A graduate of the School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) can be accepted in the marketplace in maximum of two months waiting period.
The Director of Communications and Alumni Relations of SBM ITB, Dr. N. Nurlaela Arief said that based on the 2019 SBM ITB Tracer Study survey, graduates of the Bachelor/S1 Program completed their studies in three years. “As many as 67 percent of graduates get jobs from alumni networking, friends and family,” she said, during the Inauguration of the Chair of SBM ITB Alumni Association with the theme “First Step of a Thousand Journey on the SBM ITB campus, Jl. Ganesha, Bandung, Saturday, 12/21/2019.
Dr. N. Nurlaela Arief considers the role of alumni are very significant because the average in job recruitment or entering the business world can be connected through them. “In the future, there will be collaboration and synergy between alumni and SBM ITB such as internship, recruitment, Alumni Talks programs and others. Besides that, we will support to introduce, promote of alumni innovations and creativity of alumni through media,” she said.
“In addition to the inauguration, we also presented alumni who were successful in sharing their tips on success stories. We presented Aziz Hartanto, Founder of Tukang.com; Hardi Pramudia, Head of Strategy & Corporate Services DUPARA, and Lee Marvin, Vice President of Gamification Agate International.”, she added.
On the same occasion, the Chair of the SBM ITB Alumni Association (IASM ITB) Radeya Pranata S, Mn., MIB said that the SBM ITB alumni have various potentials. One even become special staff for the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Andi Taufan Garuda.
Although SBM ITB is considered very young and will celebrate the 16th anniversary on December 2019, the graduates have been able to work in various government agencies, private companies, national and international.
In the future, continued Radeya, the alumni association will work together and collaborate so that they can share their experiences with students who are still studying at SBM ITB. “We cannot deny that SBM ITB alumni can prove their greatness, not only at the government level, but in private companies, there are those who work in international consulting companies. Even one alumni is trusted as a Global Marketing Leads at the YouTube Central company, in San Francisco California”, he explained
Other programs such as more fun activities. This means it will make programs that are not so serious but can have a positive impact such as sports, speed dating (dating services for Alumni), play dating (family events).
Furthermore, in the area of expertise will be categorized into management consulting, business management and finance and digital business because most of SBM ITB alumni hold managerial level. “We will make consultations; for example, there are facilities for startups. That will be an initiation making consulting companies enter into large companies,” he said

More articles in Media:
- https://www.jabarprov.go.id/index.php/news/35784/2019/12/21/Lulusan-SBM-ITB-Terserap-Dunia-Kerja-di-dalam-dan-luar-negeri
- https://www.javanews.tv/read/8505/dekan-sbm-itb-bilang-nama-besar-institusi-pendidikan-ada-di-tangan-alumni
- https://pripos.id/lulusan-sbm-itb-terserap-dunia-kerja-di-dalam-dan-luar-negeri/
- https://www.wartaekonomi.co.id/read262914/lewat-alumni-67-persen-lulusan-sbm-itb-terserap-di-dunia-kerja.html