Rendra graduated Master of Management degree in 2002. Since 2003 has begun actively teaching and currently joint with SBM ITB in Entrepreneurship and Technology Management Interest Group. In addition to teaching activities, Rendra was also much involved in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development. Research focus are SMEs development, the industrial cluster, and community based Entrepreneurship.
KU3011 - Student Entrepreneurship EMB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB1201 - Technology for Business Innovation
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB1212 - Study of Human Society
MB2101 - Integrated Business Experience 1
MB2102 - Integrated Business Experience 1
MB2201 - Integrated Business Experience 2
MB2203 - Integrated Business Experience 2
MB2208 - Enterpreneurial Leadership for Business Growth
MB3001 - Environmental Management System
MB3004 - Entrepreneurial Leadership for Business Growth
MB3131 - Family Business
MB4019 - Creativity and Innovation
MB4020 - Management of Technology
MB4024 - New Product Development
MB4043 - New Product Development
MB4053 - Corporate Social Responsibility
MB4070 - Bio-industry Management and Entrepreneurship
MK2001 - Design Thinking for Innovation
MK2001 - Design Thinking for Sustainable Business (P)
MK2002 - Business Model and System Development (P)
MK2002 - Customer Insights and Business Models
MK2101 - Technology Assessment and Forecasting
MK2103 - Innovation and Business Economics
MK2201 - Micro and Small Business
MK3001 - Business Planning and Feasibility (P)
MK3001 - Prototyping in Practice (P)
MK3002 - Business Initiation Practice
MK3012 - Service Business
MK3013 - New Product Development
MK3013 - Small and Micro Business
MK3016 - Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
MK3017 - Tech Start-up
MK3019 - Creativity and Innovation
MK3019 - Prototyping in Practice for Technopreneurship
MK3021 - Product Development
MK4001 - Start-up Business Practice (P)
MK4002 - Entrepreneurship Mentoring II (P)
MM5015 - Business Initiation
MM5017 - Business Growth Management
MM5100 - Venture Management
MM6063 - Business Plan in Property
2002 | Master in management Widyatama University, Indonesia |
2000 | Bachelor in Economics Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP, Indonesia |
2022 | Membangun Transformasi Bisnis Go Digital Dan Pondasi Pemasaran Digital Bagi Umkm Kota Bandung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2019 | Development of Economic Empowerment in Islamic Boarding Schools in West Java Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Model Pembelajaran e-learning Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by E-Learning of Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Menuju ekosistem industri kreatif yang berkelanjutan – sebuah pemetaan menggunakan analisis potensi ko-kreasi dan perancangan model bisnis multi sektor industri kreatif (Studi kasus: kota Bandung) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Crowdfunding sebagai alternatif baru pembiayaan bisnis start-up di indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Strategy Industri Perkulitan yang Ramah Lingkungan Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Model Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Melalui Inkubator Bisnis Dalam Mendorong Keberhasilan Wirausaha Baru Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2015 | Pengembangan Kurikulum Kewirausahaan pada Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Minat Siswa untuk Melanjutkan Studi Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2018 | Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development in Senior High School Rendra Chaerudin,Sri Hartati. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). Vol 7, No 3.25 (2018). |
2015 | Diamond Model Development of ICT Industry Clusters in a Developing Country Wawan Dhewanto,Rendra Chaerudin,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun. Journal of Business & Management (COES&RJ-JBM). Vol 3 (2015). |
2014 | Triple Helix Model in Indonesian ICT Cluster Development Wawan Dhewanto,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Rendra Chaerudin,Qorri Aina,Sri Herliana. World Applied Sciences Journal. Vol 30, pp: 302-307. |
2014 | Model of Entrepreneurship Learning in Growing New Entrepreneur (Case Study in Centre of Business Incubator, West Java, Indonesia) Sri Hartati,Wawan Dhewanto,Rendra Chaerudin,Lenny Martini. Journal of Education and Vocational Research. Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2014). |
2020 | Early Investor Intention In Real Estate Equity Crowdfunding Platform Andri,Rendra Chaerudin. The 2019 Manado International Conference of Project Management (ICPM) |
2019 | The Influence of Supplementary Service in Information Process towards Customer Satisfaction in SME Branding Industry Nabila Luthfia,Lidia Mayangsari,Santi Novani,Rendra Chaerudin. 2nd Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business |
