In an era of increasing environmental concern, the business world is increasingly turning to sustainability as its focus point. Consequently, a global corporate environmental data disclosure system is needed.

Haryono Hansen Sirait, the CDP Asia Pacific Manager for the Southeast Asia region, explained the importance of disclosure practices when presenting as a guest lecturer on International Business Law and Ethics at the SBM ITB (2/11). According to Haryono, Corporate Data Platforms (CDP)–formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project–specialize in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating critical environmental data to catalyze sustainable practices in the business world.

CDP operates as a global environmental impact nonprofit organization. They facilitate the collection of self-reported corporate environmental data to help investors, companies, cities, states, and regions understand and mitigate their environmental impacts. The CDP program includes a multifaceted approach centered on corporate disclosures about climate change, water security, deforestation, and supply chain sustainability. By encouraging transparency and accountability, CDP empowers companies to recognize their environmental footprint and actively seek to mitigate their impact on the planet.

CDP, for example, offers a climate change questionnaire. This initiative encourages companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, climate-related risks, and strategies to address climate change.

Additionally, CDP’s water security program focuses on water-related risks and opportunities and urges companies to disclose their water management strategies and how they address potential risks posed by water scarcity and pollution. Additionally, the supply chain program highlights the importance of sustainable sourcing and sourcing by assessing and disclosing environmental impacts in the supply chain.

According to Haryono, the CDP initiative is vital because it greatly impacts climate change fighting. By advocating transparency and providing a platform for companies to understand and reduce their carbon footprint, CDP seeks to foster a culture of sustainability within the business landscape.

Through data and analysis, CDP enables companies to make informed decisions and implement practices conducive to environmental conservation, combating the adverse impacts of climate change. Therefore, these efforts improve corporate sustainability and significantly contribute to the global fight against climate change, paving the way toward a more environmentally conscious and responsible business community.

Written by Student Reporter (Luthfaliya Zahira, Management 2025)