Paper is one of the greatest wastes in academic world. A study shows that each person in Indonesia consumes in average of 27 kg paper per a year paper. It is equivalent with 11 trees. “As a business school that concern and commit to the mission of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, we believe that having environmentally friendly mindset to SBM graduates is not enough, but we want SBM students and graduates stand in front to be agents of change and able to see waste as a business opportunity” said Melia Famiola, the chair of PRME of SBM-ITB.
A workshop conducted at 12 October 2019 address the issues of creative with the recycle paper. 30 participants take part of the workshop and show their enthusiasm since the beginning of program. Adinda, a participant said “I am very curious how to create business from waste, this workshop is not only share us an experience form the practitioner work with her social enterprise, but also show us basic skill of creative with the paper. It is a rarer experience. Difficult but fun”. She said with smiling.

This workshop collaborates with a social enterprise SALAM RANCAGE based on Bogor, Dini from Salam Rancage shared her social venture’s experience to empower women by doing recycle papers and become a creative products and now also expand to support urban farming and clean river campaign. “Today we work with only one of SDGs issues: Sustainable city, in the future we will work with other 6 issues, step by step. Thank you for SBM-ITB who invite us sharing our experiences. We are so happy to see that many young people studying here show their concern on social and environmental awareness” she said.
Meanwhile, Melia Famiola wished the workshop will give insight to the students to how waste could be viewed as resources. She also highlights how environment-based businesses must start., She explain that social and environmental initiative should be started with “Think Big” mission as exampled by Salam Rancage by mapping their action with SDGs. Nevertheless, a social enterprise should star with “Start Small” case. “The business’ goal should be ambitious, but for the start with small step, make your pilot project so you can seek the impact and find the pattern how to expand the impact”. Melia also reminded that the product should be a substitute of an existing useful product than just as decorative and accessories. “It is difficult for te future for the social enterprise to survive, if focusing on accessories produces since the product quite sensitive with the trend. We could not also invite people to buy the product because of our social mission. The product should go the realistic price and quality”
The event was closed by giving door prizes to participants with the finest handicrafts.