MSM & DSM study program held another MSM DSM Lounge on September 2, 2022. This seminar entitled “Implementing Soft-System Methodology and Agent-Based Modeling Management Research” presented two management research experts. They are Dita Novizayanti, Alumni of MSM ITB,  and Dr. Ruby Hermanto, Alumni of DSM ITB.

The first speaker, Dita Novizayanti, discussed the implementation of the soft system methodology and agent-based modeling management in electric cars. The condition behind Dita’s research is the need for product innovation to switch to more sustainable innovations, one of which is the implementation of electric vehicles (EVs), aka electric cars, which are a problem worldwide.

Dita researched how to adopt EVs in Indonesia. This research examines the characteristics that emerge from adopting vehicle technology in Indonesia as an innovation in transportation technology. Also, what strategies are needed to maximize the adoption of electric vehicle technology in Indonesia?

According to Dita, two factors affect the application of EVs in Indonesia. The first factor is technology, including price, speed, distance, operating costs, style or model, ferry passengers, availability of spare parts, braking technology, charging technology, charging method, maintenance facilities, autonomous features, and emission levels. The second are internal factors: purchase price incentives, use of rights, annual taxes, use of general fees, use of house fees, maintenance fees, toll fees, odd, odd, and even fees, and bus lane permits.

The second speaker, Dr. Ruby Hermanto, explained implementing Key Account Management (KAM) using the soft systems methodology (SSM) as a change process approach. KAM is a process that is used as an improvement in business-to-business sales (B2B sales).

The implementation of KAM is a significant change in the marketing-sales process. It took six years to finalize this process.

The failure in KAM is not caused by a failure of strategy, structure, or process. KAM failed because of the ineffectiveness in the change process, exacerbated by the fact that studies or research on KAM are relatively few.

Soft-Systems Methodology (SSM) was found by Checkland, a chemist from the University of Oxford, also known as the father of SSM. He was originally a research and development (R&D) manager frustrated with real-life human situations that existing scientific approaches could not solve. He then led the research program and was involved in a five-month project applying a hard systems engineering approach to the company. Thanks to this project, SSM was born.


Written by Student Reporter (Visco Asmara Hadi, MBA YP 2022)