
Mustika graduated from industrial engineer ITB. In her early career, she worked in several manufacturing companies. During her study at the State University of Ghent Belgium, she was a Researcher in Food Quality and Quality Management (1989-and 1992) and Consumer Behaviour (1993-1997). She received her Doctorate in 1997. When she was working as a consultant in the Bureau of Economics of the Government of West Java Province and the West Java ProBuild (Promotion and Networking Businesses, 1997-2003), she conducted Marketing Research for distinctive products produced by West Java’s small-medium scale enterprises, national and internationally.

She had teaching experience in several Universities before working as a Faculty Member in SBM ITB. She is a member of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), NeuroMarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA), Korean Academy of Marketing Science (KAMS) and Association for Consumer Research (ACR). She has broadened her horizons in Consumer Behavior Research and Strategic Marketing by participating in International Conferences organised by AMS and KAMS, namely World Marketing Conference and Global Marketing Conference every year. She is the track Chair of Mobile Marketing in Global Marketing Conference 2016 and 2018. She is also the Chair of the Expertise Board of Cooperative Movement in West Java (DEKOPIN Wilayah Jawa Barat).

Besides acting as a consultant to businesses, she has been fortunate in being able to engage in collaborative research with students coming from various educational background and occupations. Through these collaborations, she has gained experience in Consumer Behavior research across different sectors (food, handy craft, medical, bank, telecommunications, higher education, services, fashion, FMCG), several marketing media (TV, printed and digital) various methodological approaches, qualitative as well as quantitative.

In the last four years, She has been conducting research, developing and socialising the Digital Platform for Inclusive Business Ecosystem Model, a business model that she believes is the most suitable one for increasing economic growth as well as welfare in Indonesia.

She has a deep interest in researching International Trading, Business to Business Relationship, NeuroMarketing, Digital Marketing, Consumer Culture, and Public Policy. Besides Lecturing and researching, she provides training, consultation and market research for companies and communities.


MB2004 - Introduction to International Business
MB2006 - Introduction to International Business
MB2103 - Integrated Business Asia 1
MB2105 - Integrated Business Asia 1
MB2107 - Integrated Business Asia 1
MB2202 - Integrated Business Asia 2
MB2205 - Integrated Business Asia 2
MB4016 - Shopper Behavior
MB4049 - Retail Management
MB5004 - Fundamentals of Marketing Management
MB5007 - Fundamentals of Marketing Management
MB50M5 - Fundamentals of Marketing
MB6003 - Advanced Consumer Behaviour
MB6024 - Advanced Consumer Behavior
MB6031 - Market Research
MB6034 - Consumer Behavior Analysis
MB7103 - Behavioral Science
MB8013 - Behavioral Marketing
MK2102 - Market Research
MK2201 - Market Research
MM5001 - Marketing Management
MM5003 - Marketing Management
MM5012 - Business Strategy and Enterprise Modelling
MM6032 - Consumer Behavior
MM6033 - Applied Marketing Research
MM6037 - Consumer Behavior
WI1113 - Business and Management Laboratory