MB2201 - Technology and Operation ManagementMB2207 - Technology and Operation Management 1
MB3101 - Technology and Operation Management 2
MB4022 - Operations Excellent Strategy
MB4053 - Operations Excellent Strategy
MB4055 - Project Management
MB4056 - Project Management
MB5005 - Fundamentals of Operation Management
MB50M7 - Fundamentals of Operation
MB6022 - Supply Chain Management and Procurement
MB6023 - Advanced Operation Strategies
MB7102 - Quantitative Research Methodology
MB7102 - Theory and Model Development
MB7104 - Theory and Model Development
MB7201 - Quantitative Research Methodology
MB7202 - Quantitative Research Methodology
MB7202 - Theory and Model Development
MB8007 - Advanced Topics in Management 1
MB8023 - Advanced Operation Strategies
MM5002 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
MM5004 - Operations Management
MM6042 - Corporate Performance Management
MM6043 - Global Project Management
MM6046 - Global Project Management
2000 | Doctor (Research) in Planning University of Waterloo, Canada |
1993 | Master in Management Science University of Waterloo, Canada |
1990 | Master in Transportation Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
1985 | Bachelor in Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2018 - 2023 | School Senate Head SBM-ITB ITB |
2017 - 2018 | Interest Group/Expertise Group Head Operation and Performance Management Interest Group School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2023 | Lean Six Sigma and Readiness of Industry 4.0 in Food and Beverages Industry Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2023 | Model Rantai Pasok Dalam Pengembangan Industri Kecil Dan Rumahan di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2023 | Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan Industri Rumahan Terpadu Olahan Ikan di Provinsi Bangka Belitung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Pandemi Covid-19 dan Pengaruh Faktor Makroekonomi terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan Kelompok Industri Barang Konsumsi Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Pengembangan Industri Kecil dan Industri Rumahan Terpadu Berperspektif Gender di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2019 | Penciptaan Nilai Sosial melalui Kewirausahaan Sosial di Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2019 | Circular Economy dan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Studi Kasus Strategi Operasi Rantai Pasok Daur Ulang Limbah Plastik di Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2019 | Analisa pasar terhadap kebutuhan halal produk dan logistik di Indonesia National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2018 | Analisa pasar terhadap kebutuhan halal produk dan logistic di Indonesia National level research award/sponsorship granted by DIKTI |
2018 | Prototipe dan Ekosistem Bisnis Berbagi Logistik National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2018 | "Adaptasi model "exchange" dengan sistem "bid-ask pricing" sebagai alternatif implementasi "transportasi sharing platform" Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Theory Building and Testing of Sustainable Operations Strategy: Case Studies of Natural Resource-Based Firms in Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Pengembangan Model Strategi Operasi dan Logistik untuk Mendukung e-Commerce bagi PT Pos Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | ANALISA PASAR TERHADAP KEBUTUHAN HALAL PRODUK DAN LOGISTIK DI INDONESIA National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2017 | Pembangunan Theory dan Pengujian Kapasitas, Studi Kasus: Sarana dan Prasarana di ITB dalam Era Ekonomi Digital Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Sistem Manajemen Kinerja untuk Rantai Pasok Dingin Perikanan National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2017 | Pusat Logistik Berikat di Indonesia: Pengembangan dan Pengujian Teori (Bonded Logistics Center in Indonesia: Middle-Range Theory Building and Testing) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Business Process Modeling and Analysis of Logistic Sharing Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Pengembangan Indeks Kota Kreatif National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2016 | Strategi Operasi dan Logistik untuk Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Sei Mangkei, Indonesia (Operations and Logistics Strategy for Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone, Indonesia) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Measuring Value of Logistic Sharing for Small and Medium Enterprise Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2024 | Toward Sustainable Operations Strategy: A Qualitative Approach to Theory Building and Testing Using a Single Case Study in an Emerging Country Gatot Yudoko. Sustainability Journal. Vol. 16 No.21 (2024). |
