With job opportunities becoming increasingly scarce, students must exhibit greater tenacity and innovative thinking to set themselves apart from other candidates in the corporate world.

During a guest lecture on Human Capital Management held on Wednesday (13/03), Ken Ratri Iswari, the Founder and CEO of Geekhunter, shed light on the intensifying competition in the job market and the alarming rise in unemployment rates, particularly among undergraduate graduates. This session not only provided strategic guidance for SBM ITB students in facing the working world but also inspired them to innovate and become pioneers in their careers.

Ken Iswari underscored the significance of creativity and innovation as distinguishing factors in fierce job competition, mainly through job application letters or Curriculum Vitae (CVs).

“The Human Resources Team is very busy. With numerous candidates boasting similar work experiences, it’s crucial to boldly showcase your strengths. This is your opportunity to captivate those reviewing a CV in 30 seconds, or even, in my case, in just 10 seconds,” remarked Ken Iswari.

To stand out, students must treat their CV as their marketing tool, comprehend the essential components to include, and ensure they have a database of relevant experience.

Emphasizing professionalism is paramount. A formal profile photo and a CV template compatible with Application Tracking Systems (ATS) are pivotal in enhancing CV attractiveness. Moreover, employing the CAR (Context, Action, Result) method to describe experiences can yield specific and measurable narratives.

Ken Iswari stressed the importance of self-awareness and a broad understanding of industry needs and competencies pertinent to one’s desired career path in aspiring to be a future leader.

Written by Student Reporter (Hansen Marciano, Management 2025)