Shima joined SBM-ITB in 2012 under Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation expertise group, Her research interest includes behavioral studies, well-being, work-life studies, and experiment studies, and pedagogies in higher education.
MB1102 - Performance ArtMB1201 - Business Statistics
MB1202 - Business Statistics & Data Management
MB2002 - Business Communication & Negotiation
MB2004 - Decision Making
MB2101 - Decision Making
MB2105 - Integrated Business Experience I
MB3003 - Business Research Method
MB3003 - Decision Management and Negotiation
MB3004 - Business Research Method
MB3102 - Business Research Method
MB3103 - Decision Making and Negotiation 2
MB4011 - Negotiation
MB4012 - Conflict Resolution
MB4013 - Multivariate Statistics
MB4032 - Multivariat Statistics
MB4041 - Modelling and Simulation for Decision Analysis
MB5005 - Fundamentals of Business Statistics
MB5102 - Quantitative Research Methodology
MB5103 - Qualitative Research Methodology
MB5207 - Advanced Statistics
MB6051 - Service Science
MB6052 - Creative Problem Solving
MB6053 - System Modelling for Policy Development
MB6054 - Agent Based Modelling and Simulation
MB7203 - Behavioral Science
MK2105 - Multivariate Statistics (P)
MK2203 - Decision Making and Negotiation for Technopreneur
MK2203 - Decision Making and Negotiation for Technopreneurship
MK3025 - Decision Making and Analysis
MK3031 - Creative Problem Solving
MK3103 - Communication and Business Negotiation
MK4101 - Business Research Methods for Entrepreneur
MK4103 - Busines Research Method for Entrepreneurs
MK4103 - Business Research Method
WI2002 - Data Literacy and Artificial Inteligence
2011 | Master in science management Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
2011 | Master in Industrial Administration Tokyo University of Science, Japan |
2008 | Bachelor in Psychology Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia |
2023 | Bridging the Gap of Practical Aspect in Business School Learning using global-Project Based Learning Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2023 | STEP K-12 - Empowering Young Generation with System Thinking for K-12 Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Developing Problem-Solving Skill through Problem-Based Learning Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2022 | Empowering Young Generation with System Thinking Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2021 | Employee's Subjective Wellbeing during Pandemic Situation: Indonesia Case Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2020 | Business Analytics untuk Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Operasi Transportasi Publik Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2019 | Dampak Integrasi Antarmoda terhadap Kesediaan Pengguna dalam Menggunakan Angkutan Umum dibandingkan Angkutan Daring Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2019 | Collaboration Readiness Index on Peer-to-peer collaborative consumption Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | The Projected versus Perceived Image of Bandung City Tourism: An Opinion Mining Method Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Pengembangan Kebijakan di Bidang Minyak dan Gas dalam Konsep Energi Berkelanjutan Menggunakan Pendekatan Sistem Dinamik Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Memahami Pengambilan Keputusan dan Perilaku Pengguna Jalan: Eksperimentasi dan Simulasi Penerapan Jalan Berbayar (Road Pricing) di Indonesia National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2018 | Analisis Sistem untuk Mendorong Penciptaan Nilai Bersama pada Kebijakan Logistik Maritim (System Analysis to Stimulate Value Co-Creation on Maritime Logistic Policy ) National level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2018 | Peranan Penting Cultural Intelligence (CQ) di Pendidikan Tinggi Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | ANALISIS DILEMA DARI INTERDEPENDENT DECISION SITUATION PADA KOLABORASI PELAKU PARIWISATA Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Dinamika Asimilasi Motif Sosial dalam Pencapaian Kesepakatan Negosiasi Bisnis Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Penggunaan Data dari Sosial Media untuk Membandingkan Kesadaran Merek, Opini Publik, Perbaikan, & Sentiment untuk Tourism Kota Bandung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2017 | Model Platform Co-creation Digital untuk menunjang Pariwisata di Jawa Barat: Pendekatan Service Science Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Pemodelan Bauran Energi Nasional dengan Pendekatan Sistem Dinamik Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Pengembangan Platform Co-creation Digital dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Jawa Barat Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2016 | Model Co-evolution dari Ekosistem Service Industri Kreatif: (Studi Kasus Fashion Hijab di kota Bandung) Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2016 | Value Co-Creation Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Urban Tourism Di Bandung Dengan Agent Based Modeling Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Aplikasi Permainan Interaktif dan Simulasi Berbasis Agen Untuk Mendukung Kesadaran Terhadap Bencana Kebakaran Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Pengaruh Value Co-Creation dalam Proses Pembentukan Klaster Industri Kuliner di Kota Bandung Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Exploring Cognitive Mechanisms Beyond Variable Road Pricing (VRP): Studi Eksperimental mengenai Pengaruh VRP terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Pengendara Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2016 | Pengaruh Interaksi Sosial Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan dan Perilaku Pengguna Jalan National level research award/sponsorship granted by Kemenristekdikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education) |