2024 | Revolutionizing efficiency: The path to sustainable oilfield services in Indonesia's energy landscape–The case of Pertamina drilling services Firmansyah Arifin,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Sylviana Maya Damayanti,Gatot Yudoko. Heliyon. Vol. 10 No. 20 (2024). |
2024 | Towards a Closed-Loop Supply Chain: Assessing Current Practices in Empty Pesticide Container Management in Indonesia Laila Fitri Handayani,Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati. Sustainability Journal. Vol. 16 No. 19 (2024). |
2024 | Business process improvement in call center operations at XYZ Malaysia through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma methodologies Trisnawati Andini,Gatot Yudoko. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies. Vol. 1 No.4 (2024). |
2024 | Implementation of six sigma to improve SPIP (Facilities, infrastructure, instalations, and equipment) management at PT Berau Coal Jony Suprapto,Gatot Yudoko. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science. Vol. 3 No. 9 (2024). |
2024 | Proposed contract manufacturing strategy for Baby Food Industry using Kepner-Tregoe and Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp) Approach Dhenok Puspita Zahara,Gatot Yudoko. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies. Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024). |
2024 | OEE improvement through reducing start up duration using lean Six Sigma methodology in manufacturing Wijaya Khisbulloh,Gatot Yudoko. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic and Practice Studies. Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024). |
2024 | STRATEGY FORMULATION OF PT XYZ USING SWOT: CASE OF AN AIRLINE COMPANY Cristian Abimanyu,Gatot Yudoko. Jurnal Darma Agung. Vol. 32 No. 2 (2024). |
2024 | Strategy formulation to support automation and digitalization initiative: A case study of an aerospace component manufacturer in Indonesia Dian Ekawati,Gatot Yudoko. Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Business Studies. Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024). |
2023 | Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Bibliometric Analysis Fadrian Dwiki Maulanda,Gatot Yudoko,Bambang Rudito. -. Vol.3 No.1 (2023). |
2023 | A conceptual framework of supply chain resilience towards sustainability through a service-dominant logic perspective Hakim Manurung,Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati. Heliyon. VOLUME 9, ISSUE 3, E13901, MARCH 2023. |
2023 | Transactional and transformational leadership styles and their impact on employees’ acceptance of predictive maintenance analytics: Evidence from an Indonesian mining company Wiwin Sujati,Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati. IEEE Access. Volume 11. |
2023 | Systematic Literature Review of UTAUT Model to Understand Adopter's Perception of Digital Mobile App Applications in the Indonesian Coal Mining Industry Wiwin Sujati,Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati. -. Vol 11, 2. |
2023 | Forecasting the potential output and growth of the manufacturing industry: a case study of Indonesia's manufacturing sector Tirta Wisnu Permana,Gatot Yudoko,Eko Agus Prasetio. Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan. Volume 24 No 2. |
2022 | Underlying Internationalization Process Theories for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Systematic Literature Review and Classification of Research Streams Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Gatot Yudoko,Eko Agus Prasetio. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia. Vol 22 No 2. |
2022 | A Conceptual Framework for Food Sharing as Collaborative Consumption Damayanti Octavia,Reza Ashari Nasution,Gatot Yudoko. -. 11/10. |
2021 | Japanese 5S principles and knowledge management practice in the context of small industries in the islands of Indonesia Muslim El Hakim Kurniawan,Muslim El Hakim Kurniawan,Gatot Yudoko,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri,Mursyid Hasan Basri,Aang Noviyana Umbara,Aang Noviyana Umbara. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. Vol. 12, No. 3, 2021. |
2021 | Female social entrepreneurship in Indonesia: a critical literature review Prameshwara Anggahegari,Gatot Yudoko,Bambang Rudito,Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih,Veland Ramadani. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 43 No. 3 (2021). |
2021 | A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON FEMALE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INDONESIA Prameshwara Anggahegari,Gatot Yudoko,Bambang Rudito,Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih,Veland Ramadani. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 000. |
2021 | Bibliographic mapping of post-consumer plastic waste based on hierarchical circular principles across the system perspective Dania Sitadewi,Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati. Heliyon. 7/6. |
