Taufik Faturohman is currently lecturer at the School of Business and Management Institute of Technology Bandung (SBM ITB). He received a PhD in Economics and Finance from Curtin Business School, Curtin University of Technology Western Australia. The title of his dissertations is “An Examination of the Growth of Islamic Banking in Indonesia from 2003-2010”. Taufik obtained his MBA from ITB, and graduated with honor (cum laude). He earned a Bachelor degree in Materials Engineering, also from ITB. Taufik’s research interests are Islamic banking, Islamic finance, corporate finance, business risk management and economics.
MB2104 - EconomicsMB2108 - International Trade and Finance
MB2203 - Financial Management
MB2204 - International Trade and Finance
MB3002 - International Trade and Finance
MB4015 - Corporate Finance
MB4018 - Business Risk and Venture Capital
MB4019 - Bank Management and Financial Services
MB4045 - Investment Management
MB4046 - Islamic Banking
MB4047 - Business Risk and Venture Capital
MB4056 - Bank Management and Financial Services
MB5002 - Fundamentals of Financial Knowledge
MB6067 - Financial Risk Management
MK2103 - Business Risk Analysis for Technopreneur
MK3101 - Business Risk Analysis
MK3103 - Business Risk Analysis for Technopreneurship
MM5005 - Economic and Business Landscape Analysis
MM5006 - Business Economics
MM5006 - Entrepreneurial Economics
MM5006 - Financial Management and Policy
MM5007 - Financial Management
MM5007 - Financial Management & Policy
MM6021 - Corporate Risk Management
MM6022 - Islamic Banking System
MM6024 - Corporate Risk Management
MM6033 - Corporate Risk Management
MM6034 - Islamic Financial and Banking System
WI1103 - Sustainability
2014 | Doctor (Research) in Economics and Finance Curtin University, Australia |
2006 | Master in Business Administration Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2004 | Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia |
2023 | Pelatihan Pembukuan Digital Serta Pengemasan Paket Wisata dan Media Promosi Digital di Kawasan Wisata Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by ITB |
2022 | Penyuluhan dan Pemberdayaan Petani Indonesia dalam Mengakses Modal Usaha di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Provinsi Lampung National level research award/sponsorship granted by PM Bottom-Up ITB |
2022 | Social Media On Financial Behavior In Building Financial Wellbeing For Millenials In Indonesia Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2022 | Pengembangan Food Sustainability Model Berdasarkan Perspektif Islam Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by PPMI SBM ITB |
2021 | Peningkatan Literasi Masyarakat Kota Bandung Terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Menuju Zero Waste Society Dan Peningkatan Kapasitas BSBI Sebagai Bank Sampah Syariah Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2020 | Manajemen Resiko dalam Sektor Perbankan Syariah: Studi Komparasi antara Indonesia dan Malaysia International level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM |
2019 | Studi faktor-faktor penentu keberhasilan perbankan syariah di Indonesia untuk bersaing di pasar bebas ASEAN Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Penguatan Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia Pusat Mata Nasional Rumah Sakit Mata Cicendo Melalui Workshop Perencanaan dan Penganggaran Biaya Dengan Pendekatan System Dynamic Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2017 | Pembinaan Financial Literacy untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat kota Bandung dan sekitarnya Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2015 | Woman fund managers and socially responsible investment in emerging market Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2024 | Advancing ESG Portfolio Optimization: Methods, Progress, and Future Directions. Arisona Lestari Billah,Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto,Taufik Faturohman. Accounting & Finance Review (AFR). Vol. 9 Issue 2, p65-73. |
2024 | Improving financial wellbeing in Indonesia: the role of social media as a mediating factor in financial behavior Taufik Faturohman,Tarada Berlian Megananda,Henndy Ginting. Cogent Social Sciences. Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024). |
2024 | Proposed Methodology For Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises To Conduct Corporate Spin-Off Adrian Pasca,Dermawan Wibisono,Ima Fatima,Taufik Faturohman,Herry Hudrasyah. EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Vol 12 No 3 (2024). |
2024 | Empowering waqf (Islamic endowment) entrepreneurs: a study of the key motivational factors underlying waqf-based entrepreneurship in Indonesia Rindawati Maulina,Wawan Dhewanto,Taufik Faturohman,Imam Nur Azis. European Business Review. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.. |
2024 | How to attract wealthy Muslims to contribute to cash waqf (Islamic endowment) held by the Islamic banks? Case in Indonesia Rindawati Maulina,Wawan Dhewanto,Taufik Faturohman. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. |