2016 | Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Informasi dan Proses Pembelajaran untuk Membantu Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Menggunakan Metodologi Siklik Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2015 | Pengembangan Metoda Pembelajaran untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Mahasiswa melalui Pengembangan Emotional Intelligence dan Cultural Intelligence Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2015 | Peningkatan Kesadaran Terhadap Bencana Melalui Media ‘ambient’ dan Teknologi Informasi Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2024 | The Influence of Product Quality and Product Attributes on Purchase Intention of Powdered Breast Milk Service Mediated by Belief Systems Muhammad razan,Shimaditya Nuraeni. Journal of Consumer Study and Applied Marketing. Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024). |
2024 | Using smart card data to develop origin-destination matrix-based business analytics for bus rapid transit systems: case study of Jakarta, Indonesia Meditya Wasesa,Mochammad Agus Afrianto,Fakhri Ihsan Ramadhan,Yos Sunitiyoso,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Utomo Sarjono Putro,Sri Hastuti. Journal of Management Analytics. Vol. 11 No. 3 (2024). |
2023 | Future of mobility in Jakarta Metropolitan Area: A Multi-Stakeholder scenario planning Yos Sunitiyoso,Agung Wicaksono,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi,Wulan Asti Rahayu,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Fikri Hadiansyah,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Adhimas Aulia Muhammad. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 19 (2023). |
2023 | Analyzing Factors Considered by Career Housewives in Bandung, Indonesia in Using Ready-to-Cook (RTC) Product in Daily Life Ega Anda Rista,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023). |
2023 | Factors Influencing Identification as a Fan and Consumerism towards The Virtual K-Pop Group MAVE Valencia Hoesan,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023). |
2023 | Influential Cosmetic Packaging Attributes Toward Customer Purchase Intention Maurel Sara Hasibuan,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023). |
2023 | The Associated of Perceived Service Quality to Customer Behaviour Towards Use and Purchase Intention in Freemium Services Fadhillah Eka Sucy,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 5 No. 3 (2023). |
2022 | Role of ride-hailing in multimodal commuting Yos Sunitiyoso,Wulan Asti Rahayu,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi,Fikri Hadiansyah. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 10/2. |
2022 | B2B CRM Strategy Design Guiding Principle: Study Case of Det-Urgent Company Akmallya Fadhilah,Arfenia Nita,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022). |
2022 | Port performance factors and their interactions: A systems thinking approach Yos Sunitiyoso,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi,Tutik Inayati,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Fikri Hadiansyah,Adhya Rare Tiara. Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics. 38 (2). |
2022 | Influential Criteria Towards Partner Selection for Strategic Alliances of Start-ups in Bandung City Tanika Octavenia Sallao,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022). |
2021 | Barriers in Purchasing Organic Clothing Product Among Z Generation Women in Indonesia Aisha Nur Shafira Putri,Shimaditya Nuraeni. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH). Vol 6, Issue 9. |
2020 | Relevance of disaster awareness factors and evacuation experiment without emergency alarm: fire case study Akbar Adhiutama,Rony Darmawan,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi,Nur Budi Mulyono. International Journal of Emergency Services. Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 177-193. |
2020 | Factors Influencing the Intention of the Deaf to Use Hear Me Application Octiafani Isna Ariani,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 2 No. 2. |
2020 | Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention to Use Hear Me Application towards the Hearing People Safirah Nur Shabrina,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 2, No. 2. |
2020 | Determinant Factors Affecting Podcast Users’ Acceptance to Listen to Podcast Alda Griselda Triumami,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 2, No. 2. |
2020 | Factors Influencing Behavior Intention to Use Hear Me Application towards the Hearing People Safirah Nur Shabrina,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 2 No. 2. |
2020 | Determinant Factors Affecting Podcast Users' Acceptance to Listen to Podcast Alda Griselda Triumami,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 2 No. 2. |
2020 | Road Pricing in Indonesia: How Will Public Respond? Yos Sunitiyoso,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Tutik Inayati,Fikri Hadiansyah,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi. Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 47 (2020). |
2020 | Analysis of Post Characteristic on Online Engagement and Online Behavior Athalia Mutiara Laksmi,Shimaditya Nuraeni. -. Vol. 2 No. 2. |
2019 | P2P Lending Adoption by SMEs in Indonesia Monica Rosavina,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Mandra Lazuardi Kitri,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Lidia Mayangsari. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets. 11/2. |