2020 | A Positioning Map and Future Research Agenda of Collaborative Consumption Damayanti Octavia,Gatot Yudoko,Reza Ashari Nasution. Jurnal Sosial Humaniora. special edition 2020. |
2020 | Determining an appropriate product-service system management to encourage firms' sustainability: a conceptual framework (case for Indonesian industrial estate firms) Christina Wirawan,Gatot Yudoko,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management. Volume 6, Issue 4. |
2020 | Sustainable reverse logistics scorecards for the performance measurement of informal e-waste businesses Hesti Maheswari,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama,Haruki Agustina. Heliyon. Volume 6, Issue 9 (2020). |
2020 | Motivation of indonesian culinary SMEs to engage in international markets Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Gatot Yudoko,Eko Agus Prasetio,Jessica Setiawan,Sri Herliana,Qorri Aina,Sri Hartati. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. Vol. 12 No.4 (2020). |
2020 | Determining an appropriate product-service system management to encourage firms’ sustainability: a conceptual framework (case for Indonesian industrial estate firms) chistina wirawan,Gatot Yudoko,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management. 6/4. |
2020 | How Do Island Entrepreneurs Survive and Thrive? Muslim El Hakim Kurniawan,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management. forthcoming. |
2019 | Performance measurement system for the cold fish supply chain: The case of National Fish Logistics System in Indonesia Ruth Nattassha,Yuanita Handayati,Gatot Yudoko,Togar M. Simatupang,Akbar Adhiutama,Nur Budi Mulyono. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. Volume 15, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 57-76. |
2019 | Do Entrepreneurship Students Have an Intention to become an Entrepreneur? Muslim El Hakim,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri,Aang Noviyana Umbara. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. 22/2. |
2019 | Dataset on the sustainable smart city development in Indonesia Restu Mahesa,Gatot Yudoko,Yudo Anggoro. Data in Brief. 25/104098. |
2019 | Government and intermediary business engagement for controlling electronic waste in Indonesia: A sustainable reverse logistics theory through customer value chain analysis Hesti Maheswari,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama. -. Volume 11, Issue 3, 30 January 2019, Article number 732. |
2019 | The Impediments of Small Medium Industries in Government’s View in Indonesia Muslim El Hakim Kurniawan,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 7/6S5. |
2018 | Competitive Advantages of Small Medium
Industry on the Islands in Indonesian Context Muslim El Hakim,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri. International Research Journal of Business Studies. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 9-19. |
2018 | Developing A Conceptual Framework of Product-Service System Management Toward Firms’ Sustainability for Indonesian Industrial Estate Firms Christina Wirawan,Gatot Yudoko,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems. 3/5. |
2018 | DEVELOPING SAFETY MODEL BEHAVIORAL FOR TECHNICIAN IN AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION IN INDONESIA Melia Eka Lestiani,Gatot Yudoko,Yassierli,Heru Purboyo. National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald. No 1 (2018). |
2018 | Intention towards halal logistics: a case study of Indonesian consumers Yuliani Dwi Lestari,Jose Manuel Susanto,Togar M. Simatupang,Gatot Yudoko. Journal for Global Business Advancement. Volume 11 issue 1. |
2018 | FEMALE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR MOVEMENT IN INDONESIA Prameshwara Anggahegari,Bambang Rudito,Gatot Yudoko. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. Volume 22, Special Issue, 2018. |
2018 | Modeling an effective corporate social responsibilitybased on systems theory and management functions: A case study in Indonesia Astrie Krisnawati,Gatot Yudoko,M. Yuni Ros Bangun. International Journal of Business and Society. Vol. 19/S2, pp. 249-261. |
2018 | Theory Building of Quattro Bottom Line Approach for Sustainable Reverse Logistics from Government Perspective: the Indonesia Evidence Hesti Maheswari,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems. 3/4. |
2017 | A Model of Manau Rattan Distribution Cost in Sumatra Nurlaela K. Dewi,Pradono Pradono,Miming Miharja,Gatot Yudoko. International Journal of Supply Chain Management. Vol 6, No 3 (2017). |
2017 | Model Development of Reverse Logistics in the Distribution and Transportation Network (Case Study of Plastic Waste Management in Indonesia) Hendy Suryana,Heru Purboyo,Gatot Yudoko,Puspita Dirgahayani. -. 12/4SI. |
2017 | Phenomena of Rattan Distribution in Indonesia Nurlaela K. Dewi,Miming Miharja,Pradono Pradono,Gatot Yudoko. -. 12/16. |
