
Dr. Yuanita Handayati is a Lecturer of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Insitut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. She holds a doctoral degree from Insitut Teknologi Bandung with predicate cum-laude. The dissertation topic related to coordination in agriculture supply chain. At the School of Business and Management ITB, she teaches Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Introduction to Engineering Design.

Dr. Yuanita Handayati is recently involved in various research and activities related to agriculture supply chain in Indonesia, such as capacity building of farmers in Indonesia, analysis of contract mechanism, pricing mechanism, sustainability of agriculture supply chain, and coordination mechanism in agriculture supply chain. Moreover, she is associated with Indonesian Supply Chain and Logistics Institute and contribute her knowledge to propose strategic issue related to sustainability of agriculture supply chain in Indonesia. In addition, she is actively assigned to be reviewer to several journals, namely Kybernetes, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Computational Management Science, and Asian Journal of Technology Management.

Her other research focuses are on gamification, circular economy, value chain thinking, service science, and creative economy. The results of her research have been published in a variety of journals, including Logistic Research, International Journal of Business and Globalization, International Journal of Value Chain Management, and Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management. She also has presented his work at national and international conferences. Besides teaching and research, she involves in several consulting activities with Bandung Regional Planning Body to propose the concept and roadmap of SMART Agriculture, define 100.000 West Java New Entrepreneur Program Blue Print, WKPP II Manufacture Industry Development Blue Print, WKPP II Rice Industry Development Blue Print, Sukaregang Leather Tanning Industry Economic Feasibility, and West Java as World Tourism Destination.


KU1071 - Introduction to Information Technology - A
KU1101 - Design Engineering I
KU1102 - Introduction to Computing
KU1201 - Design Engineering II
KU1202 - Introduction to Engineering and Design
MB1102 - Performance Art
MB2201 - Technology and Operation Management
MB2207 - Technology and Operation Management 1
MB3101 - Technology and Operation Management 2
MB4013 - Multivariate Statistics
MB4021 - Enterprise Resource Planning
MB4023 - Supply Chain Management
MB4029 - Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics
MB4030 - International Transportation Logistics
MB4051 - Supply Chain Management
MB4054 - International Transportation Logistics
MB6013 - Sustainable Transportation and Logistics
MB6034 - Sustainable Transportation and Logistics
MB8017 - Sustainable Transportation and Logistics
MK2101 - Production System and Technology
MK3026 - Supply Chain Entrepreneurship
MM5002 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
MM5004 - Operations Management
MM6041 - Supply Chain Design
MM6042 - Supply Chain Design
MM6098 - Research Methodology for Business
WI1102 - Computational Thinking
WI1113 - Business and Management Laboratory
WI2001 - Introduction to Engineering and Design
WI2023 - Entrepreneurship and Business Management