2019 | Destination Country of Field Trip Analysis to Improve Student Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Achmad Ghazali,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Layung Anindya Prasetyanti,Aria Bayu Pangestu. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. 18 (3). |
2018 | The Relationship between Cultural Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Student Performance Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Aurik Gustomo,Achmad Ghazali. International Journal of Business. Vol 23 (1), 2018. |
2018 | Designing Effective Field Trip Activities to Develop Students' Cultural Intelligence Aurik Gustomo,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Achmad Ghazali,Shimaditya Nuraeni. International Journal of Business and Society. Vol. 19, No.1, 2018, 195-208. |
2018 | Exploring Driver’s Response to Variable Road Pricing (VRP) Scheme: An Insight into Policy Implementation in Indonesia Yos Sunitiyoso,Fikri Hadiansyah,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Mila Jamilah Khatun Badriyah,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi. Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia. 5/3. |
2018 | Analyzing Patient Satisfaction towards Resident at Internal Medicine Department in Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung using Revised Importance-Performance Analysis Hasna Azzizah Qarari,Ruswana Anwar,Mursyid Hasan Basri,Shimaditya Nuraeni. International Journal of Business and Society. Vol. 19, No. 1, 2018, 59-72. |
2016 | System Dynamics Model and Policy Scenario Analyses on International Movements of Indonesian Scientists and Engineers Tutik Inayati,Shunsuke Mori,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The Asian Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 9, No.2. |
2013 | Analyzing Co-Creation Process in Cluster Industry using Agent-Based Simulation, Case Study: Cluster Industry Batik Solo Utomo Sarjono Putro,Dhanan Sarwo Utomo,Pri Hermawan,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Khrisna Ariyanto. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Volume 12, No. 1, p. 102-114 (2013). |
2012 | Model Berbasis Agen bagi Penyebaran Penyakit ISPA pada Musim Hujan di Bandung Selatan Shimaditya Nuraeni,Dhanan Sarwo Utomo,Utomo Sarjono Putro. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Vol. 11, No. 1 (2012). |
2024 | Future of Work: Lesson from COVID-19 and Future Implication Shimaditya Nuraeni,Utomo Sarjono Putro,Henndy Ginting. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Management, Accounting and Sustainable Economy (ICBMASE 2023) |
2020 | Road Pricing in Indonesia: How Will Public Respond? Yos Sunitiyoso,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Fikri Hadiansyah,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi,Tutik Inayati. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting |
2020 | Customer Preferences Toward Cashless Payment Methods in Culinary Industry Qosimatur Roosyidah,Shimaditya Nuraeni. International Conference On Management In Emerging Markets (ICMEM) |
2020 | Exploring Customers' Motivation Towards Becoming a Member in Fitness Center: A Case of Celebrity Fitness Paris Van Java Sabrina Nadya Anwar,Shimaditya Nuraeni. International Conference On Management In Emerging Markets (ICMEM) |
2020 | Analysis of Tie Strength and Purchase Decision Involvement towards Word-of-Mouth Influence in Service Business Ummu Qonitah,Shimaditya Nuraeni. International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science 2019 |
2020 | The 21st Century Capabilities for Improving SME Performance Rara Dzikrina Istighfaroh,Shimaditya Nuraeni. International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science 2019 |
2019 | Modeling the Purchase Decision and Customer Loyalty Mechanism using Agent-based Simulation Shimaditya Nuraeni,Syafiq Mahdi Tomiputra. The 4th International Research Conference on Management and Business |
2019 | Structuring Indonesia Maritime Logistics System Through Shipping Industry, Port Service Provider, and Government Perspective Yos Sunitiyoso,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Tutik Inayati,Fikri Hadiansyah,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi. The First Economics and Business Competitiveness International Conference |
2018 | Role of information on road users' departure time decisions: an experimental study of variable road pricing Yos Sunitiyoso,Fikri Hadiansyah,Tutik Inayati,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Noorhan Firdaus Pambudi. 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies |
2018 | The Effectivity of Gamified Learning Method on Learning Outcomes Excelita Syahrani Dwirajani,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Developing Policies for Domestic Gas Industry Sustainability using Soft System Dynamic Model Approach Yos Sunitiyoso,Andika Mahardika,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2017 | Developing ERP in Indonesia: Investigating Social Interaction on Driver’s Decisions in Electronic Road Pricing Yos Sunitiyoso,Ilham Fadhil Nurdayat,Fikri Hadiansyah,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation 2017 |
2017 | What Makes Tourism Platform’s Video Marketing Failed to be Viral? A case study from Indonesia Amanda Febrila Setyani,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The 8th International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation 2017 |