2016 | Environmental Performance Towards Sustainable Development : a Review of Indonesian Clean Policies Gatot Yudoko,M. Yuni Ros Bangun. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering). 2016. |
2016 | Contractor Work Preparation Process Improvement Using Lean Six Sigma Asana Kusnadi,Gatot Yudoko. The South East Asian Journal of Management. Vol. 10 • No. 1 • 2016 • 1-29. |
2016 | REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS OF GEOTHERMAL ENERGY-BASED COLD STORAGE: CASE STUDY IN INDONESIA Hiroki Kumashiro,Mikhael Tjhi,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering). Volume 78, issue 05-mar, pages19-25. |
2016 | Knowledge-Based Social Innovation Process in Social Enterprise: A Conceptual Framework Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih,Gatot Yudoko,Bambang Rudito. Advanced Science Letters. Volume 22, issue 05-jun, pages 1393-1397. |
2015 | The Buying Center Existence in Small Scale Companies in Indonesia Moses L.P. Hutabarat,Gatot Yudoko,Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara. International Journal of Economic Research. 12/4. |
2015 | Analisis kebijakan distribusi bahan baku rotan dengan pendekatan dinamik sistem studi kasus rotan Indonesia Nurlaela Kumala Dewi,Miming Miharja,Gatot Yudoko. Journal of Regional and City Planning. Volume 26, issue 3, pages 177-191. |
2014 | Physiological concept: Visible modeling for feasible design Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Volume 493, pages 432-437. |
2014 | Environmental impacts of Appropriate Technology: The system boundaries Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko. Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine. Volume 6, issue 1, pages 141-142. |
2014 | Design and technological appropriateness: The quest for community survivability. Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Akbar Adhiutama. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 9/1. |
2014 | Interdependency of cleaner production and cleaner application: Towards an integrated assessment in Appropriate Technology Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Volume 606. pages 281-285. |
2014 | Low cost product development framework for micro sized enterprises: Some Indonesian evidence Merlyn Rakhmaniar,Gatot Yudoko. International Journal of Economics and Management. Volume 8 No. 1 (June 2014). |
2014 | Materials research in Appropriate Technology: In the midst of science, engineering, and technology Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki. Key Engineering Materials. Volume 594, pages 334-338. |
2014 | Initial conceptual model of knowledge-based social innovation Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih,Gatot Yudoko,Bambang Rudito. World Applied Sciences Journal. Volume 30, issue 30, pages 256-262. |
2013 | System Dynamics Models for Planning Long-term Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bandung city Gatot Yudoko. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. Vol 179, Pages 16, Page Range 1153-1168. |
2013 | Seven pillars of survivability: appropriate technology with a human face Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama. European Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 2, No. 4 (2013). |
2013 | Design methodology for appropriate technology: Engineering as if people mattered Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Akbar Adhiutama. -. null. |
2013 | Materials Selection in Appropriate Technology: Four Focuses in Design Thinking Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama,Husein Taufik,Heny R Estiningtiyas. Advanced Materials Research. 789. |
2012 | Understanding Issue Dissemination and Arrival Patterns on Supply-Chain using Network Analysis and Social Media Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko. Journal of Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management. 2(3), 93-110. |
2012 | Applying System Dynamics Approach to the Fast Fashion Supply Chain: Case Study of an SME in Indonesia Mariany W. Lidia,Takeshi Arai,Aya Ishigaki,Gatot Yudoko. The Asian Journal of Technology Management. Volume 5, issue 1, pages 42-52. |
2012 | Comparison of environment impact between conventional and cold chain management system in paprika distribution process Eidelweijs A. Putri,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko,Kenji Koido. The Asian Journal of Technology Management. Volume 5, issue 1, pages 01-des. |
2011 | Proses Industri Kecil dalam Membangun Keunggulan Kompetitif dengan Pendekatan Berbasis Sumber Daya (Studi kasus Pengusaha Industri Kecil Tahu Cibuntu) Widjajani,Gatot Yudoko. Media Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen. Volume 11 Nomor 3. |
2010 | Strategi operasi tim supply chain management dengan pendekatan value-based management: studi kasus perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi Gatot Yudoko,Sony Susanto. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Volume 9 Number 1 (2010). |
