
Sonny Rustiadi is a member of the group Entrepreneurship and Technology Management expertise at the School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM-ITB), finished Doctoral Program from Goldsmiths University of London, UK; earn an MBA from SBM-ITB, Indonesia; and graduated from Faculty of Economic at Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia.

His research interest is in the field of entrepreneurship, creative industries, and business financing. Sonny is also actively involved in Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (CIEL) at SBM-ITB.

Prior to joining SBM-ITB, Sonny worked in various companies including Arthur Andersen Firm, PT. Belaputera Intiland, KPMG, and USAID. As a serial entrepreneur himself, Sonny has experience in various businesses including property management, retail telecommunication, fashion, education services, travel services, and interior design service.


MB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB1201 - Technology for Business Innovation
MB2204 - Integrated Business Experience II
MB6042 - Management of Innovation
MB6045 - Small Business Development
MB6046 - Family Business
MB9091 - Progress Seminar I
MK2001 - Design Thinking for Innovation
MK2102 - Business Economics
MK2103 - Innovation and Business Economics
MK3003 - Business Scale Up
MK3003 - Entrepreneurship Mentoring I (P)
MK3004 - Design Thinking for Innovation (P)
MK3005 - Global Market Testing (P)
MK3011 - Technology Based Business
MK3012 - Venture Capital Business
MK3014 - Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship
MK3021 - Technology Commercialization
MK4001 - Start-up Business Practice (P)
MK4002 - Entrepreneurship Mentoring II (P)
MK4004 - Entrepreneurship Mentoring III (P)
MK4099 - Final Project
MM5010 - Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
MM5011 - Management of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship
MM5012 - Design Thinking for Building Business (P)
MM5013 - Business Acceleration for Growth (P)
MM5013 - New Venture Management (P)
MM5014 - Business Acceleration for Growth (P)
MM5014 - Management of Innovation, Technology & Entrepreneurship
MM5015 - Business Initiation
MM5016 - New Venture Management
MM5017 - Business Growth Management
MM5019 - Contextual Creativity
MM5021 - Entrepreneurial Modelling
MM5026 - Management of Innovation and Technology
MM6052 - Small Business Management
MM6062 - Small Business Management