I started my teaching career as a tutor in SBM ITB in 2004, before becoming a lecturer in 2006. I was trained as a scientist in my undergraduate degree in Biology and applied engineering frameworks to gain a masters' degree in Industrial Engineering. I ended up using sociology approaches for my PhD research in marketing management. My research interest is social media in marketing. I am also fascinated with the relationship between popular culture, marketing, and consumer storytelling.
MB1203 - Leadership and Management PracticeMB2102 - Marketing
MB2103 - Marketing
MB2104 - Global Marketing
MB2105 - Integrated Business Experience I
MB2105 - Marketing
MB2107 - Global Marketing
MB2204 - Integrated Business Experience II
MB2205 - Integrated Business Asia 2
MB3001 - Business Sustainability Management & Agile Organisation
MB3001 - Environmental Management System
MB3003 - Business Sustainability Management & Agile Organisation
MB4016 - Shopper Behavior
MB4020 - Shopper Behavior
MB4024 - Digital Marketing
MB4026 - Service Marketing
MB4057 - Service Marketing
MB4098 - Colloquium
MB4099 - Final Project
MB5004 - Fundamentals of Marketing Management
MB5007 - Fundamentals of Marketing Management
MB6033 - Service Marketing Strategies
MK2104 - Sales and Marketing
MM5001 - Marketing Management
MM5003 - Marketing Management
MM5012 - Business Strategy and Enterprise Modelling
MM6033 - Applied Marketing Research
MM6037 - Consumer Behavior
MM6038 - Branding and Marketing Communication
MM6039 - Applied Marketing Research
2013 | Doctor (Research) in management Massey University, New Zealand (Aotearoa) |
2002 | Master in Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
1999 | Bachelor in Biology Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2016 - 2018 | Program Director Bachelor of Management Program School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2023 | Fun or Flop: Adding Value to Livestream Shopping Intention Through Gamification Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2018 | Hubungan antara inovasi, adopsi teknologi dan produktivitas: Bukti empiris dari perusahaan di kawasan ASEAN Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | PENENTUAN FAKTOR-FAKTOR PERFORMANSI INVESTASI MODAL VENTURA Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2015 | Model Ekosistem AgriBisnis Inklusif dan Dimensi Relasionalnya Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2024 | Recommended LNG Commercialization Strategy to Maintain Business Sustainability in the Global LNG Market: A Case Study of PPTETS Ira Fachira,Adi Kustanto. European Journal of Business and Management Research. Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024). |
2024 | Enhancing Nogi Livin’s Brand Awareness: A Customer Decision Journey Perspective through Social Media Febrihana Meganingsih,Anggara Wisesa,Ira Fachira. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review. Vol 7 No 6 (2024). |
2024 | Shifting Resource Configuration of the Creative Businesses in the Perspective of Digital Economy Fadhilla Sandra Adjie,Wawan Dhewanto,Ira Fachira. Journal of Economics and Business. Vol. 7 No.3 (2024). |
2023 | Social influence, financial benefit, and e-wallet multi-brand loyalty: The mediating impact of commitment Widyoretno Adiani,Atik Aprianingsih,Ira Fachira,Teresia Debby,Andhiny Puspa Maharatie. Cogent Business and Management. Volume 11 Issue 1 Pages 2290228. |
2023 | PROPOSED MARKETING STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE TARGET FOR THE INDONESIAN CREATOR ECONOMY Achmad Reyhan,Ira Fachira. Journal of Management Studies. Vol 17, No 2, Oktober 2023. |
2023 | Consumer Brand-Relationship and Privacy Concerns to Repurchase Intention in Online Shopping Application Nadia Anggraini Putri,Ira Fachira. -. Vol 5, No 1, Agustus 2023, Hal 214−222. |
2023 | Unlocking the Competitive Advantage: An Internal and External Analyses of PTIDM as a Small Enterprise in Indonesia Deya Prastika,Ira Fachira. -. Vol 8 | Issue 3 | May 2023. |
2023 | The Evaluation of Digital Brand Storytelling Implementation in Local Brand Fairuz Nisa Fauziah,Ira Fachira. -. Vol 6 | Issue 4 | August 2021. |
