PT Berau Coal starts to implement the 3R waste oil utilization as a blending agent for blasting activities in the mining process. It aims to maintain environmental compliance.
A Mine Engineer of PT Berau Coal Saeful Azis said this improvement project provides multiple benefits to the company especially in terms of financial and environmental aspects.
Utilizing 3R waste oil will improve 176 percent NPV and reduce 0.19 percent energy and 0.02 percent emission intensity or IDR 398.43 million, with WO of 50 percent-100 percent.
With 100 percent WO, Implementing 3R waste oil has improved 244 percent NPV, reduce energy and emission intensity by 0.41 percent and 0.04 percent respectively or IDR 579.36 million in 2021-2025.
“Using waste oil as a blending agent for blasting activities in the mining activities of PT Berau Coal has an optimal impact on cost efficiency and benefits to the environment in terms of energy efficiency and emission reduction,” said Saeful.