All academic activities at SBM ITB are returning to offline mode for 2023. According to the Head of the SBM ITB Covid-19 Task Force, Harimukti Wandebori, the offline lecture is in line with the Instructions of the Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs (WRAM) ITB regarding the Implementation of the Post-PPKM (Implementation of Restrictions on Social Activities) Learning Process, submitted on Tuesday (10/1).
The instruction requires that all learning returning offline. Bandung is already in a transitional stage towards endemic, However, health protocols must be implemented strictly. The health protocol in question is wearing a mask and washing hands.
“Previously, we implemented 6M, then 3M, and now 2M. So it’s slowly being relaxed, but it remains strict in the implementation,” said Harimukti.
During the transitional period towards the endemic, the SBM ITB Covid-19 Task Force has made many adjustments to health protocols. SBM has received full support from the ITB Covid-19 Task Force Center Team in the form of directions for implementing academic activities so that all activities on campus can run smoothly and orderly.

As one of the lecturers at SBM ITB, Harimukti is also happy and challenged that, finally, all lectures are held offline. The challenge is to rebuild interactions between members of the community, which were relaxed during the pandemic.
“I also see that knowledge sharing among the SBM community must occur. The past two years, maybe it hasn’t been implemented because the room is usually empty,” he said.
The WRAM instructions stipulate that ITB people who are unwell, have Covid symptoms, or are even diagnosed with positive Covid, should not need to leave the learning activities. Instead, anyone meeting one of the three criteria must report to the academic activity manager, sit at a distance, limit physical contact, and leave the location immediately after completing the activity. That way, it is hoped that the Covid-19 numbers will remain controlled as the lectures start offline.