MB1102 - Performance ArtMB1202 - Study of Human Societies
MB1212 - Study of Human Society
MB2003 - Logic and Critical Thinking
MB2103 - Business Ethics and Law
MB2104 - Business Ethics and Law
MB2206 - Business Ethics and law
MB3001 - Community Project
MB3002 - Community Project
MB3233 - Cross Culture and Conflict Management
MB5103 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB5105 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB5201 - Research Proposal
MB5202 - Management Research Design
MB5401 - Scientific Publication
MB6019 - Special Topics in Management
MB6020 - Ecosystem-based Learning 1
MB6021 - Ecosystem-based Learning 2
MB6041 - Gender in Organization
MB6044 - Special Topics in Management 1
MB6045 - Special Topics in Management 2
MB6048 - Master's Research I
MB6049 - Master's Research II
MB6091 - Thesis I
MB6092 - Thesis II
MB6098 - Research Colloquium
MB6099 - Master's Defense
MB6099 - Thesis
MB7012 - Qualification Exam
MB7021 - Research Proposal
MB7101 - Philosophy of Science Management
MB7103 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB7104 - Preparation Examination
MB7201 - Research Proposal
MB7202 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB7203 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB8011 - Research I
MB8012 - Progress Seminar I
MB8021 - Research II
MB8022 - Progress Seminar II
MB8023 - Doctoral Professional Development
MB8031 - Research III
MB8032 - Progress Seminar III
MB8041 - Research IV
MB8091 - Dissertation Writing
MB8099 - Doctoral Defense
MB9091 - Progress Seminar I
MB9092 - Progress Seminar II
MB9093 - Progress Seminar III
MB9094 - Progress Seminar IV
MB9099 - Dissertation Examination
MK3201 - Business Law and Contract System
MM5001 - Business Ethics, Law and Sustainability
2016 | Doctor (Research) in Philosophy Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia |
2009 | Master in Human Resources Management Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Indonesia |
2005 | Bachelor in Philosophy Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia |
2016 - 2016 | Manager General Affair International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016/SBM ITB |
2014 - 2015 | General Secretary General Affair The 2nd International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management/SBM ITB |
2023 | Studi Spesifik Proses Sosial (Perilaku , nilai nilai dan kebahagiaan ) dan pengaruhnya terhadap keberhasilan "rural tourism" - studi kasus desa ASO - desa Penglipuran - dan wisata Danau Toba Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Motherhood Leadership: Nurturing Digital Natives in Virtual Workplace Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2022 | Pemberdayaan Kelompok Petani Cabai dan Ikan Nila di Kecamatan Delanggu, Kabupaten Klaten, Melalui Peningkatan Kompetensi Wirausaha Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2021 | Pemberdayaan Finansial Kelompok Sopir AngkutanvKota Bandung Terdampak Pandemi COVID-19 Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2019 | Pengaruh Dimensi dan Kecerdasan Budaya Terhadap Perilaku Berbagi Pengetahuan pada Tim Multibudaya dalam Program Pengembangan Masyarakat Berbasis Kewirausahaan Sosial Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Leadership Ideals Across Cultures: Views from Three Ethnic Groups in Java Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Pengaruh Dampak Perlindungan Hukum Investor dalam Bentuk Penerapan Umbrella Clauses dalam Bilateral Investment Treaties terhadap Iklim Investasi di Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Pola Pengembangan Manusia di dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Kewirausahaan Sosial Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Pemetaan Orientasi Nilai Integritas di Balik Pelanggaran Akademik pada Mahasiswa Bisnis dan Manajemen Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Happiness Index dan faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi: Suatu stud mixed methods dalam kaitannya dengan teknologi digital di ITB Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2024 | Enhancing Nogi Livin’s Brand Awareness: A Customer Decision Journey Perspective through Social Media Febrihana Meganingsih,Anggara Wisesa,Ira Fachira. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review. Vol 7 No 6 (2024). |
2023 | Strategic Initiatives To Improve Online Transaction in Bank Lily Indonesia’s Wholesale Banking: Holistic Solution Centric Approach Thessalivia Reza,Anggara Wisesa,Jacob Silas Mussry. -. Vol 5 No 3 (2023). |
2023 | Designing the framework of human resource department ecosystem in Indonesia: a grounded theory approach Veronica Afridita Khristiningrum,Aurik Gustomo,Henndy Ginting,Anggara Wisesa,Jumadil Saputra. Polish Journal of Management Studies. Vol 27 No 2. |
2023 | Evaluating Young Students’ E-learning Acceptance in Extracurricular Education using a Modified Technology Acceptance Model Maranatha Florensia Wijaya,Anggara Wisesa. Jurnal Sosioteknologi. VOL. 22 NO. 1 (2023). |