2019 | The Effect of Customers Price Perception, Perceived Quality and Brand Image Toward Customer Purchasing Intention in Shoe Industry Dini Ika Septiani,Rendra Chaerudin. iInternational Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science |
2019 | Brand-Generated Content (BGC) and Consumer-Generated Advertising (CGA) on Instagram: The influence of Perceptions on Purchase Intention Refi Salma Irelli,Rendra Chaerudin. International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science 2019 |
2018 | Creating Purchase Decision through Co-Branding in Creative Industry Rosa Regina,Rendra Chaerudin. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Building Brand Trust Through Customer Engagement in Creative Industry Firdha Ramashanti,Rendra Chaerudin. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Creating Brand Image in Fashion Start-up: The impact of Virtual Community Based Marketing Selma Khairunnisa,Rendra Chaerudin. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2017 | Lending-Based Crowdfunding Business Model Rendra Chaerudin,Sri Hartati,Acip Sutardi. The 9th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2017 |
2017 | Developing Collaboration Strategy On Sales Growth, Case Study: Startup SMEs In Bandung Fikry Aulia Hertikawan,Rendra Chaerudin. The 9th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2017 |
2017 | The Effect of Social Media Viral Marketing on Purchase Intention at Snack Food Product SMEs in Bandung Isnah Karimah,Rendra Chaerudin. The 9th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2017 |
2017 | Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development In Senior High school Rendra Chaerudin,Sri Hartati. 3rd ASIA International Conference 2017 |
2016 | Influence Of Brand Association Toward Brand Loyalty Of Weidenmann Edbert Pradnyaputra,Rendra Chaerudin. International Conference on Ethics of Business, Economics, and Social Science 2016 |
2016 | Strategy of Environment-Friendly Leather Industry in Indonesia Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Wawan Dhewanto,Rendra Chaerudin,Mandra Lazuardi Kitri,Yuanita Handayati,Ani Silvia. The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016 |
2016 | Analyzing Employee Engagement In Business Community Rendra Chaerudin,Jaka Fernando Arisandi. The 8th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2016 |
2015 | BUSINESS STARTUP LENDING MODEL OF ICT INCUBATOR BUSINESS1 Wawan Dhewanto,Rendra Chaerudin,Sri Herliana,Acip Sutardi. International Conference Management Accounting Banking Economic and Business Research 2015 |
2014 | Model of Funding Scheme Small Medium Entrepries as Supplier of Good to Wholesalers Sri Hartati,Rendra Chaerudin,Kartib Bayu. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014 |
2014 | A Course on Idea-to-launch Process with Emphasis on Experiential Learning Sri Hartati,Rendra Chaerudin,Kartib Bayu. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014 |
2013 | The Governmental Support in Improving the Ability of ICT Small Entrepreneurs to Utilize Market Opportunities Wawan Dhewanto,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Sri Herliana,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Rendra Chaerudin,Qorri Aina. International Conference on Management and Technology in Knowledge, Service, Tourism and Hospitality 2013 |
2013 | Triple Helix Modell in Indonesian ICT Cluster Development3 Wawan Dhewanto,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Evy Rachmawati Chaldun,Qorri Aina. International Conference on Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice 2013 |
2012 | Moderating Effect of Cluster on Firm’s Innovation Capability and Business Performance: A Conceptual Framework Wawan Dhewanto,Eko Agus Prasetio,Sudrajati Ratnaningtyas,Sri Herliana,Rendra Chaerudin,Qorri Aina,Raden Bayuningrat Hardjakaprabon. International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Science 2012 |
2015 | Implementasi Kebijakan Terkait Kawasan KARST Citatah Rendra Chaerudin,Heni Aryani. Article in Popular Media |
2016 | MBA Mini in Property Training for Public provided by Bank BTN - SBM ITB |
2016 | Pelatihan Edexcel BTEC Level 5 dan Level 4 Kementerian BUMN Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Pertamina Training and Consulting |
2015 | Bimbingan Teknis Identifikasi Potensi dan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan |
2015 | Bimbingan Teknis Identifikasi Potensi dan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan |
2015 | Bimbingan Teknis Identifikasi Potensi dan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Direktorat Jenderal Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Training for New Entrepreneurs Training for Public provided by Balatkop KUMKM Jabar |
2015 | Rapat Koordinasi Rencana Awal Prioritas Pembangunan Wilayah BKPP |