Keluarga Mahasiswa Manajemen (KMM) and Ikatan Mahasiswa Kewirausahaan (IMK)”Artha” SBM ITB held a Project Management School for second-level students on Sunday (4/9/2022). Joshua Christianto Simaputra, the CEO of PT Kreasi Mulia Indonesia and Founder of Majestic Event Organizer was the speaker to share knowledge and experiences, especially regarding the Project Life Cycle.

According to Joshua, the project life cycle consists of four stages: initiating, planning, executing, and closing. Starting is a phase to understand the purpose of holding a project and proceed with planning which contains a deadline to make the best plan for executing the project. Next, the team will carry out the program in the implementation stage. In closing, the project’s success will be reviewed through the key performance indicators prepared previously.

As an experienced person in the world of event organizing (EO), Joshua also reminds us that many things beyond expectations will happen in the real world. For example, requests for sudden concept changes from clients, technical problems, and more.

“There will be things that are approved and things that are not. However, a middle way can also be taken to solve existing problems,” he said, referring to the usual solutions.

After Joshua delivered all the material, the event continued with the presentation of material by Zem, the Head of Project Management School Organizer. Zem conveyed several essential things with a context closer to everyday life and practice in the university environment.

Zem said that a project should be the realization of the dream of the project leader, as well as everyone involved. For this reason, a condition analysis must be done in-depth so that the program can answer all the concerns among students.

“Once the vision and mission of an event are found, then the grand design of the event can be made. An effective big design is not born suddenly, but from a comprehensive thinking,” he said, conveying the importance of analyzing before carrying out the event.

The event ran dynamically, accompanied by ice breakers that were able to engage the participants. In organizing this event, the two groups at SBM ITB collaborated to produce maximum output. Through this education, each association chairman hopes that the participants will be ready to organize an event as part of business and management students.

Written by Student Reporter (Rheza Mahesa Raharjo, Management 2023)