SBM ITB students are well-known for their competitive spirit and strong drive to innovate. These attributes are evident not only in their accomplishments as alumni but also during their time as students.

This dedication is proven by the extraordinary success of four Management students in the class of 2024, namely Angelia Diandra Andi, Andrew Heinrich, Natasha Janice, and Darren Anthony, who recently became winners in the International Business Case Competition organized by Pathseeker. The TOPers team won first place, outperforming hundreds of other participants in this competition.

When interviewed on Wednesday (7/9), Diandra, TOPers Team Leader, said that in this competition, they were faced with the challenge of overcoming real business cases from two leading companies in Indonesia, namely DANA in the preliminary and semifinal stages and Paragon in the final round. When handling the DANA case, TOPers proposed a digital financial technology development solution based on the Society 5.0 concept, integrating artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, chatbots, and others. With this solution, TOPers managed to advance to the semifinals and finally became finalists.

In the final round, the case presented by Paragon was related to one of the company’s product lines in the health sector, namely Biodef. TOPERS proposes a transformation strategy to improve the Biodef brand and excel in the market.

Darren Antony notes that the topics in the competition often exceed the scope of business and management, so they need to gain new knowledge in other areas, such as technology, machine learning development, and other technical aspects. Nonetheless, Darren emphasized that their persistence and hard work in learning new concepts enabled them to meet the challenges of this competition.

Janice added that the key to their success in this competition was commitment to tasks and time management. As a team, TOPers emphasizes that consistency, hard work, perseverance, and determination are essential keys to achieving victory in this event.

They admitted that their learning experience at SBM ITB also helped TOPers succeed in this competition. As stated by Andrew, the knowledge gained through courses, such as problem-solving, solution structuring, business understanding, risk mitigation, and others, greatly contributed to winning this competition.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things, explore various opportunities, then choose what suits your own goals. Don’t get tired of studying and discussing, and lastly, find the best team,” said Diandra, Head of the TOPers Team, motivating students and others who want to participate in the competition.

The achievements of Diandra and her colleagues reflect their commitment to learning and achieving and inspire their friends and other students to achieve similar achievements. This also reflects SBM ITB’s dedication to encouraging innovation and positively impacting the world of business and society. Congratulations on the achievements achieved by TOPers and the many other achievements that future SBM ITB students will achieve!

Written by Student Reporter (Ramel Akil Pratama, Management 2024)