Since the pandemic era of Covid-19 outbreak, our government has committed to help students, especially those who live in areas impacted by the Covid-19, to continue their learning process at home. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture officially partnered with technology-based online learning platforms in Indonesia. One of the lists is Sekolahmu, which was created by our Entrepreneurship MBA alumni, Marko Rasuandi along with his fellow alumni Ridhowati and Alvin Aulia.
“Our platform now has become the official partner of the Ministry of Education and Culture during this COVID-19 outbreak. It is a free online teaching program that helps students studying at home,” said the founder, Marko Rasuandi.
The concept offers a blended learning method where the learning process can be done not only at school but can be conducted at home. ”We really hope through technology, the system can be an affordable tool to deliver qualified education and to increase the number of opportunities and learning participation in Indonesia,” said the alumni of Entrepreneurship MBA Program.

What is Sekolahmu? Sekolahmu was originally made as Qlevers in 2017, an educational mobile application in online tutoring. After years of running, Qlevers successfully prove their existence since the mobile app has been used by students in more than 150 cities and 1,500 schools throughout Indonesia. And because it has been proven with that technology, Qlevers can facilitate the process of learning without limits. Qlevers transformed into a platform that not only as an online tutoring application but also becoming the first integrated online school application in Indonesia and rebranding as Sekolahmu.
“The idea behind was very simple, so students in Indonesia had equal access to great teachers with quality teaching so that by degrees, the educational equity could be achieved with the help of technology,” said the Founder.
Sekolahmu currently has more than 300 learning programs in 150 learning places, and has been used and partnered with more than 150 schools and 70 corporations. “Our achievement cannot be separated from our journey while studying MBA. The institution continues to actively provide necessary assistance, support, and guidance such as networking to potential investors and valuable input for product development,” closed Marko.
Entrepreneurship MBA (ENTREE) is a graduate degree program designed for you who intend to start and run your own business as well as in fostering innovation in the organization you engaged in. Established in 2011, ENTREE program has now more than 300 graduates owning their own business or working in the start-up industry.

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