SBM ITB Jakarta Campus invited the Deputy Minister of BUMN, Pahala Mansury, to present a public lecture entitled “Leadership challenges in Indonesia: Journey in Private, State-Owned, and Government Institutions,” attended by students, lecturers, and alumni of SBM ITB.

The online public lecture was opened by the Director of SBM ITB Jakarta Campus, Yudo Anggoro. “We are here to discuss leadership experiences from Mr.Pahala, who was previously an MBA student, project leader at BCG, and the deputy minister of BUMN in charge of energy, infrastructure, healthcare, plantation and forestry, manufacturing, and defense,” said Yudo on Thursday, (2/12/2021).

Furthermore, in his presentation, Pahala explained the work and priorities in the SOE ministry (Kementerian BUMN). The president submitted five priorities to the Ministry of SOEs in 2019-2024.

The first priority is the development of human resources towards the era of technology and information. Pahala explained that SOEs are encouraged to be role models in developing talent towards the information technology era because the SOE ministry is one of the sources of talent for Indonesia’s future leaders.

“Many SOE alumni occupy strategic positions, but of course, with the technology disruption, SOEs need to prepare themselves and are obliged to become players because SOEs have their duties as agents of development,” said Pahala, who was previously the CEO and director of the Bank Tabungan Negara.

As an agent of development, Pahala also emphasized the importance of talent development in BUMN. ”That’s why we issued a minister decree in which every state-owned holding company must have talent and succession management,” said Pahala.

The next priority for SOEs is to reform the bureaucracy. Pahala emphasized that SOEs could simplify the existing regulations, bureaucracy, and business processes.

“Many people say that BUMN is slow and bureaucratic. Our task here is how from a business perspective we can simplify the process, and from a human perspective we can make reforms,” Pahala spotlighted.

According to Pahala, the reform is a step for Indonesia in carrying out economic transformation.

In addition, Pahala also explained the priority of the Ministry of SOEs to continue infrastructure development and simplify regulations as mandated by President Joko Widodo. “This is certainly a guide for the SOE ministry to design future developments,” said Pahala.

Written by Student Reporter (Deo Fernando, Entrepreneurship 2021)