
Hary Febriansyah is currently an Assistant Professor at School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM-ITB). He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Innsbruck University, School of management, Austria. He has almost 20 years’ working experience, because has been a full-time employee since 2007 in the People and Knowledge Management research group. In his career journeys in the practices and academia, he had been as Manager of human resources and operation in a consultant family company in Palembang area, Head of industrial management laboratory in Bina Darma University, and a Head of the Centre of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness (CK4BC) of SBM-ITB.

It is over 15 years, Hary has given lectures in the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Program. His specializations are Organisation Behaviour and Human Capital Management, Change Management and Knowledge Management. He has a wide spectrum and perspective because of diverse group of students with varying industry sectors, managerial levels and multi cultural backgrounds, whose employment spans government offices, private–national–multinational corporations and non-profit organisations as well. As active employees, their managerial hierarchy begins at the entry level and advances through supervisor, manager, senior manager, and director. An additional benefit of this program is that he has taught students from various countries, such as Africa, Asia, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Hary has also some international experience in teaching for Bachelor and Master level.

Being a leader in research activities, Hary has some opportunities to collaborate with national-international universities, government offices, state-owned enterprises and small–medium enterprises, such as Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Alpen Adria University, Kent Business School, Birmingham City University and Derby Business School—to expand the global-research competences. The team on these projects comprises full professors, a general manager, a manager, associate and assistant professors and doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s students.

In some years, SBM ITB has placed a trust for Hary to oversee and lead the Centre of Knowledge for Business Competitiveness, in completing to his teaching and research duties. The main areas of interest for this centre are Organisation Behaviour, Human Capital Management and Knowledge Management. He started the career path by serving as a deputy at this centre during 2016–2018. On average, he leads about 10-15 members to conduct research, business consultations and training for various organisations every year. Through his networking and communication skills, he persuades and convinces national and international agencies to support this research centre in financial and non-financial aspects. Along with expanding of global influence and engaging in international negotiations, Hary has received some prestigious and competitive grants from Austria, the European Union Commission, UNESCO Office-Jakarta, and the United Kingdom. It is about his performances to maintain trust and credibility through transparency, professionalism, and accountability.


KU1071 - Introduction to Information Technology - A
MB1102 - Experience Based Management Learning
MB1203 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB1212 - Study of Human Society
MB2003 - Business Communication
MB2202 - Human Capital Management
MB2204 - Human Capital Management
MB3232 - Organizational Anthropology
MB4017 - Contemporary Human Resource Management
MB4018 - Compensation Management and Employee Performance
MB4051 - Organizational Development and Learning Organization
MB4052 - Strategic Change Management
MB4065 - Strategic Change Management
MB5006 - Fundamentals of People & Knowledge Management
MB5008 - Fundamentals of People Management
MB6012 - Competence Based People Management
MB6015 - Conflict and Change Management
MB6042 - Strategic Organizational Change
MB8010 - Advanced Research in People and Knowledge Management
MB9091 - Progress Seminar I
MK3104 - Human and Organisational Capital for Technopreneur
MM5003 - Organizational Behaviour and Managing People
MM5005 - People in Organization
MM5017 - Knowledge Management for Innovation
MM5027 - Knowledge Management for Innovation
MM6011 - Human Capital
MM6011 - Managing Employee Performance: Engagement and Remuneration
MM6012 - Compensation and Managing Employee Performance
MM6012 - Contemporary Human Capital Management
MM6013 - Business Leadership
MM6013 - Leading and Managing Organizational Change
MM6015 - Business Leadership
MM6024 - Managing Employee Performance: Engagement and Remuneration
MM6025 - Contemporary Human Capital Management