The General Election (Election) for ITB Management Student Families (KMM ITB) has ended. A total of 566 students exercised their right to vote. In this election, Naufal Makarim is elected Chair of the Association, and Ammar Irfansyah as Chair of the KMM ITB Senator for the 2023-2024.

Naufal Makarim won 403 votes, beating his competitor, Widhiyaffa Akbariza, who only got 163 votes. While Ammar Irfansyah won 504 votes, and 62 votes were given to empty boxes.

Chairman of the KMM ITB Association for the 2022-2023 period, Fauzan Khalil Ramadhan, conveyed a message of collaboration in announcing the election results. “There are no loses or wins because, in the end, we will collaborate,” he said.

The Chief Senator for 2022-2023, Muhammad Irfan Zidni, also corroborated the Chairman of the Association’s statement. “Anyone who is not elected can still dedicate themselves to KMM,” he said.

The chairman of the elected association, Naufal Makarim, thanked the voters for entrusting the association’s leadership to him. “Hopefully, his trust doesn’t just end here. Let’s change KMM together,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chief Senator-elect, Ammar Irfansyah, wanted to bring the KMM senate into a vocal senate. “Thank you for allowing me to make it happen,” he said.

Written by Student Reporter (Anggi Nurdiani, Management 2024)