2022 | Experiential learning model: improving entrepreneurial values through internship program at start-ups Donald Crestofel Lantu,Yulianto Suharto,Ira Fachira,Anggraeni permatasari,Grisna Anggadwita. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022). |
2022 | The Influence of Bring Back Our Bottle Program on The Body Shop Indonesia Brand Image, Brand Trust, Brand Love and Brand Loyalty Authors Salma Azzahra,Ira Fachira. -. Vol. 4, No. 3, 283-295, 2022. |
2022 | The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions Involving Career-Oriented Online Paid Courses Platforms in Indonesia Athaya Mahasin,Ira Fachira. -. Vol. 4, No. 3, 517-531, 2022. |
2022 | Slow fashion purchase intention drivers: an Indonesian study Atik Aprianingsih,Ira Fachira,Margareth Setiawan,Teresia Debby,Nia Desiana,Shafa Amira Nurryda Lathifan. -. Vol. 27 No. 4, 2023; pp. 632-647. |
2022 | Marketing Mix Strategy Formulation in Bakery Store (Case Study: Pinnamon Bakery) Natasya fitri kardinasari,Ira Fachira. -. Vol 8 | Issue 2 | April 2023. |
2022 | THE IMPACT OF FOOD-BATTLE VIDEO CONTENT: A CASE OF TASYI ATHASYIA YOUTUBE CHANNEL Syafina Almaira,Ira Fachira. -. Vol. 4, No. 3, 154-169, 2022. |
2022 | The Effect of Social Media Marketing Towards Purchase Intentions in a Local Bakery: Khas Rotiselai Nabila Mustikarani Susilo,Ira Fachira. -. Vol.4, No. 3, 127-140, 2022. |
2022 | Proposed Marketing Strategy XYZ to Increase Revenue In The Covid-19 Pandemic Divani Rafitya Amanda,Ira Fachira,Budi Permadi Iskandar. -. Vol. 7, No. 4, April 2022. |
2022 | The Willingness of Motivations to Fund The Visual Game Project: A Case Study in Crowdfunding From Visual Novel Game–Xagia Wars Atik Aprianingsih,Teresia Debby,Iqro Setiawan Jati,Ira Fachira. -. Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): IJBE, Vol. 8 No. 1, January 2022. |
2021 | The Influence of Different Digital Content Marketing on Consumer Engagement in The Tourism Sector Asmara Khairani,Ira Fachira. -. Volume 5, Number 3, 2021, pp. 443-450. |
2021 | Effects of Social Media Marketing Towards Probiotic Chicken Customers’ Purchase Intention: Customer Engagement as a Mediator Nadia Ambar Shofiya,Ira Fachira. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH). Volume 6, Issue 8, (page 518 - 531). |
2021 | FACTORS INFLUENCING ONLINE IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOR IN INDONESIA Ario Bimo Wibisono,Ira Fachira. Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan. Voll. 37, No.11 (June,2021), pp.1127-1137. |
2021 | Understanding the Perspective of Behavioral Economics’ Planning Fallacy in Improving Business Strategy for Kopi Bon Fadhilla Sandra Adjie,Alvanov Zpalanzani Mansoor,Sony Rustiadi,Ira Fachira. -. Vol. 6, Issue: 3, Pages: 124-128. |
2021 | The Impact of Visual Promotion and Consumers` Perception Armayoga Mukti Al-ghifari,Ira Fachira. -. VOL.4 NO.1 2021, pages 19-27. |
2021 | THE INFLUENCE OF E-COMMERCE’ MARKETING ON IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR Enri Nabila Bahrah,Ira Fachira. -. Volume 3 Issue 9 (September 2021) PP. 349-361. |
2020 | Factors Affecting Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intention ThroughInstagram Fashion Online Shop: An Indonesian Perspective Atik Aprianingsih,Margareth Setiawan,Frances Bowden Affandy,Bianca Caroline Immanuel,Ira Fachira. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media. Vol. 8, Nº 15. |
2020 | Proposed Marketing Strategy for Hijab2Day Aldila Rahma Putri,Ira Fachira. Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis Islam. Volume 3 Nomor 1 (Tahun 2020). |
2020 | Factors Affecting Celebrity Endorsement on Purchase Intention Through Instagram Fashion Online Shop: An Indonesian Perspective Atik Aprianingsih,Margareth Setiawan,Frances Bowden Affandy,Bianca Caroline Immanuel,Ira Fachira. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media. 15/8. |
2015 | Telling tales: online comic and gripe story-sharing by service workers about difficult customers Janet Sayers,Ira Fachira. New Technology, Work and Employment. Volume 30, Issue 2. |
2002 | A Study of Consumer Behavior in Adoption of Technology-Based Product Ira Fachira,Reza Ashari Nasution. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Vol. 6, No 1. |
