Did you notice that offices in multinational and big corporations are getting more and more “fun”? For example, take Google’s office. Their office looks more like a theme park than an actual office with cubicles and fax machines. You might think, “what on earth is happening?” This is a result of the rise of the millennial workforce.

As new generations are rising to the workforce, how we lead them will change as well. In SBM ITB Talks episode 23, Hermawan Sutanto delivers an insightful podcast regarding leading the millennials today. The COO of Vidio.com addresses the critical method to retain and lead millennials.

Before you lead someone, you must know and identify their characteristics. Hermawan started by informing the aspects of millennials. Most of them are tech-savvy, loves flexibility, and is more informal than the older generations. Thus, catering to their characteristics will help leaders in leading effectively.

Then, Hermawan addresses the issue where millennials are known for their turnover rates. Millennials are infamous for hopping through jobs as opportunities arise. So, Hermawan described the methods he took to retain and lead his team.

“Every time Vidio hires new employees, we instill Vidio’s mission and vision. Then, we insist and highlight to the new employees that our success depends on them.” The COO said. Hermawan describes it as creating a shared purpose. This shared purpose will be why employees stay loyal to the team because leaders and their teams develop emotional relationships with a goal.

Second, millennials love working in a community. Often in communities, millennials have someone great to look up to. These great people encourage everyone in the community to grow and be the best version of themselves. Thus, finding ways to create a micro-community in your team promotes growth and loyalty.

Third, challenge them with big goals and ambitions! “Young ones love to solve problems. Whenever we have a setback, we turn them into challenges that need solving. Thus, they will be incentivized and encouraged to work and perform.” Said Hermawan. In short, give them something to work and focus on!

Last, the vital thing that leaders should address is career progression. Leaders should ensure that merit is rewarded. By ensuring career progression, leaders can retain and lead talented employees better. To find out more, listen to our podcast!