2010 | Strategi Operasi Industri Kecil yang Berkeunggulan Kompetitif: Kasus Pengusaha Sepatu Sentra Industri Kecil Cibaduyut Bandung Widjajani,Gatot Yudoko. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Volume 9 Number 2 (2010). |
2024 | The Implementation of the Supply Chain Operations Reference Model in Developing the Enterprises in the Fishery-Based Food Industry in Pangkalan Baru Rheza Mahesa Raharjo,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri,Yuanita Handayati,Muslim El Hakim Kurniawan,Suti Maryati. Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2023) |
2021 | Determinant Factors Influencing Firm’s Entry in Halal Business–A Case Study in Taiwan Yuliani Dwi Lestari,Gatot Yudoko,Togar M. Simatupang,Fatya Alty Amalia. Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship |
2021 | Determinant Factors Influencing Firm’s Entry in Halal Business – A Case Study in Taiwan Yuliani Dwi Lestari,Gatot Yudoko,Togar M. Simatupang,Fatya Alty Amalia. The 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship |
2020 | Dynamic capabilities of product-service system implementation: The Indonesian industrial estate firm evidence Christina Wirawan,Gatot Yudoko,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. 1st International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting (BES 2019) |
2019 | Quattro Helix Model To Build Stakeholders Engagement In Sustainable Reverse Logistics: A Conceptual Framework For Developing Countries Hesti Maheswari,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama. 2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications |
2019 | THE MOTIVATION OF SMES TO ENGAGE IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETS: A CASE STUDY OF THE INDONESIAN CULINARY SECTOR Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Gatot Yudoko,Eko Agus Prasetio,Jessica Setiawan,Sri Herliana,Qorri Aina,Sri Hartati. The 2019 Manado International Conference of Project Management (ICPM) |
2019 | Digital Publisher, Advertising Media Agency and Mobile Exchange Triadic Interaction: Digital Marketing Service Supply Chain Landscape in Indonesia Anna Amalyah Agus,Gatot Yudoko,Nur Budi Mulyono,Reza Ashari Nasution. international conferenceof computer and informatics engineering |
2019 | Customer Value Chain Analysis for Sustainable Reverse Logistics Implementation: Indonesian Mobile Phone Industry Hesti Maheswari,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama. 2018 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management |
2018 | Implementation of Single Order Inventory Model in KLP Concept Store Kenny Lisanputera,Gatot Yudoko. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Waiting time improvement by queue system optimization in outpatient clinic Dinda Permata Suhadanie,Gatot Yudoko. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Application of gis on determination of flood prone areas and critical arterial road network by using chaid method in bandung area Darwin,Benecditus Kombaitan,Gatot Yudoko,Heru Purboyo. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment 2017 |
2018 | Revenue management of air cargo service in theory and practice S. Budiarto,Heru Purboyo,Pradono Pradono,Gatot Yudoko. The 4th Planocosmo 2018 |
2018 | Product-service system for Indonesian industrial estate firms: A conceptual framework Christina Wirawan,Gatot Yudoko,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management |
2018 | Toward sustainable reverse logistics implementation: A conceptual framework of the quattro bottom line approach Hesti Maheswari,Akbar Adhiutama,Gatot Yudoko. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management |
2018 | Platform Ecosystems for Indonesia Smart Cities Restu Mahesa,Gatot Yudoko,Yudo Anggoro. International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications |
2018 | Tomato Supplier Sourcing Under Performance Measurement System Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach Dania Sitadewi,Pathmi Noerhatini,Dicky R. Munaf,Dermawan Wibisono,Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Mobility Sharing and Mobile Platform for Indonesian Trucking Companies Gatot Yudoko,Liane Okdinawati,Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty,Nur Budi Mulyono,Ahmad Danu Prasetyo. International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation 2018 |
2017 | Transforming agricultural supply-chain through postharvest engineering and appropriate technology Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki. III International Conference on Agricultural and Food Engineering |
2017 | Stakeholder engagement in quattro helix model for mobile phone reverse logistics in Indonesia: a conceptual framework Hesti Maheswari,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama. 10th International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management |
