Publishing journals is an achievement for a researcher. It allows them to be able to disseminate their research findings to the broader community. However, journal editors cannot accept all papers; sometimes, a paper needs revision and even face rejection. 

It was discussed at the 6th International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets (ICMEM) 2021, organized by SBM ITB, which provided a panel discussion with journal editors. This session aims to disseminate knowledge and insight regarding journal submission by inviting journal editors to this discussion. Ilma Aulia Zaim, Ph.D., moderated this session.  

A strong abstract is crucial in submitting a paper, said Prof. Amy A. Kim, Ph.D., the Board member of the Journal of Management in Engineering. She added that the reviewers would decide if the papers will go to the reviewing stage by reading the abstract. So, the researchers need to make more effort in developing a good abstract.  

An abstract is defined as the summary of a paper that contains the pure essence of research. In addition, the abstract is the first point that the editor will read. “Abstract is the first impression,” Highlighted Prof.Amy A. Kim, Ph.D. (12/08/2021).  

Besides the abstract, the researchers also need to have a strong motivation in conducting the research and how their research will contribute to society. “I often reject papers that the researchers don’t have a clear motivation explaining what is the research gap they address on the paper,” said Prof. Sherah Kurnia, Ph.D., the Associate Editor of Information and Management Journal.  

Prof. Serah Kurnia, Ph.D., explained several common pitfalls she found while reviewing a paper: the literature review not done thoroughly, lack of analysis, lack of synthesis, well-written article but no insightful finding, or no knowledge contribution. These are important points to note for authors or researchers before submitting their papers.

Furthermore, the researchers also need to pay attention to their targeted journals. ” Rejection openly happens because the author does not familiarize themselves with the specific journal they are working on,” highlighted by the managing editors of Asian Journals of Technology Management, Meditya Wasesa, Ph.D. He emphasized that knowing the journal we want to submit our papers is fundamental.   

The panel discussion suggested beginner researchers avoid some pitfalls when submitting an article, such as lack of analysis. They also should take more effort in developing and designing a good abstract. Lastly, the researcher has to be familiar with their targeted journal.


Written by Student Reporter (Deo Fernando, Entrepreneurship 2022)