SBY 1It was a day to be proud of in the SBM’s history when on Saturday 7 August 2010 at 2:00 o’clock the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with the First Lady Annie Yudhoyono together with several ministers from the Second Cabinet, the Minister of Youth and Sports, the Minister of Education, the Coordinating Minister of Social Welfare, the Governor of West Java, the Chair of the West Java Provincial Assembly, the Chief of Staff of the Siliwangi Division, the Chief of Police of West Java, visited the Skills and Knowledge House: One Indonesia, SBM-ITB, in Gambung Ciwidey in the regency of Bandung. This was something we never expected, said Andiko and his friends, the organizers of the RUPIN in the 2010-2011 period. Up till then these SBM students had simply carried out the programme which they had set themselves in establishing the RUPIN without any prior expectation that it would be visited by the President. Based on the evaluation conducted by the Solidarity of the United Wives of Cabinet Members (SIKIP) and the evaluation of the communities where the RUPIN was set up in two villages, the SBM-ITB One Indonesia RUPIN was judged to have raised the quality of life of the people, especially the children, in their two villages in a sustained and continuous fashion. Now they possess the abilities and the practical skills and entrepreneurship which in the future will enable them to be independent and develop their community and their job opportunities.

As a result of these “special visit” SBM students, especially those organizers of One Indonesia, have become further inspired to work on this project with even more dedication. The daily operational costs of the RUPIN One Indonesia have up to this point been borne by the contributions of SBM students and their supporters. They obtained funding through various sponsored activities which they conducted themselves such as a “Golf Tournament” as well as through convincing donors of the value of of developing village communities through the RUPIN.

In his speech of appreciation the Rector of ITB Professor Akhmaloka said that he was proud of the success of the SBM students, in particular those who had cooperated in “One Indonesia”, because their project had brought credit on the name of ITB in general.

This was also the view of the Dean of the SBM, Dr Ir Dermawan Wibisono and the lecturers of the SBM who were proud of the hard work put in by the SBM students who had made a positive contribution in developing independent village communities.

This RUPIN was set up in 2006 on the initiative of  several SBM students, the founder of the RUPIN, Aditio Wicaksono, known as Didot, Widi Muklis, and Alia Rajasa together with the class of 2006. Their advisor was Dr Bambang Rudito a lecturer at the SBM and they were supported by the SIKIP. The aim was to put into practice the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) theories which they had learned on the benches of the lecture hall by finding a real point of contact with social needs. With this modest aim they were able to make a positive collective contribution to the development of Indonesia. The concept was supported by SIKIP and this has led to its existence being strengthened and made sustainable in the long term.

At present the existence of the RUPIN at the centre of the community has become very important because it has helped in a practical way the development of this village society which has had relatively limited opportunities by way of developing ways of educational training for their children to improve their quality of life.

According to Andiko and Didot the concept and implementation of the RUPIN was devised in line with the needs of the community and its circumstances.. It is still actively functioning and it helps significantly in the development of the local community especially in training children of primary to senior secondary school level in raising levels of general knowledge. RUPIN guides, encourages study, educates and encourages the creativity of children and farmers in the areas of Gambung and Papak Manggu.

The RUPIN set up by One Indonesia SBM-ITB has won the “Best RUPIN” award. In the fields of agriculture and orchard gardens the RUPIN has provided guidance to the local population in growing new innovative crops such as semi-organic vegetables, green tea, white tea and black tea which is now marketed in retail shops throughout Indonesia. In the RUPIN is also to be found FM Community radio, the establishment of which was aided by students from the electrical engineering department of ITB. The RUPIN building was constructed with the help of architecture and civil engineering students of ITB. As a gesture of support for the expansion of the Papak Manggu RUPIN and the Gambung RUPIN the President said that he would give further assistance in the form of books and computers for the development of the One Indonesia scheme.