2017 | Developing a Conceptual Model of Organizational Safety Risk: Case Studies of Aircraft Maintenance Organizations in Indonesia Melia Eka Lestiani,Gatot Yudoko,Yassierli,Heru Purboyo. 3rd International Conference "Green Cities - Green Logistics for Greener Cities" |
2017 | PASSENGER FORECAST MODEL TOWARDS TO BANDUNG METRO CAPSULE Herianto M Marolop,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Gatot Yudoko,Rony Darmawan,Hesti Maheswari,Dedy Sushandoyo,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Intention and Behavior Towards Halal Logistics in Indonesia Yuliani Dwi Lestari,Jose Manuel Susanto,Togar M. Simatupang,Gatot Yudoko,Nur Budi Mulyono,Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | ACTOR MAPPING AND FACTOR IDENTIFICATION OF LAND TRANSPORTATION IN INDONESIA Rony Darmawan,Yuliani Dwi Lestari,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Gatot Yudoko,Hesti Maheswari. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | ONE STOP CAMPUS SUPPORT WITH VALUE ORCHESTRATION PLATFORM Christina Wirawan,Santi Novani,Gatot Yudoko,Yuliani Dwi Lestari. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2016 | Logistic Sharing: An Innovative Freight Transport Solution for Small and Medium Enterprise Gatot Yudoko,Nur Budi Mulyono,Ahmad Danu Prasetyo,Akbar Adhiutama,Yuliani Dwi Lestari,Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty. The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016 |
2016 | Optimization of Production Equipment Maintenance Planning to Reduce Cost in Sumatera Light Oil South Operations PT XYZ Imu Sarjono,Gatot Yudoko. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science 2016 |
2016 | Costing, Willingness to Pay, and Pricing in Freight Forwarding Businesses: A Case Study in PT Cipta Ekspedisi Perwiratama Hasheena Fanissabelle,Gatot Yudoko. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science 2016 |
2016 | Creative Cities Index for Indonesian Cities Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty,Vanessa Fitri Sabur,Yuanita Handayati,Gatot Yudoko,Togar M. Simatupang. 4th International Conference on Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice 2016 |
2016 | Demand Forecasting Analysis Using Time Series Methods at Ayam Lodho Pak Yusuf Restaurant Mochamad Cholik Hidayatullah,Gatot Yudoko. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science 2016 |
2015 | Technological solution for vulnerable communities: Questioning the sustainability of appropriate technology Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko. 2nd International Conference on Geological, Geographical, Aerospace and Earth Sciences |
2015 | Target Market for High Quality Tomato and Chili by Cold Storage: Case Study in Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia H. Kumashiro,Mikhael Tjhi,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko. International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2015 |
2015 | The Buying Behavior of Small-sized Batik Company in Indonesia Gatot Yudoko,Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Food Loss Reduction Using Geothermal Energy-based Cold Storage System in Indonesia: Initiating the System Boundary for Tomato Supply-chain H. Kumashiro,Mikhael Tjhi,Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki. 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Environmental Engineering |
2014 | Environmental forensics on Appropriate-Technology-enhanced supply chain of rural commodities Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Kiyoshi Dowaki. International Conference on Environmental Forensics 2013 |
2014 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS CORPORATE PERFORMANCE:WHETHER A BARRIER OR AN ENDORSER? Astrie Krisnawati,Gatot Yudoko,M. Yuni Ros Bangun. Global Trends in Academic Research 2014 |
2014 | Social media: Toward an integrated human collaboration in supply-chain management Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko. International Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems in Bioinformatics 2013 |
2014 | Building a novel model of Performance Measurement Systems for Corporate Social Responsibility towards sustainable development Astrie Krisnawati,Gatot Yudoko,M. Yuni Ros Bangun. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology |
2014 | Analysis of blood bag inventory management: A Case study of a Red Cross in Indonesia Tifarie Luesas,Gatot Yudoko. 7th Asia-Pacific Business Research Conference |
2014 | Technologicl solution for vulnerable communities: How does its approach matter?3 Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Tokyo University Of Science,Gatot Yudoko. 2014 International Conference on Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial and Material Engineering |
2013 | An Analysis on Waste Processing in Residential Sector due to LCA Concept Gatot Yudoko. the 2013 world congress on advances in nano, biomechanics, robotics, and energy research |
