SBM ITB opened a Summer Course with 11 University of Queensland (UQ) Australia students at Labtek XIX Freeport SBM ITB on Monday (24/6).
The 2024 SBM ITB and UQ Summer Course aims to introduce ITB, particularly SBM ITB, to foreign students. It also seeks to familiarize these students with Indonesia. Before arriving in Bandung, the UQ students spent four days in Bintan, engaging in various activities such as exploring the area and learning about the local culture.
In his speech, the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME., expressed his honor in welcoming the UQ students to SBM ITB.
“So, it is an honor for us to have you here and mingle with us so that we can also learn from the University of Queensland and vice versa,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME.
Chair of the Undergraduate Program in Entrepreneurship, Sonny Rustiadi, SE., MBA., Ph.D., CBAP, hopes this experience will have a significant and lasting impact, both during the students’ time in Bandung and Indonesia and after they return to the University of Queensland.
“We believe that learning does not only occur in the classroom but also through interactions outside by visiting real businesses, real entrepreneurs, and social institutions,” said Sonny. “Two weeks is a very short time, but we want to make these two weeks have a lasting impact, not only for your learning in Bandung and Indonesia but also for your learning at the University of Queensland.”
Ira Fachira, Ph.D., Coordinator of the International Cooperation Division of SBM ITB, hopes that students participating in this activity can exchange views about each other’s cultures. Additionally, he hopes to collaborate with UQ students and SBM ITB students.
“I hope they can work together because usually this is project-based, in a more relaxed situation, as our subjects are not only in class but interact more outside,” said Ira Fachira. “So the hope is to get to know each other’s different cultures, collaborate on a short project, and network.”
UQ students Appolonia and Jordan expressed their hopes to understand and learn how different cultures have unique approaches to sustainability and entrepreneurship.
“We didn’t have many expectations. We just came in with a very open mind and were ready to experience everything,” said Appolonia.
“I want to learn about different cultures and how they approach sustainability and entrepreneurship,” added Jordan.
Over the next few days, the UQ students will engage in various activities in Bandung, such as studying at SBM ITB, visiting the Cirata Floating Hydroelectric Power Plant, visiting Mycotech, participating in activities at Teras Hijau, and making batik.