The President hoped that the RUPIN would be able to train young Indonesian men and women especially in the Ciwidey area so they might become skilled, able and creative and would be equipped to make a success of their lives. He hoped that that RUPIN would become a means of raising the abilities of the nation and that all the far-flung corners of Indonesia would benefit from the new technology and the increase of knowledge. The President also expressed his thanks to the tutors and volunteers who trained and instructed the children in the One Indonesia RUPIN programs who would go on to be creative and capable in the future.SBY 1Suatu kehormatan yang sangat kami banggakan kami catat dalam sejarah SBM-ITB, pada hari Sabtu tanggal 7 Agustus 2010 pukul 14.00 WIB, PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA DR. SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO (SBY) beserta IBU NEGARA ANI YUDHOYONO dan beberapa Mentri Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu jilid II ; Mentri Koordinator Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Mentri Pendidikan Nasional, Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga. Jajaran Pemerintahan Jawa Barat ; Gubernur Jawa Barat, Ketua DPRD Jawa Barat, Pangdam Siliwangi, Kapolda Jawa Barat, Berkenan mengunjungi “Rumah Pintar (RUPIN) SATOE INDONESIA, SBM-ITB di Gambung Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung. Hal ini tidak pernah kami duga sebelumnya, sahut Andiko dan teman-teman pengurus Satoe Indonesia periode 2010-2011, karena selama ini para mahasiswa SBM tersebut hanya menjalankan program yang telah mereka tetapkan dalam membina RUPIN Satoe Indonesia ini tanpa ada prasangka  akan dikunjungi Presiden SBY. Berdasarkan dari penilaian pihak Solidaritas Isteri Kabinet Bersatu (SIKIB) serta penilaian dari masyarakat dimana RUPIN Satoe Indonesia ini didirikan di kedua Desa. Satoe Indonesia SBM-ITB dinilai telah Berhasil Membangun “Nilai nilai” (Value) kehidupan pada masyarakat khususnya anak-anak di kedua desa tersebut secara bersinambung / berkelanjutan. Kini mereka telah memiliki kemampuan, keterampilan praktis dan “entrepreneurship” yang kelak mereka akan mampu berdiri sendiri dalam membangun desa dan lapangan kerja.


Dengan adanya “kunjungan istimewa” ini para mahasiswa SBM ITB khususnya mereka yang menjadi pengurus Satoe Indonesia sangat termotivasi untuk terus melakukan kegiatan tersebut dengan lebih sempurna. Mengenai pembiayaan operasional harian RUPIN Satoe Indonesia hingga kini “pembiayaan murni” dari para mahasiswa SBM-ITB, dan para simpatisan. Mereka peroleh dana dari berbagai kegiatan yg telah mereka la

kukan sendiri seperti “Golf Tournament” dan lainnya, serta dari para donatur yang berhasil mereka yakinkan untuk membangun masyarakat desa melalui RUPIN Satoe Indonesia.

Tanggapan dari Rektor ITB, Prof. Akhmaloka, atas keberhasilan ini disampaikannya bahwa beliau sangat bangga pada para mahasiswa SBM-ITB khususnya yang tergabung dalam Satoe Indonesia, karena kegiatan yang telah mereka lakukan mampu mengharumkan nama Institut Teknologi Bandung secara menyeluruh.

Begitu pula tanggapan Dekan SBM ITB, Dr.Ir. Dermawan Wibisono, para Dosen SBM-ITB, yang merasa bangga atas kerjakeras para mahasiswanya khususnya yang tergabung dalam Satoe Indonesia, telah mampu memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dalam membangun masyarakat pedesaan secara mandiri.

RUPIN ini didirikan tahun 2006 atas inisiatif para mahasiswa SBM ITB, Pendiri Rupin Aditio Wicaksono yang akrab dipanggil Didot, Widi Muklis, dan Alia Rajasa beserta angkatan 2006, Advisornya DR.Bambang Rudito (Dosen SBM-ITB), didukung oleh SIKIB. Tujuannya untuk mencoba menerapkan teori CSR yang diberikan dibangku kuliah dengan mencari titik temu yang sebenarnya didalam masyarakat. Dengan pemikiran yang sederhana tersebut mereka dapat memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dari para mahasiswa SBM-ITB, dalam memberikan sumbangsih turut membangun Bangsa Indonesia kearah yang lebih baik. Gagasan tersebut didukung oleh Solidaritas Isteri Kabinet Bersatu (SIKIB), bagai gayung bersambut kini keberadaannya semakin kuat dan terus bertahan dan berkelanjutan.