2013 | Materials Selection in Appropriate Technology: Four Focuses in Design Thinking Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Akbar Adhiutama,Gatot Yudoko,H. Taufiq,H.R Estiningtyas,Kiyoshi Dowaki. 13th International Conference on Quality in Research |
2013 | Community Empowerment through Appropriate Technology: Sustaining the Sustainable Development Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko,Akbar Adhiutama,Kiyoshi Dowaki. The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security |
2012 | Sustainable Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Context of Green Supply Chain Management Gatot Yudoko. The 4th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2012 |
2012 | Strategi Operasi Kemitraan Jangka Panjang: Studi Kasus Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Gatot Yudoko. Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2012 |
2012 | Low Cost Product Development Methodology3 Ayunda Azhar,Gatot Yudoko,Soemantri Widagdo. The 3rd International Conference on Technology and Operations Management 2012 |
2012 | Supply Chain Performance Design for an Integrated Solid Waste Management in Bandung City: A Triple Bottom Line Perspective3 Rucita Cahyawati,Gatot Yudoko. The 3rd International Conference on Technology and Operations Management 2012 |
2012 | Backcasting Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bandung City: A Literature Review3 Nunik Rahayu,Gatot Yudoko. The 3rd International Conference on Technology and Operations Management 2012 |
2012 | Enhancing Green Supply Chain Practices in Indonesia: An ABG (Academics-Businesses-Government) Collaboration Gatot Yudoko. The 10th Triple Helix Conference |
2012 | Sustainable Operations Strategy: A Conceptual Framework3 Gatot Yudoko. The 3rd International Conference on Technology and Operations Management 2012 |
2012 | Manajemen Rantai Pasok Berwawasan Lingkungan (Green Supply Chain Management): Klasifikasi Topik dan Metodologi Riset Gatot Yudoko. Seminar Nasional Teknoin 2012 |
2012 | Predicting issue dissemination and arrival pattern on supply-chain using network analysis Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Gatot Yudoko. International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management 2011 |
2011 | Introduction of Clean Energy System into Shopping Mall Business -In Bandung Eco-town, Indonesia- Yoichiro Takada,Kiyoshi Dowaki,Gatot Yudoko. 7th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing |
2011 | A Feasibility Study in Eco-Friendly Mobile Phone with Polymer Electrolyte Fuell Cell (PEFC): Case Study in Indonesia Gatot Yudoko,Ivan Prasetya. Pan-Pacific Conference XXVIII Corporate Strategies for the Green World |
2011 | Model Pengembangan Terminal Khusus CPO dari terminal Multipurpose pada Pelabuhan Eksisting Gatot Yudoko. Konferensi Nasional Pascasarjana Teknik Sipil 2011 |
2011 | Balanced Scorecard for Strategic Planning in Non-Profit Government Hospital in Indonesia3 Marina Natalia Tampubolon,Dermawan Wibisono,Gatot Yudoko,Mursyid Hasan Basri. The 1st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Service Science 2011 |
2011 | Quality Improvement of Diaper Making in PT Consobiz Ventures Using DMAIC Methodology Gatot Yudoko. Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri & Kongres Badan Kerja Sama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri VI |
2011 | Port Development Model of Liquid Cargo Terminal Gatot Yudoko. 14th International Symposium Indonesian Inter-University Transport Studies Forum |
2009 | Analisis Kualitas Jasa dengan Gasperz: Studi Kasus PT “R”, Bandung Gatot Yudoko. Seminar on Application and Research in Industrial Technology |
2019 | Diversity in Entrepreneurship - Female Empowerment through Social Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: A Conceptual Framework Prameshwara Anggahegari,Bambang Rudito,Gatot Yudoko,Melia Famiola. Chapter in Research Book |
2018 | Pembuatan Rencana Bisnis Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim PTBA |
2014 | Indonesia Automotive Industry Supply Chain The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) |
2014 | Indonesia Industrial Estate Accreditation Ministry of Industry |
2013 | Role of marine transportation upon road transportation in Java and Sumatra Ministry of Transportation |
2013 | The 2013 Indonesia Industrial Estate Award Ministry of Industry |
2012 | Indonesia Industrial Estate Roadmap Ministry of Industry |
2011 | Developing Hospital Strategic Plan Hasan Sadikin Hospital |
2017 | Integrated Management Development Program - PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2013 | Integrated Management Development Program Krakatau Steel Group Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2013 | Logistics Control - Ministry of Transportation Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Ministry of Transportation |
