From the results of research and development of the National Student Communication Forum/Jaringan Forum Komunikasi Kemahasiswaan Nasional (FORKOMMAWA), competitions in the field of business and management in Indonesia which are affiliated with multinational companies such as L’oreal Brandstorm, Nielsen Challenges, CFA Investment Research Challenge, and HSBC-McKinsey Business Case Competition are still limited. The activity is usually one of the companies’ Human Resource (HR) recruitment strategies.
Related to this, Kemenristek DIKTI together with the School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) held a National Student Competition in Business, Management and Finance / Kompetisi Mahasiswa Nasional Bidang Ilmu Bisnis, Manajemen dan Keuangan(KBMK), on 12 – 13 September 2019 with the theme, “Encouraging the Progress of the Ecosystem of the Business World  with Innovations in Business, Management and Finance that Strengthen the Identity of Indonesia and Utilize Technology for the Welfare of the Nation ”.
 “This activity is to bring universities closer to the business world, professional associations and assist in the process of international accreditation of higher education institutions that have not been touched on by Kemenristekdikti student competition, which is business and management,” said SBM ITB Student Affairs Director, Sonny Rustiadi, Ph.D at SBM ITB Friday (09/13/2019)
According to Sonny, the number of business-management departments in universities is very large.  In fact, the number is bigger than that of science-technology departments.  “In a number of international accreditation processes in the field of business-management, it emphasize the importance of student competitions that will relate to professional associations” he added.
Furthermore, Sonny said, the series of this competition programs were carried out through the process of adapting various competitions in the fields of business and international management and in collaboration with practitioners and related professional associations.  There are four categories of competition: competition in the field of business planning with aspects of technology utilization, case analysis competition in marketing, competition in investment research, and financial competition in the field of investigative audit.
 “I hope that KBMK program becomes a new alternative of annual competition for achieving the goal of close collaboration between Academics, Business and Government” he concluded.