Kini keberadaan RUPIN ditengah-tengah lingkungan masyarakat pedesaan menjadi sangat penting karena mereka telah banyak membantu secara nyata perkembangan masyarakat pedesaan tersebut yang relatif masih banyak keterbatasan dalam upaya pengembangan mencerdasakan anak-anak mereka agar kelak menjadi lebih baik dari sekarang.

Menurut Andiko, dan Wicaksono (didot) konsep dan implementasi pendirian RUPIN yang mereka buat selaras dengan kondisi keperluan masyarakat dan lingkungannya. Hingga saat ini masih tetap bisa diterapkan. sangat membantu perkembangan masyarakat sekitar khususnya da

lam membangun kecerdasan anak-anak tingkat SD-SMP hingga SMA ilmu pengetahuan, Rupin bisa menuntun, mengajak belajar, mendidik, dan membangun kreativitas anak-anak dan masyarakat petani di sekitar rupin Gambung dan rupin Papak Manggu.


Rupin yang dibangun oleh Satoe Indonesia SBM ITB mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai rupin terbaik. Dalam bidang pertanian dan perkebunan, RUPIN berhasil membina masyarakat sekitar untuk menghasilkan produk pertanian yang inovatif seperti sayuran semi organik, teh hijau, teh putih, dan teh hitam yang dipasarkan di toko toko retail yang tersebar di Indonesia. Di dalam rupin tersebut terdapat pula Radio FM komunitas yang pendiriannya dibantu oleh mahasis

wa dari Teknik Elektro ITB. Mengenai banguan RUPIN dibangun bekerjasama dengan mahasiswa Teknik Arsitektur dan Teknik Sipil ITB. Untuk lebih mendukung pengembangan RUPIN Papak Manggu maupun RUPIN Gambun, PRESIDEN SBY juga mengatakan akan memberikan tambahan bantuan berupa buku-buku dan Komputer untuk perkembangan RUPIN Satoe Indonesia.

Harapan PRESIDEN SBY Semoga RUPIN ini dapat mendidik putra-putri Indonesia khususnya daerah Ciwidey agar mahir, cerdas, kreatif dan menjadi manusia yang berhasil, dan RUPIN menjadi motivator untuk mencerdaskan Bangsa, dan berharap seluruh pelosok Indonesia bisa tersentuh dengan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan. PRESIDEN SBY juga mengucapkan Terima Kasih pada para Tutor dan Relawan yang telah melatih, mendidik dengan tekun anak-anak di RUPIN Satoe Indonesia SBM ITB, sehingga kelak akan menjadi anak anak yang kreatif dan cerdas.


Rumah Pintar Satoe Indonesia
Kegiatan rutin
Kegiatan rutin1
kegiatan rutin 2
kegiatan rutin 2
antusias warga atas kunjungan Preasiden
antusias warga atas kunjungan Preasiden
kunjungan Presiden SBY ke Rupin 1
kunjungan Presiden SBY ke Rupin 1
kunjungan Presiden SBY ke Rupin
kunjungan Presiden SBY ke Rupin
foto bersama Presiden SBY dan Ibu Negara, Gubernur Jabar, Ketua DPRD Jabar,
foto bersama Presiden SBY dan Ibu Negara, Gubernur Jabar, Ketua DPRD Jabar,
foto bersama SIKIP(Solidaritas Istri Kabinet Bersatu)
foto bersama SIKIP(Solidaritas Istri Kabinet Bersatu)
Foto Bersama Wk Rektor ITB, Dekan dan Dosen SBM ITB
Foto Bersama Wk Rektor ITB, Dekan dan Dosen SBM ITB
Kegiatan di Mobil Pintar 






Kegiatan di Mobil Pintar Hasil Binaan Rupin

Hasil Binaan
Hasil Binaan