2023 | Perspective of the Young Generation Towards the Agricultural Sector in Indonesia Taufik Faturohman,Tarada Berlian Megananda. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 12, Issue 1. |
2023 | Business Case Study: Project Investment Analysis of Parking Management Through Manpower Anandhyka Ramadhan,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 12 No.2 (2023). |
2023 | A Supply-Demand Analysis on Global Copper Price Fluctuations Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Ernanto `,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023). |
2023 | Artificial neural network to develop loan default predicting model using social media data: a case study of online peer to peer lending Taufik Faturohman,Muhammad Abdullah Hamzah Syaiful Mukminin,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Gun Gun Indrayana,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Kurnia Fajar Afgani. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. Vol. 16 No. 3/4 (2023). |
2023 | Credit Risk Scoring Model for Consumer Financing: Logistic Regression Method Isti Yuli Ismawati,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol. 31 (2023). |
2023 | Cost-Benefit Analysis for Marketers Training Project: Case Study of Bank Capital Power, Bandung Branch Dinda Risza Riani,Taufik Faturohman. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review. Vol. 6 No.6 (2023). |
2023 | Waqf-Based Entrepreneurship Direct Financing Model: Potential and Challenges Rindawati Maulina,Wawan Dhewanto,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol. 3 No.1 (2023). |
2023 | Factors influencing the acceptance of Fintech lending platform in Indonesia: an adoption of technology acceptance model Maretta Arninda Dianty,Taufik Faturohman. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. Vol. 16 No.3-4 (2023). |
2023 | Investment Project Analysis of PT. Berau Coal Block 5-6 Binungan Using Discounted Cash Flow Method Ridho Ilham Mury Nanda,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol. 5 No.1 (2023). |
2023 | The Implementation of Risk-Based Budgeting and Cost Mapping: Study at Pt Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Syane Rachma Dian,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023). |
2023 | Upper-middle-class Muslim characteristics on cash waqf (Islamic endowment) participation for productive purposes: does one-fits-all strategy still works? Rindawati Maulina,Rindawati Maulina,Wawan Dhewanto,Wawan Dhewanto,Taufik Faturohman,Taufik Faturohman. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. -. |
2023 | Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance of Indonesian Muslims Giofella Adesta Navaky Kengsiswoyo,Taufik Faturohman,Yulianti Yulianti. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. Vol. 17 No.3-4 (2023). |
2023 | The integration of Islamic social and commercial finance (IISCF): Systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, conceptual framework, and future research opportunities Rindawati Maulina,Wawan Dhewanto,Taufik Faturohman,Taufik Faturohman. Heliyon. Volume 9 Issue 11. |
2023 | Behaviour determinants of two Muslims classes towards cash waqf for productive purposes: explanation from Indonesia Rindawati Maulina,Wawan Dhewanto,Taufik Faturohman. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. -. |
2023 | Market power and efficiency of Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia Taufik Faturohman,Oktofa Yudha Sudrajad,Nur Muhammad Azis,Atika Irawan. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. Vol. 17 No.3-4 (2023). |
2023 | The Impact of Restructuritation Strategies and Financial Instruments for Loan Loss Provision at Commercial Banking Hanifah Putri Kusumah,Taufik Faturohman,Hanifah Putri Kusumah. -. Vol. 8 No.5 (2023). |
2023 | Increase The Total Profit Achievement of Priority Unit by Analyzing Determinants of Total ProfitCase Study: PT Bank SMS Balikpapan Branch Office Melissa Marta Simanjuntak,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol. 8 No.3 (2023). |
2022 | Islamic Financing to Improve Farmers’ Welfare and Food Sustainability: A Literature Review Eka Nurhalimatus Sifa,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Taufik Faturohman,Mandra Lazuardi Kitri,Atika Irawan,Arson Aliludin. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol 11. Issue 1 (2022). |
2022 | Investment Analysis of Tobelo Powerplant 30 MW Project in Halmahera Island System Irfan Aditya Primanto,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 11 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | Business Planning for Group of Livestock Breeders in Reaching 1,000 Cows and Independence of Breeder Muhammad Ichsan,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 11 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | The Evaluation of CO2 Removal Contract (A Case Study of Randegan Area) Tomi Wahyu Alimsyah,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vo.11 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | Strategy of PT PLN (Persero) to Achieve a Renewable Energy Mix through the Co-Firing Program Novriani Tria Pratiwi,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 11 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | Islamic Stock Portfolio Optimization Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Taufik Faturohman,Teguh Nugraha. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance. Vol. 8 No.2 (2022). |