2022 | Developing an Internationalisation Process through Digital Transformation: An Evidence in British MSMEs Tamado Efraim Edgar,Ira Fachira,Ian Spencer. 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government |
2020 | The Power of Nostalgia Marketing to Indonesian Millennials Customers Vanesa Valensca,Ira Fachira. International Conference On Management In Emerging Markets (ICMEM) |
2020 | The Impact of Hijab Towards Source Credibility and Purchase Intention: Case Study of Hijabi Beauty Guru Review on Safi Skin Care in Youtube Caren Christy Putri,Ira Fachira. International Conference On Management In Emerging Markets (ICMEM) |
2019 | The practice of digitalization in improving customer experience of Indonesian commercial aviation industry Muhammad Irfan Nurhadi,Nilanthi Ratnayake,Ira Fachira. THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT IN EMERGING MARKETS (ICMEM) 2020 |
2018 | Determinants of venture capital performance in Indonesia Ahmad Danu Prasetyo,Muhammad Febrizal Imran,Fania Anindita Rizka,Ira Fachira. 2nd Global Conference for Academic Research on Management and Economics |
2017 | Hijabers: Preferences on Muslim Fashion Clothing Profile Jinanthi Nurulita R,Ira Fachira. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Exploratory Study: The Interaction Between Travel Bloggers and Travel Consumers on Instagram and Its Involvement on Travel Consumer's Journey for Travel Planning Process Vania Ariella Detrisa,Ira Fachira. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2016 | The Effect of Online Marketing Strategy for Semi-Conventional Local Furniture Shop Jesica Fitriana Martasari,Ira Fachira. The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016 |
2016 | Effect of Celebrity Endorsement’s Credibility on Attitude toward Advertisement and Purchase Intention in Instagram A A Dharma Adi Pratidnya,Ira Fachira. The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016 |
2016 | UNDERSTANDING LOCAL PERFORMANCE ART AUDIENCE: SEGMENTATION STUDY Vania,Ira Fachira. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science 2016 |
2015 | A QUEST FOR BUSINESS MODEL TO INCREASE THE WELFARE OF INCLUSIVE AGRIBUSINESS IN INDONESIA Meidina Mustikaningrum Amarsa,Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara,Atik Aprianingsih,Ira Fachira,Mia Tantri Diah Indriani. International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2015 |
2014 | SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATION FROM COLLEGE STUDENT PERSPECTIVE: A CASE STUDY OF SIMPATI Oktavina Diah Puspita,Ira Fachira. International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences 2014 |
2011 | Subtext and Playtext in a Hairdresser Online Discussion Forum Ira Fachira. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference 2011 |
2014 | Mangga Gedong Gincu Business Ecosystem BAPEDA Jabar |
2022 | Workshop Experiential Learning ISS Indonesia Management Trainee Training for Corporations provided by ISS Indonesia |
2019 | Managing for Results Training for Corporations provided by Experto for PT. Sinarmas Multifinance |
2018 | Great People Managerial Program Training for Goverment Institutions provided by CCE |
2013 | Servant Leadership Training Training for Public provided by CIEL SBM ITB |
2013 | Market Potential & Demand Size Training Training for Corporations provided by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk |
2020 | the 5th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2020. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2016 | The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2016 | 1ST INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2016 | 1 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2014 | The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2015 | The Model Organizational Buying Behavior for Small Business: Case Studies of Small Scale Batik Business in Indonesia School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2015 | Extending The Model of Goal Directed Behavior To Explain Indonesian Consumer Intention to Saving at Islamic Bank: The Role of Implicit Attitude and Personal Values School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Examiner |
2019 | Workshop Kelas Internasional Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung |
2021 | ESB Business School, Reutlingen University |