Fina Silmi Febriyani, the Co-Founder and CEO of Vokraf, was the guest lecture in the Business Model course at SBM ITB on Tuesday (04/10/2022). She shared the implementation of the business model in Vokraf, an online education platform for young talents with creative industry expertise.

In her lecture, Fina explained the business model canvas, flexibility in business, Vokraf collaborators, and timestamps. According to Fina, the business model canvas is the best choice for evaluating the business plan you want to build.

Other than the plan, it is essential to have business flexibility. The world is changing fast. The same goes for market trends. “Usually, a business cannot succeed immediately in one plan,” said Fina. “Perhaps we have to change business model canvas and pivoting. It is therefore important to have business flexibility.”

Vokraf itself does the pivot. At first, Vokraf was business-to-consumer (B2C), but the results were not satisfactory. After pivoting to the business-to-government (B2G) and business-to-business (B2B) models, Vokraf is rapidly growing.

Now Vokraf has served more than 120 thousand participants in Indonesia. After the pivot, the number of Vokraf users grew by ten times in September 2020. In addition, Vokraf also has many collaborators.

Vokraf is an online education platform that focuses on improving the abilities of young talents because many competencies and skills are needed by the creative industry, which is proliferating.

In her discussion, Fina also talked a little about the motivation to build a business in education.

“We who live in Jakarta, Bandung, or other big cities are a minority. Most indonesians are in the middle to lower economic scale and have difficulty getting access to proper education,” said Fina. “These problems are often included in the government plan and there is always a budget for it. That is also one of the reasons why we pivot from B2C to B2G.”

Written by Student Reporter (Hadiyanti Ainun Atika, YP MBA 2021)