2022 | Analysis of Optimal Portfolio Allocation Using Sharpe Ratio Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of PT Jasa Raharja Selly Paramitha,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 11 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | The Application of Risk-Based New Venture Technique for Startup Valuation (Case Study: Vee Naturals) Maulidyah Nursa'adah,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vo.11 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | THE IMPACT OF COVID-19- RELATED EVENTS ON INDONESIAN COMPOSITE AND SECTORAL INDEX Muhammad Hasan Ghazali,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vo. 30 No.4 (2022). |
2022 | Personality Traits’ Impact on Managing Debt: A Case Study in Indonesia Jessica Christella Hidayat,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.11 No.4 (2022). |
2022 | Improving Financial Well-being in Indonesia: The Mediating Role of Financial Behavior Tarada Berlian Megananda,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 11 No.4 (2022). |
2022 | DO ISLAMIC BANKS IN INDONESIA TAKE EXCESSIVE RISK IN THEIR FINANCING ACTIVITIES? Muhamad Anindya Hiroshi Purbayanto,Taufik Faturohman,Yulianti Yulianti,Arson Aliludin. -. Vol. 8 No.1 (2022). |
2022 | Customer satisfaction of e-wallet user: an adoption of information system success model Fariq Rahadiyan Chalik,Taufik Faturohman. -. Volume 30. |
2021 | Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Islamic Bank Profitability (Evidence from Indonesia) Taufik Faturohman,Tsamara Hasanah Nugraha,Atika Irawan. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 10 No.1 (2021). |
2021 | The Development of Waste Bank Model with Islamic Principles: A Literature Study Taufik Faturohman,Eka Nurhalimatus Sifa,Melia Famiola,Yunieta Anny Nainggolan,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Kurnia Fajar Afgani. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | Cost and Environmental Impact Analysis of Waste Oil Utilization in Coal Mining Industry: A Case Study of PT Berau Coal Saeful Aziz,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 10, Supplementary Issue 1. |
2021 | Real Estate Developer Perception for Sharia Housing Products in Greater Bandung, Indonesia Raden Aswin Rahadi,Rizky Nurul Majid,Taufik Faturohman,Eneng Nur Hasanah,Dwi Rahmawati. -. Vol. 9 No.1 (2021). |
2021 | Factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Indonesia: an adoption of Technology Acceptance Model Taufik Faturohman,Giofella Adesta N.K.,Harapan Harapan,Datin Sri Prof. Dr. Suhaiza Hanim binti Dato Mohamad Zailani,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Neneng Nurlaela Arief. F1000 Research. Vol. 10 No.2 (2021). |
2021 | Economic Analysis of Coal Mining Project Using Real Option Valuation Method Okto Sukmara Krisna,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | Modern Portfolio Theory and Forecast Implementation Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Automotive Financing Company Rian Fajartama,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | Sharia Risk of Government-Owned Islamic Rural Banks during Covid-19 in Indonesia Riza Zahrotun Nisa,Yunieta Anny Nainggolan,Taufik Faturohman. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan. Vol 25, 4, 2021. |
2021 | The Implementation of Logistic Regression to Develop Vendor Rating Model Selviana,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | Risk Management of Sulawesi Maluku Papua Submarine Cable System of 20-1000 Meter Water Depth Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Mohammad Andre Mutalibov,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vo. 10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | Risk Management of Start-up Company (Case Study: SM Company) Anita Ikhasari,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 Cases Towards Stock Return: Evidence from Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant Industries in Indonesia Rahmi Riezalina,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol. 10 No.S3 (2021). |
2021 | The Impact of Hotel and Online Travel Agent Collaboration on Summit Siliwangi Hotel's Profit Margin Raden Aswin Rahadi,Bryan Pratama Candra,Dwi Rahmawati,Mandra Lazuardi Kitri,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol 10. |
2020 | USER ACCEPTANCE OF ONLINE WAQF APPLICATIONS: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA Taufik Faturohman,Irfan Hassandi,Yulianti Yulianti. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance. Vol. 6 No.3 (2020). |
2020 | Branchless banking agents: Business satisfaction, continuity, and viability Hilman Palaon,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Taufik Faturohman. Cogent Business and Management. Vol. 7 No.1 (2020). |
2020 | DO SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND FINANCIAL LITERACY MATTER FOR SELECTING ISLAMIC FINANCIAL PRODUCTS? Salma Fadhilah Widityani,Taufik Faturohman,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Yulianti Yulianti. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance. Vol 6 No 1 (2020). |
