OneMore (117)The gala dinner opening of IICIES 2014 was held in Bali on August 11th, 2014 when Head of Committee, Dwi Larso state that he hopes through this conference, a synergy between academics and industry would be created. The 6th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES 2014) is dedicated to develop and strengthen small and medium business in Indonesia to have global competitiveness.

Meanwhile, the Director of CIEL, Donald Lantu hopes to promote technology-based innovation and creativity as well as global cooperation in building national and international entrepreneurship ecosystem.OneMore (117)IICIES adalah konferensi internasional yang dilaksanakan setiap tahun oleh “Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadershp (CIEL), Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen-Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM-ITB). Ketua Konferensi IICIES 2014, Dwi Larso berharap terjadi sinergi antara akademisi dan pelaku bisnis.
IICIES 2014 ke-6 ini didedikasikan untuk pengembangan dan menguatkan bisnis kecil dan menengah Indonesia agar mampu memiliki daya saing global.

Sementara itu, Direktur CIEL, Donald Lantu berharap dapat memajukan novasi berbasis teknologi dan kreativitas serta kerjasama global dalam membangun ekosistem kewisarausahaan nasional dan internasional.

The conference was held on August 12-14, 2014 was attended by researchers, academics, and businessmen from local and abroad.

President Commissioner of GarudaFood, Sudhamek AWS, share tips and motivate participants to maintain entrepreneurial spirit. He spoke about the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship that one of them has been successful in building a value chain relation partnership based as one form of GarudaFood Group social responsibility, which has involved 22,000 partners, he hoped the tips and the entrepreneurial spirit can be applied in the business world. Events photo gallery, click here.

The Concept of IICIES

Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES) is an annual conference held by Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (CIEL SBM ITB). IICIES has always involved the three pillars in the process of technology commercialization and small business empowerment: academics, business, and government. Researches are focused on the areas of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, management of technology, leadership, and managing small business and start-up.

IICIES is a place for researchers, academics and practitioners to collaborate for the development of innovation, entrepreneurship and growth of small and medium businesses through publication of their works, inspiring talks, tailor-made workshops, and scientific discussions. First launched on 2009, IICIES has gathered numerous of international experts in the respective fields and thousands of multinational participants from all across the world.

The first year of IICIES held during 2009 in Bandung with theme of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business for Better Indonesia. On the second year, IICIES successfully held the international conference which carried out theme of Developing Technopreneurship and Entrepreneurial Small Business; a Key to Sustainable Future in UMN Campus, Tangerang. In 2011, IICIES was conducted the second time in Bandung. This third international conferences involved diverse entities within and outside the country according to its theme, Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship in the New Era. 4th IICIES was held in Ciputra University, Surabaya with theme of Developing and Collaborating in Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Pursue ASEAN Emerging Markets. Last year IICIES took place in Bandung under the theme of Empowering Small Businesses to Grow and Thrive in Global Market.

Held in several major cities in Indonesia, IICIES has another mission to introduce the vast potential of national talent, as well as the authentic beauty of the country. This year Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership (CIEL), School of Business and Management (SBM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) as the organizing committee of IICIES, has the same mission in developing the potential of the world of entrepreneurship, innovation and business owned by Indonesia, to become a global player. The foundation of the cooperation framework, goals and other technical aspects are arranged together to produce a successful event, on target and have a positive contribution to the advancement of the world of entrepreneurship, innovation and small business development in Indonesia. Therefore, IICIES 2014 will bring the topic of Accelerating Techno-Creative Innovation and Global Collaboration towards Sustainable Entrepreneurial Environment.

Other source: Antara Bali

Konferensi yang digelar pada 12-14 Agustus 2014 itu diikuti oleh para peneliti, akademisi, serta pelaku bisnis yang berasal dari dalam dan luar negeri.

Presiden Komisaris GarudaFood, Sudhamek AWS, berbagi tips dan semangat kewirausahaan di Konferensi Internasional Inovasi, Kewirausahaan dan Usaha Kecil (IICIES) 2014 di Kuta, Bali, Selasa. Dia menyampaikan mengenai pentingnya inovasi dan kewirausahaan yang salah satunya telah sukses dalam membangun relasi berbasis kemitraan value chain based partnership sebagai salah satu bentuk tanggungjawab sosial GarudaFood Group yang telah melibatkan 22.000 mitranya. Ia berharap tips dan semangat kewisarausahaan ini bisa diterapkan dalam dunia bisnis. Galeri foto, klik disini.

sumber lain: Antara Bali