
Eko A. Prasetio finished his doctoral dissertation in Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany and completed his MBA in Nyenrode Business University, the Netherlands. He obtained his bachelor degree in Engineering Physics, ITB. His research interests are in the are of technological change, disruptive technology and innovation, and innovation management.

Prior joining SBM-ITB in 2011, he has more than 10 years of professional experiences in innovation and new product development function in manufacturing companies in Indonesia, Japan and the Netherlands. Beside his position as full-time lecturer at SBM-ITB, he was also a visiting associate professor at Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management, Yamaguchi University, Japan.


DS5016 - Production Management
KU1102 - Introduction to Computing
MB1201 - Technology for Business Innovation
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB2101 - Integrated Business Experience 1
MB2105 - Integrated Business Experience I
MB2203 - Integrated Business Experience 2
MB2204 - Integrated Business Experience II
MB3131 - Family Business
MB4020 - Management of Technology
MB4024 - New Product Development
MB4028 - Industry 4.0 and Digitalisation
MB50M9 - Fundamental of Entrepreneurship & Technology Management
MB6042 - Management of Innovation
MB6043 - Product Development Management
MB8007 - Advanced Topics in Management 1
MB8042 - Management of Innovation
MK2001 - Design Thinking for Innovation
MK2004 - New Product Development
MK2004 - Technology Learning for Entrepreneurship
MK2053 - Global Technology Learning and Forecasting for Technopreneurs
MK2054 - New Product Development and International Perspective
MK2101 - Technology Assessment and Forecasting
MK3001 - Prototyping in Practice (P)
MK3003 - Entrepreneurship Mentoring I (P)
MK3004 - Prototyping in Practice for International Business (P)
MK3011 - Technology Based Business
MK3012 - Service Business
MK3013 - New Product Development
MK3018 - Technology Learning for Entrepreneurship
MK3019 - Prototyping in Practice for Technopreneurship
MK3021 - Technology Commercialization
MM5010 - Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
MM5011 - Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
MM5012 - Design Thinking for Building Business (P)
MM5013 - New Venture Management (P)
MM5014 - Digital Business Experience (P)
MM5014 - Management of Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship
MM5016 - New Venture Management
MM5020 - Digital Business Valuation
MM5026 - Management of Innovation and Technology
MM6053 - Product Development Management
MM6055 - Corporate Entrepreneurship