2023 | Exploring Factors Influencing Generation Y Employees’ Turnover Intention in Indonesia: The Roles of Co-worker Support, Supervisor Support and Career Development Dinda Larasati,Anggara Wisesa. -. vol. 8, issue 1. |
2023 | Gender Pay Gap: Is It Just a Gender Thing? Irka Wijaya,Anggara Wisesa. -. vol. 8, issue 1. |
2023 | PROPOSED STRATEGY FORMULATION FOR PT. RASA TERBAIK IN RESPONSE TO MARKET CHANGES Helena Oktaviana,Anggara Wisesa,Mohammad Hamsal. -. Volume 6, Issue 07 (2023). |
2023 | Increasing Brand Awareness Through Digital Marketing Channel: A Case Study Of Bank BRG Alamsyah Suhanto,Anggara Wisesa,Jacky Silas Mussry. -. Asian Scholars Network (ASNet). |
2023 | Why It Fails? Marketing Strategy Analysis On The Brand “X” Instant Noodle Sales Performance In South Korea Market Karina Jovita,Anggara Wisesa,Mohammad Hamsal. -. Vol.5, No. 2 (2023). |
2023 | The Emergence of Multicultural Characteristics in Virtual Team Daniel Karim,Aurik Gustomo,Anggara Wisesa. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. Vol 23 No 1 (2023). |
2023 | Identifying the Personal Key Factors of Low Organizational Commitment in Course-Based Student-Composed Business Team Gabriela Davinci Pehulisa,Anggara Wisesa,Irka Wijaya. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022). |
2023 | DESIGNING THE FRAMEWORK OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT ECOSYSTEM IN INDONESIA: A GROUNDED THEORY APPROACH. Veronica Afridita Khristiningrum,Aurik Gustomo,Henndy Ginting,Anggara Wisesa,Jumadil Saputra. Polish Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 27, No. 2 (2023). |
2022 | Motherhood As Leadership in Enabling High-Performance Organization by Nurturing Millennials in A Patriarchal Culture: A Conceptual Revisit Irka Wijaya,Anggara Wisesa. -. Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022). |
2022 | LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS TO FOSTER EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN EARLY-STAGE STARTUP Fazira Zia,Anggara Wisesa,Irka Wijaya. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Vol 11 No 1 (2022. |
2022 | GEN Z’S PERSPECTIVE ON MICROMANAGING LEADERSHIP STYLE AND ITS IMPACT ON WORK PERFORMANCE Nada Intan Salsabila,Anggara Wisesa,Irka Wijaya. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Vol 11 No 1 (2022). |
2022 | Job Creation Law and Ease of Doing Business: A Case of Investment Companies in Indigenous Peoples’ Territories Yenny Yorisca,Andika Putra Pratama,Anggara Wisesa,Anita Afriana. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review. Volume 05 Issue 05 May 2022. |
2022 | Learning Theories and Cultural Intelligence (CQ): a Literature Review Study and Mapping of CQ Development Method Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Aurik Gustomo,Anggara Wisesa. -. 7/1. |
2021 | The impact of COVID-19 towards employee motivation and demotivation influence employee performance: A study of Sayurmoms Clara Anisah,Anggara Wisesa. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Vol 8 No 2 (2021). |
2021 | The Employees Motivation Within An Event Organizing Company During Covid-19 Pandemic: Study Of Eventx Rani Candra Kurniawati,Anggara Wisesa. Eqien-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Vol 8 No 2 (2021). |
2021 | Role of Happiness: Mediating Digital Technology and Job Performance Among Lecturers M. Yuni Ros Bangun,Adita Pritasari,Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja,Christina Wirawan,Anggara Wisesa,Henndy Ginting. Frontiers in Psychology. 12. |
2021 | The Employees Motivation Within An Event Organizing Company During Covid-19 Pandemic : Study of EVENTX Rani Candra Kurniawati,Anggara Wisesa. -. 8/2. |
2021 | Motivation Differences behind Knowledge Sharing Behaviour among Instagram Food Bloggers in Bandung Sofa Parihah Nurasiah,Anggara Wisesa. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Vol 20, No 2 (2021). |
2020 | Analyzing How Spiritual Intelligence Affecting Stress Coping in Stress Management Irenne,Anggara Wisesa. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Politik dan Humaniora. Vol 3 No 2 (2020). |
2020 | HAPPINESS AND ITS DETERMINANTS: PRELIMINARY FINDINGS AMONG LECTURERS IN AN INDONESIAN UNIVERSITY Henndy Ginting,M. Yuni Ros Bangun,Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja,Anggara Wisesa,Adita Pritasari,Christina Wirawan,Yosi Widarani. Jurnal Sosioteknologi. 19/3. |
2019 | Is University Students’ Value Orientation toward Integrity Behind Their Decision to Cheat or Not Cheat in Exams? Anggara Wisesa,Dematria Pringgabayu,Adita Pritasari,Nurfaisa Hidayanti,Dany Muhammad Athory Ramdlany. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business. Vol 21, No 1 (2019). |
2018 | Legal Analysis of the Implementation of Umbrella Clauses Principle in Bilateral Investment Treaties in Indonesia Daniel Hendrawan,Emilia Fitriana Dewi,Anggara Wisesa,Subiakto Soekarno,Anggie R.A. Widodo. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 21. |
