Nowadays, MSME entrepreneurs are required to present their business digitally, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, which has highly impacted MSMEs. Many MSMEs were affected, declining purchases. DMSN (Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation) ITB presents the mobile application “Sadulur” to lead MSMEs towards digital transformation. SBM introduced the application through an event, Eksis Digital Bisnis: Aplikasi “Sadulur” Sobat Sukses UMKM Jawa Barat Naik Kelas Menuju Transformasi Digital (Updated in Digital Business: The Sadulur Application, a companion for West Java’s MSME for Successful Digital Transformation) on Thursday (30/6/2022).

“This application is designed to help MSMEs adapt after being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. In this application, MSMEs, stakeholders, and policymakers can synergize and work together,” said the Head of the Small Business Division of the Cooperatives and Small Business Office of West Java Province, Dr. Tatang Suryana. He added that this application works as an essential reference to build efficient business strategies. It can also be a database for West Java MSME community development.

Liseu Purnamasari, the Chairman of Himpunan Pengusaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Indonesia (HIPMIKINDO) added that 90% of businesses in Indonesia are MSMEs. He emphasized that MSMEs must go digital to survive. In addition to synergizing with the government, universities, and SOEs, HIPMIKINDO also holds online training during the pandemic. Because in this pandemic, people should adjust their mindset and infrastructure.

The Sadulur application presents a list of registered MSMEs in the home feature. The registered MSME profiles also include descriptions, products, contacts, and the platforms they use to do business. There is also an event feature containing a schedule of relevant events and an announcement feature containing official announcements, event announcements, or circular letters. There is also a statistical feature integrated with ITB’s media analytics, including a social media data lab. Lastly, there is a coaching feature for discussions with SBM ITB experts. Users can set a schedule and determine the topics for discussion.

The Sadulur application can now be downloaded on the Playstore with the name “DMSN ITB.” In the future, the application will be available in Playstore according to its original name, “Sadulur.”

Written by Student Reporter (Hadiyanti Ainun Atika, YP MBA 2021)