(Erwin Josua - EMBA, 2021)

It is a popular fact that most of our lives today involves digital technology. While in our everyday lives, we have used digital technology a lot, it turns out that this does not make the new technology the most perfect tool for us. Since digital technology is still evolving as a good supporting instrument for humans so far. (See also “Coaching series: Practicing data-driven decision making” at https://www.sbm.itb.ac.id/2020/09/23/coaching-series-practicing-data-driven-decision-making/)

This phenomenon makes the development of human capital and humanity an important key to the development of social life. Developing humanity and science management that can be seen from creativity, critical thinking capacity, innovation, and the value of life that has not been touched by the internet of things are things that SBM ITB continues to aspire and develop in our students. This is consistent with the mission of the Best Business School in Indonesia, “To nurture world-class management professionals who can compete in the age of advanced technology, social, economic, and cultural globalization, and accelerated communication.”

SBM ITB has therefore compiled a curriculum that adapts to this mission through the Performance Art subject, which may support student’s creativity when applied. Through annual performances, students are directed to increase self-awareness and show their talents in a variety of fields. As for the talents seen, from music, art, fashion, cooking, baking, sports, gaming, storytelling, illustrator design to learning talents such as finance and marketing.

Apart from creativity, this annual routine practice sharpens students’ intelligence to keep on acquiring other soft skills. Appearing in public, sharing ideas, critical thinking are great things that future leaders need to have. Don’t forget that different backgrounds build interactive fusion in every learning process. It is expected that students will be able to get used to working as a team in response to the challenges of social life in the future.