Literature review studies are not only used for qualitative researchers. All studies will require a literature review. Ultimately, any research methodology will require a literature review and NVIVO as a tool.

NVIVO can be used as a literature review tool. Dr. Sunarti, DSM ITB alumnus, explained the related material in a MSM DSM Lounge, with topics “Literature Studies and Qualitative Studies” at SBM ITB on Tuesday (18/10/2022).

Sunarti is an alumnus of the DSM ITB program in 2022. Now, she is an post-doctoral researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency. She is also a trainer at the XREI Institute, a training institute related to research and publications, which she founded.

She presented three materials in the online lecture. The online discussion started with an introduction to NVIVO, the procedures for using NVIVO for literature review, and finally, using NVIVO for literature studies.

Sunarti emphasized that NVIVO has two functions. The first function is for literature review, and the second is for data analysis.

Different methods should be used in the literature review to see research gaps and novelty. There will be important notes about an article after reading. So, NVIVO has a vital function, namely managing literary works so that they produce something, for example, academic publications. Besides, NVIVO also helps us to save time.

When conducting research, lecturers will often ask about the research gap or what is known as state-of-the-art. NVIVO can help students to save time.

NVIVO is also user-friendly. Sunarti suggested using NVIVO 12 because it is now universal. The only drawback is that once a file is created in one series, it cannot be created in another series.

In conclusion, NVIVO is widely used for academic purposes. It is often used for qualitative research and helps manage literature reviews.

Written by Student Reporter (Aqila Gabrita Kamal, YP MBA 2021)