In the past, tt is common for people to stay with a company for an extended period because career development only happens through promotion. However, it is a different world now. The era of staying long-term with a company has passed its glory. It is now our responsibility to manage our careers.

Fanggy Sumaco, Ph.D., an Assistant Director of Sales and Marketing in one of the biggest hotels in Banjarmasin, shared her point of view about career management, particularly in the context of an international hotel chain in a Guest Lecture session.

According to Fanggy, career management combines structured planning and the active management choice of one’s professional career. It is a lifelong process of investing resources in the right places to accomplish your future goals, with the expected outcome should include personal fulfillment. “If it does not make you feel fulfilled, then maybe you are not in the right company,” Fanggy stated.

There are two key points covered in career management: career planning and career development. The former relates to our vision, what we want to be, and finding the gap between current competencies and future opportunities. While the latter is about advancing our career and staying competitive through continuous learning.

“I always suggest my juniors to keep learning and never be satisfied with the skills they currently have. While you’re still young, keep challenging yourself. If you stop learning, someone younger, smarter, and better will replace you. Keep preparing for new opportunities because successful careers develop when people are prepared,” said Fanggy.

To close the session, Fanggy emphasizes the importance of career management in assisting us to achieve personal and professional growth. Fanggy also suggests starting planning for career management early by thinking about career goals in school.

“Time flies. It’s so fast, one blink of an eye. While in school, take time to think about what you want to do with your life. Think about how to utilize your strength. Be your architect of your career development; you will regret it if you don’t take charge of your career. Don’t wait for people to plan for you or even let time decide for you. It will never be in your favor,” said Fanggy.

Written by Student Reporter (Janitra Nur Aryani, Management 2023)