SBM ITB held an MBA ITB Business Skills Webinar on Friday (30/9). The webinar, entitled “Business Management Processing and Development,” presented Muhammad Shiddiq Azis, ST., MBA., Founder and CEO of Inagri as the speaker.

According to Shiddiq, we can see whether our business is running from the balance sheet. A good balance sheet is when asset values ​​are more productive than liabilities.

Good knowledge in business is needed to create a good balance sheet. This knowledge can be obtained from mentoring, coaching, lectures, self-taught, and others. The good basic knowledge will be useful when dealing with problems in business, such as lack of customers, incorrect marketing target, and others.

Siddiq explained four things forming the basis of business sustainability. First is the Founder Market-Fit, generally the indicator of the “battle” or “struggle” between the founder and the problems to be faced. Second is the Value Fit Problem, the question of whether we have the value in an existing business problem.

Third, the Product Market Fit is a scenario in which a company’s customers are willing to buy, use, and disseminate information about a product. Fourth, Market Scale Fits the mindset of an entrepreneur when he wants to set the scale or market reach of a business.

Shiddiq also elaborated that knowing your personality is important in becoming an entrepreneur. Personality can be checked in various ways, such as the MBTI test, Ennegram test, Talent Gathering, and Fakhruddin Ar-Razi’s Book of Forebodings. Next, business people must be positioned themselves based on their abilities. It can be interpreted through the synergy between what is said, done, thought, and felt.

Shiddiq also discussed the business model canvas, which is a tool in management strategy to translate concepts, consumers, infrastructure, and company finances in the form of visual elements. The business concept model canvas relies on images of ideas so that everyone has the same and real understanding of the types of their customers, expenses, how the company works, and so on.

Written by Student Reporter (Visco Asmara Hadi, MBA YP 2022)