Written by: BLEMBA 25
At the beginning of 2020, Indonesia faces a health emergency, particularly the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). The COVID-19 puts anyone at risk of getting transmitted, however, the risk of transmission can be reduced by a simple routine, such as washing hands properly and avoid touching the face by hand.
Based on this urgency, Executive MBA ITB student from BLEMBA 25 cooperate with the Sinergi Foundation to conduct a health and sanitation socialization named BLEMBA 25 BISA: Berbagi Inspirasi Bagi Indonesia (7/3/2020). The program includes teaching how to wash hands and brushing teeth properly, and also how to separate trash, to 300 students of SDN Kebon Manggis 08. The activity is a form of BLEMBA 25 and Sinergi Foundation to support the priorities of President Joko Widodo’s government, which to improve the quality of human resources and the ability to compete globally. According to this, one of the approaches for this goal is to maintain their health.
“We aim this activity for the children because they are more approachable to be introduced with a healthy lifestyle, particularly in responding to the risk of spreading the Coronavirus and the post-flood situation in Jakarta,” said the chairman of BLEMBA 25 BISA, Meily Priliani.
The socialization of dental health involves dentists to interact with elementary students. Based on the research from Blok Gigi in 2018 stated that 57,6 percent of Indonesian having issues with their dental health. Only 2,8 percent of Indonesian aged above 3 years old routinely brush their teeth twice a day in the morning and night. Meanwhile, dental health is a part of human well-being.

“Moreover, based on the Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence of tooth cavities in early childhood is relatively high, about 93 percent,” adds Meily. She also wishes that the students would start the good routines and make it a habit, so their quality of life will be improved in the future. In addition to the health socialization, BLEMBA 25 also held inspirational classes and training to motivate students and teachers, donation of daily necessities and health maintenance goods such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, and many more.
“We are grateful for the concern of MBA ITB students to our school. This activity improves the knowledge of our students, how important to maintain health and sanitation. We hope similar activities will be done by other parties and can bring benefits to society,” appreciated the headmaster of SDN Kebon Manggis 08, Marrifah.
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