Every individual has a unique personal brand in the political sphere. This brand can be characterized by its future goals, public persona, capabilities, and competencies. It includes a brief statement encapsulating the brand, the narrative it presents to the public, and the value proposition it highlights to motivate the public.
Yuswohady, Chair and Founder of the Indonesia Brand Forum discussed the application of personal brands in political communication during a seminar at the SBM ITB on Thursday (11/7). Held in the 6th Floor Auditorium, the seminar aimed to enhance students’ understanding of implementing personal brands on a public scale. Yuswohady cited the distinct personal brands of Indonesian political figures like Anies Rasyid Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo as examples.
Yuswohady noted that personal brands must adapt to a learning environment in the education sector. He pointed out the differences between personal branding for political and educational purposes. Examples of successful personal brands in Indonesia’s education sector include Maudy Ayunda and Jerome Polin.
Yuswohady outlined several steps for creating a personal brand. First, individuals should identify the external conditions and internal situations they will face, considering personal characteristics, the institutions they are affiliated with, and their competitors.
The next step involves defining the position or purpose of the personal brand’s public presence. This includes clarifying the brand’s purpose, the individual’s character, their competencies and abilities, the value proposition they aim to contribute, their strategic brand narrative, and a summary encapsulated in a personal brand statement.
Once these steps are completed, individuals usually clearly understand their personal brand. The final stage is developing a personal brand strategy for public communication. This strategy involves using media channels that have been market-analyzed to build public awareness, increase popularity, and expand connections.
To move beyond theory, Yuswohady conducted a practical session on building personal brands within student organizations (Ormawa) on campus. He invited a student to speak in front of the seminar audience and provided feedback on delivering an engaging speech.