2017 | Developing Policy to Increase Cattle Population, Milk Production, and Improve Farmers' Welfare Using Agent-Based Modeling. Case Study in Pangalengan, Bandung District Utomo Sarjono Putro,Manahan Siallagan,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Shena Nadya Nirmala. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | IDENTIFYING FACTORS OF EMPLOYER ATTRACTIVENESS TO WINNING THE WAR FOR TALENT IN INDONESIA E-COMMERCE Arifah Rifda Zakira,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Shimaditya Nuraeni. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Understanding Commuters’ Decisions to Explore Potential Market of Depok-Antasari Toll Road Adhimas Aulia Muhammad,Yos Sunitiyoso,Shimaditya Nuraeni. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Measuring the Role of Information in Trademark Registration Intention Lidwina Kristantia,Shimaditya Nuraeni. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Early Investor Intention in Peer to Peer Lending Platform Altriko Wicaksono,Suryo Utomo,Shimaditya Nuraeni. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2016 | Game-based Learning to Improve Disaster Awareness Nur Budi Mulyono,Akbar Adhiutama,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Manahan Siallagan. The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016 |
2016 | The Relationship between Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Aurik Gustomo,Achmad Ghazali. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Stakeholder Analysis of Batik Solo Industrial Cluster Shimaditya Nuraeni,Pri Hermawan,Irsanti Hasyim. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Value Co-Creation to Promote Collaboration among Stakeholders to Improve Tourism in Solo: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Approach Manahan Siallagan,Santi Novani,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Utomo Sarjono Putro. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Improving disaster awareness through ambient media: an experimental study3 Shimaditya Nuraeni,Nur Budi Mulyono,Akbar Adhiutama. 3rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities 2015 |
2015 | Maintaining Collaboration between Batik Industrial Cluster for Solo as the Capital City of Batik3 Pri Hermawan,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Ghita Yoshanti. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2014 | Understanding Consumer Decision-making in Tourism Sector: Conjoint Analysis1 Shimaditya Nuraeni,Arlavianyssa Pradiva Arru,Santi Novani. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2014 |
2013 | Analyzing Co-creation Process in Cluster Industry using Agent-Based Simulation, Case Study: Batik Industrial Cluster in Solo Utomo Sarjono Putro,Dhanan Sarwo Utomo,Pri Hermawan,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Khrisna Ariyanto. The 12th International Decision Science Institute and the 18th Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference 2013 |
2013 | Policy Initiatives Strategic for Post-relocation of Street Vendor3 Anggraeni Permatasari,Utomo Sarjono Putro,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The International Conference on Managing the Asian Century |
2013 | Strategic Analysis Relocating Street Vendor through 3D Negotiation Case Study: Street Vendor Surakarta, Indonesia Anggraeni Permatasari,Utomo Sarjono Putro,Shimaditya Nuraeni. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business 2013 |
2012 | Understanding dynamic behavior of swing voters during election campaign period using Agent-Based Simulation1 Corinthias P. Morgana Sianipar ,Shimaditya Nuraeni,Dhanan Sarwo Utomo,Yos Sunitiyoso,Utomo Sarjono Putro. International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Science 2012 |
2011 | Modeling the Spread of Infectious Diseases after Flood in the Rainy Season in South Bandung, Indonesia Shimaditya Nuraeni,Takeshi Arai. The 29th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society |
2024 | Social Decision Systems Science - The Exploration of Entrepreneurial Activities and Innovation in Pangandaran Tourism Area, West Java, Indonesia: Service Science Perspective Kyoichi Kijima,Santi Novani,Ibrahim Rashid,Shimaditya Nuraeni. Chapter in Research Book |
2016 | Translational Systems Sciences, Vol. 3, Systems Science for Complex Policy Making Manahan Siallagan,Shimaditya Nuraeni. Chapter in Research Book |
2016 | Survey Kepuasan Pasien atas Kinerja Dokter Residen RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung |
2016 | Penilaian Kepuasan Pelanggan atas
Kinerja Peserta Didik (Residen dan Perawat) di ruang perawatan SMF. Bedah, SMF.
Obstetri dan Ginekologi, SMF. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, SMF. Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUP Hasan Sadikin |
2018 | Workshop on Science Based Policy Making Training for Goverment Institutions provided by CCE |
2018 | Workshop on Mind Map and Multi Criteria Decision Making using Analytical Hierarchy Process Training for Corporations provided by CCE |
2017 | Workshop on Research Methodology Training for Corporations provided by CCE |
2017 | Integrated Management Development Program - PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2016 | Research Methodology Training - Pertamina Corporate University Training for Corporations provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2013 | Trainer on Workshop of System Dynamics for Holticultura Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Ministry of Agriculture |
2013 | Trainer on Workshop of System Dynamics Training for Goverment Institutions provided by Ministry of Agriculture |
2012 | Pelatihan Implementasi Sistem Dinamik untuk Analisa Kebijakan Sektor Pertaninan Indonesia - Kementrian Pertanian Training for Goverment Institutions provided by CCE SBM ITB |
2019 | The 4th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2019 and The 11th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2019. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2018 | The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2016 | The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016. Record of Peer Review of Conference Paper |
2019 | Workshop Berpikir Sistem SMPN 5 Surakarta |
2015 | Tokyo Institute of Technology |