2020 | SOCIAL MEDIA DATA TO DETERMINE LOAN DEFAULT PREDICTING METHOD IN AN ISLAMIC ONLINE P2P LENDING Hasna Nabila Laila Khilfah,Taufik Faturohman. Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance. Vol 6 No 2 (2020). |
2020 | Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system Hilman Palaon,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Taufik Faturohman. Enterprise Development and Microfinance. Volume 31 No.4 (2020). |
2020 | The Potential Role of Islamic Social Finance in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic Taufik Faturohman,Muammar Farras Ar Rasyid,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Asep Darmansyah,Kurnia Fajar Afgani. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 No.1 (2021). |
2020 | The Impact of Hotel and Online Travel Agent Collaboration on Summit Siliwangi Hotel’s Profit Margin Raden Aswin Rahadi,Bryan,Dwi Rahmawati,Mandra Lazuardi Kitri,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Taufik Faturohman. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. Vol.10 No.1 (2021). |
2020 | Internal Startup Valuation of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk by applying Risk-based New Venture Valuation Technique (Case Study: Company V) Ghani Rais Azka,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol 5 No 1 (2020). |
2019 | The Influence of Demographic, Financial Literacy and Information Factors on Investment Decision Among Millenial Generations in Bandung Yustitia Fitria,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Kurnia Fajar Afgani,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Isrochmani Murtaqi,Taufik Faturohman. -. Vol. 4, No. 6 (2019). |
2019 | THE IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITATIVE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (QCA) TO DEFINE THE WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF HOTELS IN INDONESIA Rini Anggraini Lestari,Taufik Faturohman. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. Vol. 12 No. 3-4 (2019). |
2018 | Factors Influencing Sharia Housing Product Pricing in Bandung City: A Preliminary Study Rizky Nurul Majid,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Taufik Faturohman,Eneng Nurhasanah. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development. 3/8. |
2018 | The Implementation of Credit Risk Scorecard Model to Improve the Assessment of Creditworthiness in a Peer-to-Peer Lending Company Rendy Franata,Taufik Faturohman,Raden Aswin Rahadi. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business. 3/13. |
2017 | Comparative Analysis of Import Payable Transactions at the Time of Open Position and the Use of Hedging Currency Techniques [Case Study : PT. PINDAD (Persero)] Muhammad Mara Ikbar,Taufik Faturohman. International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017. |
2022 | Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Lending Business Model: a Literature Review Taufik Faturohman,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Kurnia Fajar Afgani,Eneng Nur Hasanah. SIBR 2022 (Tokyo) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2020 | The Potential Role of Islamic Social Finance in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic Taufik Faturohman,Muammar Farras Ar,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Asep Darmansyah,Kurnia Fajar Afgani. SIBR 2020 (Kuala Lumpur) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2020 | Peer to Peer Lending Default Prediction Model - A Credit Scoring Application with Social Media Data Taufik Faturohman,Gun Gun Indrayana,Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono,Raden Aswin Rahadi,Kurnia Fajar Afgani. SIBR 2020 (Kuala Lumpur) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2020 | The Impact of Hotel and Online Travel Agent Collaboration on Profit Margin for The Summit Siliwangi Hotel Raden Aswin Rahadi,Bryan,Dwi Rahmawati,Mandra Lazuardi Kitri,Nur Arief Rahmatsyah Putranto,Taufik Faturohman. SIBR 2020 (Kuala Lumpur) Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research |
2019 | INVESTMENT PROJECT ANALYSIS OF NEW PRODUCTION FACILITY AT A VACCINE MANUFACTURER Dyla Anisa,Taufik Faturohman. Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation 2019 |
2019 | USER ACCEPTANCE OF ONLINE WAQF APPLICATION: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA Taufik Faturohman,Irfan Hassandi,Yulianti Yulianti. International Islamic Monetary, Economics, and Finance Conference |
2019 | SOCIAL MEDIA DATA TO DETERMINE LOAN DEFAULT PREDICTING METHOD IN AN ISLAMIC ONLINE PEER TO PEER LENDING Hasna Nabila Laila Khilfah,Taufik Faturohman. International Islamic Monetary, Economics, and Finance Conference |
2018 | Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Islamic Financial Literacy among College Students in Indonesia Salma Fadhilah Widityani,Taufik Faturohman,Raden Aswin Rahadi. The 4th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference 2018 |
