Yorga Permana, PhD is a lecturer at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, specializing in People and Knowledge Management with a focus on innovation, organizational culture, and the future of work. Holding a Ph.D. in Economic Geography from the London School of Economics, his research delves into the gig economy in Indonesia. With a robust academic foundation, including an MSc in Innovation Sciences from TU Eindhoven and a BSc in Engineering Management from ITB, Dr. Permana has contributed extensively to academic, professional, and community initiatives. His career encompasses roles in academia, consulting, and leadership development, including projects on corporate strategy, human capital, and organizational transformation. He has co-founded academic networks, published influential research, and provided thought leadership in policy development.
KU1201 - Design Engineering IIMB1101 - Introduction to Business
MB1102 - Integrated Science
MB1102 - Performance Art
MB1201 - Experience Based Management Learning
MB1203 - Leadership and Management Practice
MB1203 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB1212 - Study of Human Society
MB2002 - Psychology and Organizational Behavior
MB2102 - Business Communication
MB2102 - Integrated Business Experience 1
MB2201 - Integrated Business Experience 2
MB2202 - Human Capital Management
MB2206 - Business Ethics and law
MB3002 - Community Project
MB4060 - The Anthropology of Organization
MB4062 - Compensation Management & Employee Performance
MB4064 - Organizational Development and Learning Organization
MB4065 - Strategic Change Management
MB6038 - Knowledge Management and Learning Organization
MB6042 - Strategic Organizational Change
MB8010 - Advanced Research in People and Knowledge Management
MM5003 - Organizational Behaviour and Managing People
MM6015 - Driving Organizational Change in The Digital Age
WI2023 - Entrepreneurship and Business Management
2024 | Doctor (Research) in Economic Geography The London School of Economics and Political Science, Great Britain (UK) |
2017 | Master in Innovation Science Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands |
2014 | Bachelor in Engineering Management Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia |
2019 | The Measurement, Determinants, and Behavioural Consequences of Individual Risk Attitudes in Contexts Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2019 | The Efficiency of Village Funds Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | ANALISIS BEBAN KERJA DOSEN DAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by P3MI/Institut Teknologi Bandung |
2018 | Pengujian Efektivitas Penggunaan Game Sebagai Media Pelatihan Pada Masyarakat Daerah Pedesaan Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Peran Motivasi dan Kompetensi terhadap Respon Stres Akulturasi pada Mahasiswa Baru dengan Variable Moderasi Demografi Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Hubungan antara inovasi, adopsi teknologi dan produktivitas: Bukti empiris dari perusahaan di kawasan ASEAN Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2018 | Penerapan Model Inovasi Terbuka (Open Innovation) dalam Industri Makanan Sebagai Upaya Hilirisasi Riset Universitas: Studi Kasus Fermented Cassava Flour Internal level research award/sponsorship granted by SBM ITB |
2024 | Overcoming knowledge asymmetry through knowledge transfer in technology adoption process Dedy Sushandoyo,Naufal Al-Labib Tisyadi,Maulana Rafi Damar,Eko Agus Prasetio,Muhammad Yorga Permana,Yoshiyuki Matsuura. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. Vol. 22 (Page 1-17) - 2024. |
2023 | The Influence of the Entrepreneurs' Background on Digital Startups Attaining Investment Milestones in Indonesia Dzulfikar Ahmad Furqon,Muhammad Yorga Permana,Nurul Amri Komarudin. Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023). |
2022 | Measuring the Gig Economy in Indonesia: Typology, Characteristics, and Distribution Muhammad Yorga Permana,Nabiyla Risfa Izzati,Media Wahyudi Askar. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi. Vol. 21 No. 3 (2022). |
2020 | Sustainable Financing for New Vaccines in Indonesia: Challenges and Strategies Fonette Fonjungo,Debabrata Banerjee,Rizky Abdulah,Ajeng Diantini,Arif S. W. Kusuma,Muhammad Yorga Permana,Auliya A. Suwantika. -. Volume 12 Issue 21. |
2019 | Mapping Technological Trajectories of Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) PV Using Patent Analysis Husni Mubarak,Ully Yunita Nafizah,Muhammad Yorga Permana. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research. Vol 9, No 4 (2019). |
2018 | The effect of innovation and technological specialization on income inequality Muhammad Yorga Permana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Yulianto Suharto. Problems and Perspectives in Management. Volume 16, Issue 4, 2018. |
2018 | DOES MORE MONEY MAKE PEOPLE HAPPIER? A STUDY OF YOUTH EMPLOYMENT CONTEXT IN INDONESIA Muhammad Yorga Permana,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Henndy Ginting,Raden Aswin Rahadi. Journal of Humanities, Language, Culture and Business. 2/8. |
2020 | PROPOSED A NEW COMPETENCIES AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR PT. TELEKOMUNIKASI INDONESIA TBK. Abel Tedjamulja,Aurik Gustomo,Donald Crestofel Lantu,Muhammad Yorga Permana. Singapore International Conference on Management, Business, Economic and Social Science |
2019 | Conquering Acculturative Stress in First-year Undergraduate Students: Conceptual Review Umi Zuraida,Henndy Ginting,Muhammad Yorga Permana,Ima Fatima,Cahyaningtyas Nova Puspitadewi,Rafiati Kania. The 9th International Conference on Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation 2018 |
2018 | Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Use of Scharmer’s Theory-U Model in Action-Learning-Based Leadership Development Program Donald Crestofel Lantu,Henndy Ginting,Muhammad Yorga Permana,Dany Muhammad Athory Ramdlany. World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology |
2018 | End of Middle-Classes? Social Inequalities in Digital Age Dieter Boegenhold,Muhammad Yorga Permana. 17th Conference of International Schumpeter Society |
2018 | Masa Depan Pekerjaan Muhammad Yorga Permana. Article in Popular Media |
2019 | Riset Strategis Penetrasi Pasar Luar Negeri Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia |
2019 | Great People Managerial Program TELKOM |
2018 | Integrated Management Development Program Kalla Group Training for Corporations provided by CCE |
2018 | Great People Managerial Program Telkom Training for Corporations provided by Telkom |
2018 | Excellent Education Workshop Blue Bird Group Training for Corporations provided by Blue Bird Group |