2018 | A Participatory Action Research-Based Community Development Program to Overcome Problem of Access to Fresh Water: Case Study of Malingping Village, West Bandung Aria Bayu Pangestu,Anggara Wisesa,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto. The Asian Journal of Technology Management. 11/2. |
2017 | Building a Self-Sustaining Learning Center through an Integrated Multidimensional Community Development Program: A Case Study in an Indonesian Village Anggara Wisesa,Vanessa Purnawan,Amilia Wulansari. International Journal of Business and Society. Vol. 18, p339-352. 14p.. |
2016 | Cognitive Moral Development and Its Relevance in Establishing Moral Integrity in Organization Anggara Wisesa. Sains Humanika. V 8/ i1-2. |
2011 | Integritas Moral dalam Konteks Pengambilan Keputusan Etis Anggara Wisesa. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Vol 10, No 1 (2011). |
2021 | Bridging Multicultural Characteristics in Virtual Team: A Systematic Literature Review Daniel Karim,Aurik Gustomo,Anggara Wisesa. the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020) |
2020 | ANALYZING HOW SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE AFFECTING STRESS COPING IN STRESS MANAGEMENT Irenne,Anggara Wisesa. The 5th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2020 | CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE, CULTURAL DIMENSION, AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING: ANOTHER STORY Anggara Wisesa,Prameshwara Anggahegari,Ruspita Rani Pertiwi. The 5th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2020 | The Yin and Yang of Leadership Characteristics: Preliminary Insight from a Cross-Ethnic Exploration in Indonesia Andika Putra Pratama,Anggara Wisesa,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja,Emilia Fitriana Dewi,Yudo Anggoro. International Conference On Management In Emerging Markets (ICMEM) |
2018 | THE ROLE OF MANAGEMENT STYLE OF OWNER OR MANAGER OF CULINARY SMES IN EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT THROUGH INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Amasida Imansari,Anggara Wisesa. The 9th Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation 2018 |
2017 | Value Orientation towards Integrity
behind Decision to Commit Academic Infringement Anggara Wisesa,Adita Pritasari,Dematria Pringgabayu,Dany Muhammad Athory Ramdlany,Nurfaisa Hidayanti. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | The Role of Digital Technology in Happiness among Lecturers M. Yuni Ros Bangun,Adita Pritasari,Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja,Christina Wirawan,Anggara Wisesa,Henndy Ginting. 1st International Conference on Contemporary Issues & Expectations in Social Sciences and Management Studies |
2016 | THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUAL, MANAGER, AND EXECUTIVE IN EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: CASE OF INDONESIA CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BANDUNG Faizal Abdillah,Anggara Wisesa. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science 2016 |
2015 | Customer Perception Towards Being Vegan/Vegetarian as Green Marketing Strategy: Case Study of "Kehidupan Tidak Pernah Berakhir" Fadhila Hasna Athaya,Anggara Wisesa,Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2014 | Civil Servants' Competence in Indonesia: Suggestions for Future Research in the Context of Business Andika Putra Pratama,Achmad Ghazali,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Ken Ratri Iswari,Anggara Wisesa,Hary Febriansyah. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014 |
2011 | Establishing Moral Integrity in Organizational Behavior Context: The Need for Commitment to Universal Moral Principles Anggara Wisesa. The Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behavior 2011 |
2010 | Applying Role Model Method in Self-help Approach to Community Development in Indonesia Anggara Wisesa. The 2nd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2010 |
2014 | Logic and Critical Thinking3 Anggara Wisesa,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Marina Natalia Tampubolon,Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja,Annisaa Novieningtyas. Teaching Materials |
2011 | Pembangunan Komuniti: Peran Serta Perusahaan Bambang Rudito,Anggara Wisesa. Published Professional Text, Manual, or Technical Guide |
2017 | Analisis Sistem Manajemen Kinerja BULOG BULOG |
2015 | Feasibility Study on People Development for National Capacity Empowerment Inpex Masela |
2012 | Penyusunan Pedoman Dasar Kerja PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV |
2016 | International Training and Certification Program Training for Goverment Institutions provided by PT. Pertamina Training and Consulting |
2014 | Pembelajaran MSDM II (3 Batch) - PLN Udiklat Jakarta Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2016 | The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2012 | The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2012. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
- | - . Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2010 | Universiti Malaysia Kelantan |