2018 | The Application of Minimum Demand Guarantee Scenario in Investment Analysis of Hospital Expansion Project - Case Study Of XYZ Eye Hospital Nindya Kumala Dewi,Taufik Faturohman. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Stock Valuation PT Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk - Impact of CPO Price V olatility Denies Chrissteven,Taufik Faturohman. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Capital Structure Policy and Firm Value of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: a Case Study of Culinary Sector Adiguna Triraharjo,Taufik Faturohman. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Revaluation of Strategic Alliance in Insurance Sector (Case Study at PT Penyedia Jasa Indonesia) Mega Putri,Taufik Faturohman. The 3rd International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets |
2018 | Revenue Modelling in Indonesia Government Eye Hospital: A System Dynamic Approach Wahyu Fahrul Ridho,Taufik Faturohman. Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research (SIBR) |
2017 | Undervalued Stock with Outstanding Performance: Stock Valuation of PT Waskita Karya Tbk. in Indonesia's Economic Rebound Kevin William Namora,Taufik Faturohman. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Education Background of Fund Managers and Equity Funds Performance in Indonesia Rida Arsyirawati,Taufik Faturohman. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | Sin Stock Proportion and Investment Manager Education Background in Indonesia Equity Funds Karina Agri Widjaya,Taufik Faturohman. the 2nd International Conference on Management In Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation In Business and Strategy 2017 |
2017 | The Declining Profit Analysis of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk Taufik Faturohman. Bandung 6th International Conference in Business, Economics, Sosial Sciences & Humanities |
2016 | Woman fund managers and socially responsible investment: The case of Indonesia market Yunieta Anny Nainggolan,Taufik Faturohman,Sita Deliyana Firmialy. The 1st International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets 2016 |
2016 | The Relationship Between Productivity and Bankruptcy Risk Case of Property and Real Estate Sub-Sector in Indonesia Capital Market Rizkita Arira Putri,Taufik Faturohman. 2nd International Research Conference on Business and Economics |
2016 | Efficiency of Islamic Banking Schemes in Indonesia Dita Herdiana,Taufik Faturohman. The 3rd Sebelas Maret International Conference on Business, Economics, and Social Sciences |
2015 | The Growth of Islamic Banking: Efficiency of Islamic Banking Compared to Conventional Banking in Indonesia From 2005-2014 a nd Relation to It s Market Share1 Imas Siti Fatimah Nursyiam,Taufik Faturohman. International Conference on Social. Economic and Culture 2015 |
2015 | A Study of Liquidity and Profitability Relationship in Agriculture and Consumer Goods Sector: Evidence from Indonesian Capital Market (co-Author) Alvin Irawan,Taufik Faturohman. International Conference of Advanced Business Management and Information 2015 |
2015 | The Effects of Macroeconomic Conditions to The Growth of SMEs in Indonesia Taufik Faturohman. The 7th Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015 |
2015 | Analyzing the Risk of Bankruptcy in PT. Garuda Indonesia during Period 2011-2014 (co-Author)1 Regina Puspita Arza,Taufik Faturohman. Kuala Lumpur International Business and Social Science Research Conference 2015 |
2023 | Comparative Analysis of Trade and Finance in Emerging Economies Volume 31 - International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics - Predictive Blend: Fundamental Indexing with Markowitz Mean Variance Portfolio in Indonesia Stock Exchange Taufik Faturohman,David Christian. Chapter in Research Book |
2022 | Quantitative Analysis of Social and Financial Market Development Volume 30 - International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics - AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF FIRM-SPECIFIC DETERMINANTS OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: EVIDENCE FROM LISTED HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, AND TOURISM ENTITIES ON THE INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE Taufik Faturohman,Rashifa Qanita Noviandy. Chapter in Research Book |
2021 | Environmental, Social, and Governance Perspectives on Economic Development in Asia - International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics Taufik Faturohman,Karina Agri Widjaya,Yulianti Yulianti,Kurnia Fajar Afgani. Chapter in Research Book |
2017 | Penyusunan naskah akademik Pengembangan RS PMN Cicendo RS PMN Cicendo |
2015 | Pembuatan Studi Kasus Bank Mandiri PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. |
2018 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2017 | 2 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2016 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2015 | 1 article(s) in Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi |
2015 | 1 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2014 | 1 article(s) in The Asian Journal of Technology Management |
2015 | Acara Launching Buku Diaspora Alumni ITB IA-ITB |