
Dr. Henndy Ginting is a licensed psychologist who graduated from Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Bandung, Indonesia. He earned his master degree in developmental psychology also from Unpad. He finished his doctorate degree from Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Dr. Ginting has published research articles in prestigious international journals and presented his research findings in many international conferences. He has developed an interest in personality theories and psychological measures since he was assigned as a lecturer in the faculty of psychology, Maranatha Christian University, Bandung. He has experienced for more than 20 years using and teaching various psycho-diagnostic methods, such as projective techniques (i.e., drawing, graphology), objective techniques (i.e., MBTI, EAS), and behavioural techniques (i.e., assessment center, DiSC). Dr. Ginting is certified on DiSC from IML, Assessment Center Assessor, and registered as clinical psychologist. He has been using those skills to help people and organizations improving their own effectiveness. He has developed and adapted various psychological measures and Assessment Center’s simulations and exercises. Since August 2016, Dr. Ginting has been assigned as a associate professor in the School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology. In this institution, Dr. Ginting runs several research projects and services especially in the areas of organizational behavior, entrepreneurial psychology, leadership, personality, psychosocial factors at work, and work related behavior. He is also assigned as a student counseling specialist in SBM ITB. Dr. Ginting lives in Bandung with his wife, Deasy, and their children, Christian and Charoline.


MB1102 - Experience Based Management Learning
MB1102 - Performance Art
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB1203 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB2002 - Business Communication & Negotiation
MB2002 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB2102 - Business Communication
MB2105 - Integrated Business Experience I
MB2202 - Human Capital Management
MB2204 - Integrated Business Experience II
MB3232 - Organizational Anthropology
MB3232 - The Anthropology for Organization
MB4060 - The Anthropology of Organization
MB6011 - Social Science in Management
MB6016 - Organizational Behavior
MB6040 - Intercultural and Conflict Management
MB6041 - Gender in Organization
MB7103 - Behavioral Science
MB7203 - Behavioral Science
MB8010 - Advanced Research in People and Knowledge Management
MK3033 - Psychology of Entrepreneurship
MM5003 - Organizational Behaviour and Managing People
MM5005 - People in Organization
MM6013 - Business Leadership