Business Strategies

Running their business with environmental and social consciousness

Responsible and ethical in doing the business