2013 | Planning and Evaluation - Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ESDM) Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ESDM) |
2012 | Planning and Evaluation - Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ESDM) Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (ESDM) |
2019 | 1 article(s) in International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management |
2019 | 1 article(s) in Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics |
2018 | 2 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2018 | 1 article(s) in International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management |
2017 | 2 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2017 | 2 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2016 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2014 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2014 | 1 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2013 | 2 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2012 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2011 - 2017 | Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Membership of Editorial Board of Journal |
2018 | Analysis of Risk in Dairy Supply Chain: An Agent Based Modelling Approach School of Business and Management Examiner |
2018 | Policy Development for the Energy Mix in Indonesia Using System Dynamics ITB Examiner |
2018 | Pengembangan Model Iklim Keselamatan Organisasi Perawatan Pesawat Udara di Indonesia Dalam Mendukung Kebijakan Kelaikan Pesawat udara ITB Promotor |
2018 | Pengembangan Model Jaringan Distribusi dan Transportasi dalam Sistem Reverse Logistics Studi Kasus; Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik di Jabodetabek ITB Promotor |
2018 | Pemodelan Distribusi Bahan Baku Rotan dengan Pendekatan Dinamika Sistem ITB Co-Promotor |
2017 | Deelopment of Spatial System Dynamics for Sustainable Food Security Policy in Indonesia School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2017 | Coordination in an Agricultural Supply Chain: Agent Based Modeling School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2016 | Modeling an Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Legal Regulations in Alignment wirth Good Corporate Governance: Case Studies in Indonesian Business Practices School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Promotor |
2016 | Knowledge-based Social Innonation Process within Social Enterprise toward Social Value Creation (Case Study in Non-profit Organization and Not-for-Profit Organization in Indonesia) School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Promotor |
2015 | The Imapct of Market Orientation, relationship Marketing and Islamic Business Ethics to the Business Performance: The Study of Islamic Banking in Indonesia ITB Examiner |
2015 | The Model Organizational Buying Behavior for Small Business: Case Studies of Small Scale Batik Business in Indonesia School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Promotor |
2015 | Value Determinant Factors for Housing Products Pricing in Jakarta Metropolitan Region School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2014 | Sistem Distribusi Dengan Mempertimbangkan Kriteria Stakeholders Logistik Kota (Studi Kasus Sistem Distribuso Ritel Modern) ITB Examiner |
2014 | Optimal Efficient Frontier Using Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution During Crisis ITB Examiner |
2014 | Developing Conceptual Model of Design-Driven Innovation Practices in Indonesia: Case Studies of Designpreneur-Led Creative Companies School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2014 | Consumers' Oerganic Food Acceptance for Producer's KM-CRM Model: Evidence from Bandung, Indonesia ITB Examiner |
2013 | Pengembangan Model Perilaku Pengguna Jasa Kereta Api pada Penerimaan Kartu Pintar (Smartcard) dengan Theory of Planned Behavior ITB Examiner |
2013 | Analisis Pengembangan Terminal Curah Cair di Pelabuhan Dengan Model Antrian Paralel Terintegrasi ITB Co-Promotor |
2013 | Pengembangan Model Struktural Penggunaan Sepeda Motor untuk Perjalanan harian dengan Theory of Planned Behavior - Studi Kasus: DKI Jakarta ITB Co-Promotor |
2011 | Angkutan Informal: Kinerja Pelayanan dan Implikasinya Sebagai Angkutan Penumpang Perkotaan ITB Examiner |
2016 | Multidisciplinary Approach as a Platform for Comprehensive Research and Practice: A State-of-the-Art Global Illuminators |
2016 | Competitive Advantage Logistic Untuk Meraih Masa Depan Bagi Calon Lulusan Logistik Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Bandung |
2018 | Peran Transportasi Dalam Mendukung Efisiensi Biaya Logistik Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik |
2016 | Penyempurnaan Kurikulum Program Studi Manajemen Logistik Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik |
2018 | Pengembangan Kawasan Industri yang terintegrasi dengan Energi Terbarukan Direktorat Sumber Daya Energi, Mineral dan Pertambangan, Kementerian PPN/Bappenas |